Economy Archive June 2009

Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, H.E Mr. Bernard Bata'ansia

Solomon Islands and PNG Conclude Border Talks

Senior officials from Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands concluded their 3rd Joint Border Committee Meeting in Buka, Bougainville in Papua New Guinea last week.

Man Dies after Jumping Out of Bus

Auki Police arrested and charged a man in his 40's over the weekend in relation to the death of a 24 year old man.
NDMO reports that parts of Guadalcanal have not had rain for almost two months resulting in streams drying up.

Solomon Islands Braces Itself for Effects of El Nino

Disaster Authorities, officials from the Ministry of Health and the Solomon Islands Water Authority (SIWA) held an interagency meeting last Friday to discuss appropriate measures needed to counter the effects of the El Nino cycle.
The Joint CC/EPAC Plenary passed the amended document on 26 June 2009 as the 1st 2009 Draft Federal Constitution of Solomon Islands.

Congress/EPPAC Complete Draft Federal Constitution Review

The Constitutional Congress (CC) and Eminent Persons Advisory Council (EPAC) of the Constitutional Reform Program have completed a two-month review of the Draft Federal Constitution of Solomon Islands 2004 in a Joint Plenary on 26 June 2009 at the Red Mansion Inn Conference room.

SOE Accounts Audited After 10 Years

The Auditor General, Mr Edward Ronia, has welcomed the completion of auditing work on the accounts of the majority of State Owned Enterprises (SOE).
Mr Soalaoi says that the Ministry of Health's position regarding the treatment of HIV/AIDS is medicinal treatment "based on evidence."

HIV/AIDS Has No Traditional Cure: Health Minister

Health Minister, Hon Clay Forau Soalaoi, stated in a recent interview that 'Traditional Healers,' have not yet visited his Ministry, despite many of them claiming that they have traditional cures for the killer disease HIV/AIDS.
Madam Sikua (second right) hands over donation to the Centre.

Lady Charity Fund Helps Christian Care Center

The Christian Care Center received much needed bags of clothes from the Lady Charity Fund to support women and young children.

Australia increases support for trade in developing countries

Australian Minister for Trade, Simon Crean, and Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, last week announced that Australia will more than double assistance for trade to developing countries through the World Trade Organization (WTO).
CBSI reveals that continuous logging decline will bring critical economic crisis in the Solomons.

Solomon Islands Economic Challenge

Solomon Islands may go through more critical economic crisis if the logging industry continues to decline.
Police investigations stated that the suspect slashed the deceased in the throat and sliced away both his left and right arm muscles with his bush knife.

Man Accused of Slashing Brother's Throat Arrested

Detectives from Lata Police have arrested and charged a 34 year old man from Noole village, in the Santa Cruz Islands, for murder, following an investigation into the death of his brother in the early hours of Thursday morning, 28 May 2009.
Phoenix International (SI) Limited says that it is specialised in alluvial gold mining, a form of mining that is friendly to the environment.

Kelvyn Alp Explains Business Model

The ongoing debate concerning the proposed alluvial mining on Guadalcanal by Phoenix International (SI) Limited has generated much interest both within and outside of the Solomon Islands.

Police Charge Lawyer for Offence

Police Detectives have arrested and charged local lawyer, Charles Wesley Levo, with 21 counts of Conversion and one charge of Money Laundering.
Chair of EPLD 2010 local organizing committee Mr Paul Tovua, centre, with committee members Mr Priestley Habru (EPLD 2006 alumni and Mr Desmond Nimepo (CSC alumni 2007).

Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue 2010 Opens For Applicants

The Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue (EPLD) program for 2010 is now open for interested applicants in the region including Solomon Islands.
The Central Bank office in downtown Honiara, predicting tough times ahead.

CBSI Bank Governor Warns of Tough Times Ahead

The Governor of Central Bank, Denton Rarawa, has again stressed that 2009 will be a challenging year for the country.
Dr Sikua said that the carved candle holder would be "best kept in the Museum where the public will truly appreciate its historical value and its war-time history."

PM Presents Artifact to National Museum

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua yesterday offered as gift to the National Museum the carved wooden candle holder found by a retired US serviceman some 67 years ago.

Government Committed to Support Churches

The Minister for Home and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Hon. Peter Tom has assured the nation of the government's commitment to support Christian churches in the country.
Mr Leni says the companies, when fully established, would be able to employ between three to four thousand Solomon Islanders.

Government to Take Drastic Measures to Build Fishing Industry

As revenues from the logging industry falls, identifying an alternative source has become a huge government priority. The government is setting its sights on the fishing industry, an industry that has the potential to sustain the countries economy as logging declines.
Dr Cedric says the illness is still a pandemic and this warrants careful consideration of all arrivals even though Solomon Islands may have been spared this  time around.

Swine H1N1 Flu Test Returns Negative

The test results from the World Health Organisations (WHO) laboratory in Australia for the first suspected swine flu case in the Solomon Islands has returned negative.
The Prime Minister endorsed the Media and Journalism course by agreeing to sponsor 10 full time student places and help facilitate the building of a classroom at SICHE.

PM Sikua Supports New Media School

The long cherished dream to have a permanent media training school in Solomon Islands has moved closer to reality with strong support from the CNURA Government.
"Implementing the Fee Free Basic Education Policy is a challenge in terms of resources and capacity to monitor the impacts of the Policy," said Minister Wale.

New Zealand Pays SBD$8.5 Million towards Free Education

The New Zealand Government will this week make a second payment of SBD$8.5 million to support the Solomon Islands Government commitment to Fee Free Basic Education.

Bilateral Consultations between Solomon Islands and Japan Concludes

The high level bilateral consultation meeting between the Government of Solomon Islands and the Government of Japan was successfully held on Wednesday 17th June 2009 at the Solomon Kitano Mendana Hotel in Honiara.
In the Solomon Islands the real challenges for the TSM Working Group is to convince the conservatives within government circles, this in itself is a huge ask.

Government Caucus Drops Ten Reserved Seats Proposal

In what appears to be a strong push by conservatives within the current government, Caucus has decided to drop the Temporary Special Measures, TSM, seeking ten reserved seats for women in parliament.
The mobile coverage has also gone as far as Suava Bay.

Breeze Mobile Service to be Launched in Malu'u

Our Telekom has now extended its Breeze GSM mobile service to Malu'u, North Malaita and will be launching its Breeze GSM Mobile Service on the 29th and 30th June 2009.
The hand carved wooden candle holder returned to Prime Minister Dr Derek on Saturday, 67 years after it was discovered at a location in the Gela group of Islands by a US Navy during World War II.

US War Veteran Returns Old Wooden Candle Holder

A hand carved wooden candle holder from the Solomon Islands has been returned to Prime Minister Dr Derek on Saturday, 67 years after it was discovered at a location in the Gela group of Islands (Florida Islands) by a US Navy during World War II.

Customs Division Crucial: Fapuleai

A modern and effective Customs Division that can maximize revenue collection is even more crucial to Solomon Islands in light of the current global economic crisis, RAMSI's Deputy Special Coordinator, Justin Fepuleai, said this week.

Sunken Boat Driver Arrested

The RSIPF National Intelligence Unit have arrested and charged the driver of a boat that sunk some three kilometres away from Savo Island. The small outboard motor canoe, which had 12 passengers on board including women and children, was rescued by a Police boat on the late evening of 5 June 2009.

Cashier Arrested on Fraud Charges

Detectives from the National Investigations' Fraud Section arrested and charged a man on 15 June 2009, for allegedly forging several cheques worth hundreds of thousands of dollars provided to the Guadalcanal Provincial Health Service Sector by the AusAID projects.
The two young boys were amongst a group of four boys who were trying to extract gunpowder from the anti-aircraft rounds when the rounds exploded while they were nearby.

Two Boys Injured by Anti-Aircraft Rounds

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force specialists from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit are investigating an incident in which two boys aged 7 and 11 were injured when the 20mm anti-aircraft rounds they were attempting to open exploded at Alligator Creek Wednesday morning.

First Australia and Solomon Islands Business Forum to be Held in Brisbane

The 1st Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum will be held in Brisbane on Friday 10 July 2009.
Health authorities say that the important thing is for people to maintain healthy practices by maintaining cleanliness and staying away from large gatherings.

Health Authorities Appeal for Calm Over Swine H1N1 Scare

Members of the public have been advised not to panic over the swine flu virus.
An unfortunate legacy of the six months campaign is the huge stockpile of unexploded bombs littered across the thick jungles of Guadalcanal.

Bomb Explosion Seriously Injures Four

Four men are currently in hospital after sustaining serious injuries from an old WWII bomb explosion. The four were said to have tampered with the bomb when the incident happened east of the Honiara International Airport.

Body Found Floating at Ranadi

Honiara Police Forensic Officers are investigating the circumstances surrounding a female body found floating at the Ranadi dumpsite sea front yesterday morning.
Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Tuiloma Neroni Slade, praised the Partnership Framework during a short visit to the RAMSI headquaters.

Secretary General Praises Partnership Framework

The Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Tuiloma Neroni Slade, today hailed the recent Solomon Islands Government - RAMSI Partnership Framework as an important milestone in the life of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).
Dr. Alependava says that people should seize such bad habits to prevent the rapid spread of the Swine Flu.

Bad Habits May Rapidly Spread Swine Flu

Solomon Islands health authorities have warned that an outbreak of the swine flu in the country will spread very quickly because of the people's behavior.
Under the Solomon Islands Emergency Assistance Project (SIEAP), 2.05 kilometers of the main road through Gizo will be rebuilt and drainage improved, and 1.2 kilometers of the road will be resealed.

Repair Work Begins on Tsunami Damaged Main Road in Gizo

Work has begun to repair Gizo town road after it was severely damaged following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami which devastated parts of the Solomon Islands in 2007.
According to the WHO, there have been at least 29,669 cases of the swine (H1N1) flu, including 145 deaths.

One Swine (H1N1) Flu Case Suspected in Solomon Islands

Unconfirmed reports from the National Referral Hospital say Quarantine Officers transported one person, allegedly infected with swine flu (H1N1) virus, to the hospital over the weekend from the Honiara International Airport.
"Every one of these Direct Aid Program projects, in its own small way, helps Solomon Islands as a whole to become a more peaceful, self-confident and prosperous nation," said Ms Davis.

Australia Supports Water Tanks and Kindy in Isabel

The Australian High Commission is pleased to announce its support for water tanks and a kindy in Isabel province through the Direct Aid Program (DAP). Australian High Commission Third Secretary, Ms Amanda Davis, opened the projects during a recent visit to the province.
More than 54 Korean sleeve cigarettes, 1 carton of beer, 11 bottles of Soju drinks and 4 bottles of whisky were confiscated by Customs' officers.

Harbour Patrol Seize Smuggled Goods

Police Harbour Patrol assisted Customs and Quarantine officers board a foreign fishing vessel on Thursday, 4 of June 2009 on a routine check on illegal activities, and have seized a large quantity of cigarettes and alcohol.

RAMSI Appears Before Foreign Relations Committee

RAMSI Special Coordinator, Graeme Wilson, the outgoing Commander of the Participating Police Force, Denis McDermott, and other senior RAMSI officials appeared before Solomon Islands National Parliament Foreign Relations Committee 'RAMSI Review' yesterday.
Premier Kiloe says the government cannot tackle these environmental issues effectively without the involvement, understanding and participation of rural Solomon Islanders.

Choiseul Premier Calls for Assistance in Implementing NBSAP

Choiseul Province Premier, Jackson Kiloe, has urged the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology to assist provinces implement the National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (NBSAP).
A government statement this afternoon confirms that Mr Maga has been replaced in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services with Temotu Vatud MP, Hon. Clay Forau Soalaoi.

Soalaoi is New Health Minister

The Minister for Health and Medical Services, and MP for Temotu Pele, Hon. Martin Maga, has been relieved of his ministerial duties on medical grounds.
The new Rules and Regulations will replace the old UK based system used in Solomon Islands for many years.

Solomon Airlines Receives First AMO Certificate

The Civil Aviation of Solomon Islands and the Pacific Aviation & Security Organisation (PASO) yesterday presented to the CEO of Solomon Airlines, Captain Ron Sumsum, with the very first Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) Part 145 Certificate.
"The Prince was very warm and friendly," said Mr Cameron after the presentation, "and he seemed to be aware of my work which I was very pleased about."

Actor Earl Cameron Receives CBE

The veteran actor Earl Cameron has received his medal as a Commander of the British Empire (CBE).
Solomon Islands Minister of Police, James Tora, thanked Mr McDermott for the leadership, hard work but most of all his approach to dealing with the difficult task of helping to rebuild the RSIPF.

PPF Commander Denis McDermott Farewelled in Honiara

After two years heading RAMSI's Participating Police Force (PPF) and as Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF), Commander Denis McDermott was given a warm farewell at a formal ceremony at the Rove Police Parade Ground in Honiara last Thursday.
The Governor General of the Solomon Islands is the de facto Head of State of the Solomon Islands, representing Queen Elizabeth II.

Parliament to Elect Governor General Next Week

Parliament will elect a new Governor General on Monday next week, 15th June 2009.

Taiwan Releases Rural Electrification Funds

Taiwan disbursed the First Payment of the Community Electrification Project for Rural Solomon Islands.
Mr Kelvyn Alp is the Managing Director of the CARATAPA Group of Companies Limited.

In His Own Words, Kelvyn Speaks Out!

Allow me if you will, to respond to a pocket of seemingly organised criticism that is being peddled by a number of ill-informed and ultimately misguided personalities.
Recent trends in the Tropical Pacific Climate Patterns are now indicating early stages of a developing El Niño.

El Nino Conditions Likely to Develop

Recent trends in the Tropical Pacific Climate Patterns are now indicating early stages of a developing El Niño. Most of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) computer forecasts are supporting the development of an El Nino episode occurring in middle or towards the end of 2009 if these conditions continue to persist.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade says that as President of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers, Mr Haomae is obliged to attend because he has to chair proceedings of the meeting.

Attack on Minister Haomae Deceiving

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade today has clarified misleading media reports asserting excessive spending by Minister William Haomae during his recent attendance at the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Council of Ministers Meeting in Brussels last week.

Integrated Framework Embark on Awareness Programme

The Integrated Framework of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade will soon embark on an awareness programme.
Police Commissioner Peter Marshall with the 17 newly graduated police prosecutors.

Police Officers Become Prosecutors

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force this week welcomed 11 newly graduated Police Prosecutors into the Jurisdictions of Solomon Islands court system.
Late Clemens was a senior British official serving under the British Solomon Islands Protectorate at an administrative centre at Aola, East Central Guadalcanal.

PM Sikua Pays Tribute to British WW 2 Coast Watcher

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua today expressed sadness over the death of a British World War 2 Coast Watcher, the late Martin Clemens, who passed away on Sunday 31 May in Melbourne, Australia, aged 94.

Isabel Province Ready for State Government: Premier Dotho

Isabel Province Premier, Rueben Dotho, says Isabel Province is politically ready to adopt a federal system of government.
Hon. Martin Maga remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Minister of Health in Critical Condition

The Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Martin Maga, remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney, Australia.
ACP Secretary General Sir John Kaputin, left, with African diplomats wearing Solomon Islands' necklaces in Brussels.

Haomae Presents Gifts to ACP Ministers

President of ACP Council and Solomon Islands Foreign Minister, William Haomae, has presented traditional Solomon Islands' necklaces to his ACP colleagues as a gesture of appreciation for their support for his presidency.
President of ACP Council and SI Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade William Haomae, centre, SG Secretary General Sir John Kaputin, left, and Vice-Foreign Minister of Czech Helena Bambasova.

Haomae Launches Review of Cotonou Agreement

President of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Council and Foreign Affairs and External Trade Minister of Solomon Islands, Hon. William Haomae launched the second-five year review of the Cotonou Agreement on Friday at the 34th Session of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers, in Brussels, Belgium.

Weak Institutions Caused Unrest: Nori

Spokesman for the former Malaita combatants, Andrew Nori, has said institutional failure has led to the social unrest and the eventual intervention by the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, RAMSI.
The economy of the Solomon Islands is said to be "at risk" by the ADB.

Solomon Islands Economy At Risk: ADB Report

A new Asian Development Bank, ADB, publication released yesterday has said that Solomon Islands and Fiji remain the economies most at risk.

Solomon Islanders Scoop Prize in Fiji School of Medicine Arts Competition

Two Solomon Islanders studying at the Fiji School of Medicine (FSM) have scooped the first prize in FSM's e-journal competition.

Economy Archive