Economy Archive June 2021

Roto says the cost of transporting the goods to Anuta is very high, since he has to first travel to Santa Cruz just to wait for transport to get him over to Honiara to purchase goods.

Doing Business in an Uneconomical Zone

Life on the outer islands is already difficult as it is, the ‘uneconomical zone’ classification speaks volumes of the business environment.
Such schemes prey on the vulnerable and poor, often times people we trust will be the ones that pull us into investing.

The Rise of Pyramid Schemes

Millions have been ‘invested’ in pyramid schemes in the country. The result? Court cases and endless squabbles.
Australian High Commission representative Julie McCallum, New Zealand High Commission representative Kate Bradlow, MEHRD Deputy Secretary Linda Wate, acting SINU Vice Chancellor Mr Shadrack Fanega cutting the cake.

Teacher Training Starts in Honiara and Auki

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) has commenced its 2021 training program to ensure all teachers in Solomon Islands are qualified.
Mr. Vardon Hoca, UNDP Project Manager handed over the youth community projects to its team leaders.

Empowering Solomon Islands' Youth to Promote Peace and Resilience

The UN Development Programme and International Labor Organization (ILO), in partnership with the Government of Solomon Islands, are empowering Solomon Islands’ youth and promoting their role as agents of peace and resilience.
Senior Government Officials with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry Education and Human Resources Department and Senior Ministry Officials.

Government Completes Dialogue to Enhance Quality Education and Training Systems

Government officials have successfully completed their round of dialogues to enhance quality education and training needs in the country.
MOH staff and officials meeting with the media yesterday to discuss the bed crises.

Managing Bed Shortages at the National Referral Hospital

The issue of bed shortages at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) is not new, what is new is the speed in which images get uploaded on social media.
The Opposition Leader says the government’s target of reaching 2,000 of our workers in Australia by the end of December 2021 is just not good enough in view of the number of farm jobs needed in Australia now.

Wale Urges Government to be Proactive in Approach to Labour Mobility Scheme

The Leader of Opposition, Hon. Matthew Wale, calls on the government to take a more proactive approach to ensure more Solomon Islanders can exploit the opportunities offered by the Australian labour mobility schemes.
PM Sogavare and MP for Shortlands Hon Chris Laore during the PMs visit to Shortlands in February this year.

PM to Travel to Lofung for Patrol Boat Base Ground-breaking

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will travel to Lofung, Shortland Islands on Wednesday this week for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Border and Patrol Boat Outpost.
Receiving the vaccines batch at the airport were the Minister of Health Hon Dr. Culwick Togamana, his Permanent Secretary Mrs. Pauline McNeil, New Zealand High Commissioner Georgina Roberts, Chief of UNICEF Solomon Islands Field Office Dr Zelalem Taffesse, and other health officials.

28,800 AstraZeneca Vaccines Arrive

The New Zealand High Commission together with key Government partners were thrilled to witness the safe arrival of 28,800 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived at the Henderson International Airport last Friday.
Benefits for the Project are many and include alleviating pressure on household incomes and providing opportunities for improved government services, private sector development and entrepreneurship.

Tina Hydro gets Green Light

In a historic moment for the Solomon Islands, the Tina River Hydropower Development Project has overcome its last major hurdle before construction can finally commence on the much-anticipated SBD$1.5 billion renewable energy project.
During two training sessions jointly organized by SPC and the MFMR in May 2021 with support from the consulting firm Aqua Energie LLC, thirty-three women and sixteen men from Wagina and Manaoba learnt new techniques and tips to boost their seaweed businesses.

Empowering Seaweed Farmers to Develop New Products

“Cottonii” seaweed is the traditional name of farmed seaweed in the Solomon Islands, a country made of six major islands and over 900 smaller islands located in the Pacific region. With a population of over seven hundred thousand, it has a GDP per capita of USD 2,295.
More than 200 people including Chiefs, Elders, Women, Youth and Children from the disputing communities gathered at Tuha to exchange traditional food and cash and most of all to shake hands, pray and smile to each other since the dispute that kept them away from each other.

Shortland Tribes Reconcile Ahead of Groundbreaking Ceremony

Disputing Tribes against the FAMOA Council of Chiefs and Trust Board in the Shortland Islands yesterday held a traditional reconciliation ceremony at Tuha to say sorry for the past internal impasse over the land allocated for the Border and Patrol Boat Outpost at Lofang.
The deceased was among five others who stole a mobile phone from the suspect and his cousin brother.

East Honiara Murder Investigated

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Naha Police Station Criminal Investigation Division (CID) are investigating the death of a 23-year-old male person in east Honiara on 14 June 2021.
Over a hundred Ghombua residents, Chiefs, elders, church and community leaders, fathers and mothers with their children gathered in great excitement to witness the historic moment for their community, the opening of their new Rural Health Clinic (RHC)

Ghombua Community Opens Rural Health Centre

Walking for hours under the scorching heat of the sun simply for medical attention, worst still, losing a family member or friend along the way will now go down in the history books and a thing of the past for around 5 thousand people residing in and around Ghombua community, Guadalcanal.
The CT scan project has two key components; the CT building component and the CT Equipment and Accessory Component.

Ministry of Health Provides CT Scan Project Update

Following media enquiries into the status of the Computer Tomography (CT) Scan project at the National Referral Hospital (NRH), the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) would like to provide an update with clarifications on the project components and processes involved to the public.
MET Service Chief Technical  Officer, Mr. Barnabas Tahunipue at work on the Automatic Weather Station in Tikopia

Tikopia Automatic Weather Station Operational

The Solomon Islands Meteorology Services was able to provide weather information from Tikopia Island again after the Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was fixed during the recent Prime Minister’s tour to the Island.
CBSI reiterates that the only legal currency of Solomon Islands is the Solomon Islands Dollar (SBD).

CBSI Warns Against Fake 'New Currency' Sol York

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) has cautioned members of the public of a fake new currency called "Sol York currency" as claimed by its promoters.
Prime Minister Sogavare and the three Chiefs (Nga-riki) of Tikopia.

Prime Minister Makes Historic Trip to Tikopia

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare made history when he became the first Solomon Islands Prime Minister to visit the Polynesia outlying islands of Temotu, Tikopia.
Based on early assessment no significant damage was caused by the quake, in Honiara or villages close to the epicenter.

5.1 Quake Hits Guadalcanal

An earthquake with a magnitude 5.1 struck Guadalcanal on Sunday.
The theme for the World Expo in Dubai will be “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” and will be based on mobility, sustainability and opportunity.

Soltuna and Kokonut Pacific Products to be Promoted at World Expo in Dubai

The National Government had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SolTuna and Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands Ltd to purchase and promote their products at the 2021 World Expo in Dubai.
The four Solomon Islands companies and local Solomon Islands youths joined the global campaign via a beach and underwater clean up in the ocean around Munda.

Companies Collaborated for World Oceans Day

Solomon Airlines, Our Telekom, Soltuna and Dive Munda have joined forces on 8 June, to clean up ocean debris in the Western Province on 2021 ‘World Oceans Day’.
More than 20 representatives from UNDP, partner ministries and civil-society organizations gathered to launch the project development process for the GEF 7 Multifocal Area, which focuses on biodiversity and land degradation thematic areas.

GEF 7 Project Design Kicks Off

An inception workshop to begin the Global Environment Facility (GEF) 7 Project Initiation Planning Stage was held recently by representatives from the UNDP Solomon Islands, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livelihood.
The much needed medical supplies offloaded from Patrol Boat will be distributed throughout the Province.

Much Needed Medical Supplies Arrive in Temotu

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) deployment of 6 cubic meters of medical supplies to Temotu Province on board the police patrol boat have arrived in Temotu.
With support from the Australian Government’s PacificAus Sports programme, Pacific teams and athletes will be able to train and compete in qualification events, giving them the greatest opportunity to realise their Olympic and Paralympic dreams.

Australia’s Olympics Lifeline to Pacific Nations

The Morrison Government and the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) are working in partnership to support over 170 Olympic and Paralympic athletes from eleven Pacific nations to prepare for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
MAL Extension officer in Renbel, Florence Kwai hands over kava project farming tools to the representative of Renkav new kava planting family project.

MAL Assists Renbel Kava Farmers with Tools

Kava project recipients in Renbel Province have expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL).
Four (4) thematic areas presented and discussed during the review includes, ensuring strategic vision that is in line with Universal Health Coverage, maintenance of standard quality care, upgrading of infrastructure and other resources and effective response to public health emergencies.

NRH Completes Mid-Term Review and Planning

Senior Executive Management of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and National Referral Hospital (NRH) together with NRH’s Heads of Departments (HODs) and senior staff had successfully completed the first of its kind mid-term review and forward planning.
The project will provide urgently needed repairs to one-third of the country’s road network and half of the country’s wharves.

ADB Approves $150 Million to Boost Transport Network

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved support of almost $150 million to boost land and maritime connectivity in Solomon Islands.
Chief Saketala sounded the alarm following what he describes as a rise in the number of fake land owners.

Chief Warns of Fake Land Owners

John Saketala, a Paramount Chief of Ghaobata House of Chiefs in East Guadalcanal, has warned People not to purchase land outside of the East Honiara town boundary.
Rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhea disease among infants and young children.

Six Children Die as Diarrhea Cases Surge

An alert has been issued by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) surveillance team following a national surge in diarrhea cases last week.
Both High Commissioners were privileged to visit one of the participating schools, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School in East Honiara to mark the commencement of the COESI Skul Blong Umi Lo Ples project.

Australia and New Zealand Continues Support to Education Sector Support Program

The Australian High Commissioner Dr Lachlan Strahan alongside the Permanent Secretary MEHRD, Dr Franco Rodie and the New Zealand High Commissioner, Georgina Roberts recently attended a roundtable with representatives from Save the Children Solomon Islands, World Vision Solomon Islands and Coalition for Education Solomon Islands - COESI.
The virtual training helped participants learn about mitigating safety, security, and health risks while working abroad.

Training Conducted for Employment in Australia’s Construction Sector

Ten Solomon Islanders, who travelled to Australia last month received training on Work, Health, and Safety (WHS) measures for the Australian construction industry as part of a partnership between the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) and the Labour Mobility Unit supported by the Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) in the Solomon Islands.
The suspect was charged with Murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code. He was remanded at the Rove Correctional Centre and will appear in the Honiara Central Magistrates’ court on 17 June 2021.

Murder Suspect Surrenders

The suspect in relation to the murder of a 44-year-old female Chinese National at the White Angel building in Honiara has surrendered to police on 2 June 2021.
Minister of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) Hon Lanelle Olandrea Tanangada one of the first MPs to receive the second AstraZeneca jab.

Roll Out of 2nd Dose of AstraZeneca Vaccine Underway in Honiara

The roll out of the AstraZeneca vaccine second dose for those who received their first dose in March, April and May at the Central Field Hospital in Honiara has commenced yesterday.

Economy Archive