Economy Archive September 2009

MPIS Explains Delay in Implementing Premiers Resolution

The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, MPGIS, says it considered it necessary to delay implementation of one of the premiers' conference resolutions until the position on the constitutional reform becomes clearer.
TSI calls on the government to review all provisions in Solomon Islands statutes that give ministers broad discretionary powers.

TSI Condemns Finance Minister's Use of Discretionary Powers

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) considers the decision by Finance Minister Snyder Rini to release the Asian tugboat to the owner to be a misuse of discretionary powers provided by the law.

PEC May Look Into MPA Entitlements

Chairman of the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission, PEC, has assured premiers that the commission will seriously look at a submission on new entitlements for members of provincial assemblies, MPA.

Government Addresses Provincial Grants Issue

The government admits that provincial service grants are inadequate to maintain the administration of public services in the provinces.
Fred Fono and Mrs. Helen Fono with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama during a reception at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Fono Meets US President Barack Obama

Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Fred Fono, has had the opportunity to meet United States President Barack Obama.

Parliamentary House Committee Looks Into PEC Awards

The Parliamentary House Committee has confirmed that it will commence its inquiry into the entitlement of 50,000 Terminal Grant, provided to parliamentarians spouses, passed recently by the Parliamentary Entitlements Commission, PEC.

Minister for Provincial Government Assures Premiers

Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Manasseh Maelanga has assured premiers that a lot of the issues raised in their two communiqués are part of the C-NURA Government's programs and policies.
Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi is a Fijian lawyer, politician and was the Vice-President of Fiji from 2004 to 2006.

TRC Expatriate Commissioners Arrive Today

More than five months after their appointments Ratu Jone Madraiwiwi of Fiji and Sophia Macher of Peru will finally be joining the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC, today.

SPREP Assists Solomon Islands in Dolphin Research

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program is working with the Solomon Islands government to research the species of dolphins targeted in the live export trade.
A former officer in the electoral commission, Mr Karani said the current electoral act is open to a lot of corrupt practices during elections.

Change Electoral Act: Karani

A former Makira Ulawa provincial member Martin Karani has called for more reform on the countries electoral act if political stability is to be achieved.
Dr Sikua said that the projected gap will directly impact many of the projects and programmes outlined by the government when it came into office.

$261 Million Shortfall in Budget: PM

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, has announced a $261 million dollar gap in his government's budget caused by the global financial crisis.

Parliament Meeting Further Adjourned

The current meeting of Parliament has been further adjourned to November 12.
PM Sikua is confident his support is "rock solid".

I Won't Step Down: PM Sikua

Prime Minister Derek Sikua has told Parliament he will not step down as Prime Minister because he has the support of his Ministers and Government backbenchers.

Solomon Islands External Reserves Improved

Solomon Islands external reserves has improved in June to more than 791 million dollars or three-point-seven months import cover.
Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson (second left) and PPF Commander Wayne Buchhorn during the visit.

RAMSI Special Coordinator Visits Makira-Ulawa Province

Understanding each province's individual needs is crucial to the success of RAMSI's work, says RAMSI Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson.
The court found the two men from Malaysia guilty of breaching four counts of the Customs and Excise Act.

Two Malaysians to Appear in Court

Two Malaysians who were guilty of smuggling prohibited goods into the country, Uhla Thien and Hisham Bin Abdulla have yet to pay their $1.2 million dollar fine.

Former Militant Now a Peace Maker

Former Guadalcanal militant leader, Joseph Sangu, has testified in public that he has committed himself to the peace process in Solomon Islands.
Kolombangara now has Marine Protected areas in Nusa Tuva, Hunda, Kena, and Sausama area.

Communities in Kolombangara Conserve Marine Areas

A three months marine resource conservation trial at Hunda and Kena sea and mangrove swamps, on Kolombangara is yielding positive outcomes.
Dr Sikua says that such hindrances have resulted in the country not advancing despite 31 years of being governed by Solomon Islanders.

Bad Management and Corruption Hinders Development: Sikua

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, says that disputes, violence and corruption are hindering the economic advancement of Solomon Islands.

Talks with Union Failed: PM

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, says government negotiations with the Solomon Islands Public Employees Union, SIPEU, have not been successful.

Government to Spend 49 Million on Basic Salaries

Government will spend a total of 49 million dollars in Cost of Living Adjustment or COLA increases on the basic salaries of all public servants.
Someone else is running the government and not the Prime Minister: Sir Baddley Devesi.

Leader Calls on PM Sikua to Step Down

Former Governor General and one of the founding fathers of the Solomon Islands Constitution, Sir Baddley Devesi, says Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua is losing his grip on the nation's leadership and should consider stepping down.

Police Sets Up Unit to Deal With Family Violence

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has announced the setup its new Family Violence Unit.

Unitech Re-affirms Support to SIG with Training Requirements

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Unitech, in Lae, Papua New Guinea, has re-affirmed its commitment to support the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) with its training needs and requirements.

Solomon Islands band, Devande, Wins Pacific Break 2009

Solomon Islands band, Devande, consisting of some of the members of the now disbanded Onetox, has won the Pacific Break 2009 musical contest.
Mr Ingruber and the students planted a tree in the grounds of the Special Development Centre, to improve the environment around the school.

Clean Up the World Campaign continues in Honiara

Continuing this week's Clean Up the World activities in Honiara, the Australia High Commissioner, Frank Ingruber, visited the Red Cross Special Development Centre today to speak to the children about the importance of keeping their environment clean.

SIBC Staff in 'Sit in Protest'

A matter in dispute between staff of the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, SIBC, and its Board of Directors has been referred to the Trade Disputes Panel.
Mission of RSIPF is to work in partnership with the community.

RSIPF Presents Strategic Directions to Police Minister

Deputy Commissioner Walter Kola led a watershed presentation of the RSIPF's Strategic Directions for 2010-2013 to the Minister for Police, National Security and Correctional Services James Tora.
Youth Parliament gives young people an avenue to help shape government policy.

PM Says Youth Parliament is Important

Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua has said that the C-NURA Government believe that Youth Parliament is an important medium that allows young people to see how the political machinery drives parliamentary democracy in the country.

First Lady's Charity Group Helps Establish Cancer Research Facility

The First Lady's Charity Group has donated its pink ribbon funds - worth half a million dollars - to open the first ever cancer research facility in the country.
ADB has been the lead donor in the transport sector since re-engagement after the civil conflict.

ADB and Solomon Islands Seal New Development Partnership

The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) updated program in Solomon Islands for the next three years will support prioritized investments in infrastructure and private sector development initiatives.

Hospital Needs More Nurses

Hospital Authorities say more nurses are needed in surgery at the National Referral Hospital.

USP Students Call Off Protest

Leaders of Solomon Islands students at USP have called off the planned peaceful demonstration at the Solomon Islands High Commission in Suva at an urgent meeting held Monday afternoon.
Joint effort gives way to the new cancer registry.

New Cancer Registry for Solomons

The National Referral Hospital will today open its new cancer registry.

Health Minister Assures Makira-Ulawa of New Hospital

The Minister of Health and Medical Services, Clay Forau, has assured medical authorities in Makira Ulawa Province of his commitment to press for the building of a new hospital for Makira-Ulawa province.
Police have warned youths that the cultivation and peddling of marijuana is a serious crime that carries heavy penalties.

Drug Bust at Burns Creek

Honiara City Police have seized and destroyed a sizeable marijuana plantation, with an estimated street value of well over $200,000 at Burns Creek on Saturday.
Deanna Easton of the Australian High Commission office with students from Burns creek High School Form 1 - Green class.

Clean Up the World Campaign starts in Honiara

The Clean Up Honiara campaign was launched today, with an environmental awareness-raising program at Burnscreek High School. Students in the Form 1 - Green class learnt about the importance of keeping their school clean, for health, safety and hygiene reasons.
Dr Sikua made the announcement during the 25th Anniversary of State-owned Waimapuru National Secondary School in Makira Ulawa province last Friday.

PM Seeks to Improve Tertiary Level Education

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has announced a new government policy on Tertiary Education which aims at opening up opportunities for young Solomon Islanders to have better access to higher education.

Controversial Church Leader Wants Public De-frocking

Controversial church leader Michael Maeliau, who was expelled from the South Seas Evangelical Church last month, has requested the church to de-frock him from being a Reverend before a church congregation.

Illiteracy Makes One Vulnerable: Wale

Minister for Education, Mathew Wale has highlighted the importance of literacy - the ability to read and write, in world of growing insecurity.
Permanent Secretary Dr Lester Ross said the 35 percent budget reservation has had negative impacts on the country's health services.

35% Reservation in Government Budget Hits Hard on Health Sector

The 35 % reservation imposed by the government on this year's budget has had an adverse effect on health and medical services throughout the country.

Solomons Economy Slips

Solomon Islands economic performance has dropped ten places in the latest assessment by the International Finance Corporation of the world Bank.
Pikacha says he wrote the book to introduce fellow Solomon Islanders to the biological diversity that is in their own backyard.

Young Conservationist Launches Book

Solomon Islands conservationist, Patrick Pikacha, has warned that without prompt action, the rainforests, lagoons and estuaries of the country's extraordinary region are in danger.
Dr Sikua says the next parliament might not be willing to take the reform forward as a matter of priority.

Government to Table Integrity Bill

Government will go ahead with its plan to table the Political Party Integrity Bill and a supporting Constitution Amendment Bill in parliament when it resumes sitting on September 24.

Review of National Referral Hospital

The national parliament has been told to pay particular attention on why services provided by the National Referral Hospital are poor or not up to expected standards.
It is hoped the inquiry will result in lasting improvement to hospital service.

Parliament Committee Wants Quality Medical Services

The Parliamentary special select committee, set up to look into the quality of medical services provided at the National Referral Hospital has held its first public inquiry Tuesday.

Ministry Clarifies Dolphin Export Quota

The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology says Solomon Islands can export 50 dolphins per year.
I will remain a member of SSEC: Maeliau.

Reverend Says He Remains Member of His Church

The longest serving ordained Minister of the South Seas Evangelical Church, SSEC, Reverend Michael Maeliau, says he remains a member of the church.

Electoral Commission Proposes Changes

The office of the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission is proposing amendments to the electoral act to improve the integrity of the voter registration process and the conduct of elections to the national parliament.

Survey on Water Systems Completed

A field survey for analysis and a detailed design for the Improvement of Water Supply Systems for Honiara City and Auki Township in Malaita Province have been completed.

Waimapuru to Celebrate 25th Anniversary

Excitement is building ahead of planned celebrations later this week to mark the 25th anniversary of Waimapuru's establishment as a national secondary school.

Former Health Minister Returns Home

Member of Parliament for Temotu Pele in Temotu Province, Martin Maga arrived in Honiara from Australia.
CNURA places strong emphasis on basic multi-education: Wale.

Education Minister Visits Provincial Schools

The Minister of Education and Human Resources Development Mathew Wale has seen for himself the progress development of the schools rehabilitation program in Western and Choiseul provinces.

Malaysian Consul-General Helps Hospitals

The Malaysian Honorary Consul-General to Solomon Islands, Mr Hii Yii Ging has donated $72,000 thousand dollars to four hospitals in the country.
There are at least 500 government sponsored students in Fiji, making them the second largest number of students, second only to Fiji.

Government Sponsored USP Students Plan Demonstration

Government sponsored students studying at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji are said to be planning a public demonstration in front of the Solomon Islands High Commission in Fiji if the National Government fails to factor in inflationary effects to their second semester allowance.
"Papua New Guinea is proud to be associated with such a successful regional initiative," said Mr Somare."My country will be part of RAMSI for as long as the Mission is needed."

Somare Pledges Ongoing PNG Commitment to RAMSI

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Sir Michael Somare, has pledged PNG's ongoing support for the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI).
Dr Sikua expressed his profound condolences and sympathy to the people of Taiwan who lost loved ones and suffered the natural disaster.

Solomon Islands Donates Money to Taiwan Typhoon Victims

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, has donated SBD$1 million towards victims of the recent typhoon that devastated Taiwan.

Female Chinese Arrested for Kwaso

Officers from the Honiara City Police Liquor Licensing Squad have arrested a 23 year old Chinese woman and a 39 year old man from Taka'oto Village in Central Kwara'ae for allegedly producing kwaso on 28 August 2009.
Prime Minister Sikua says salary details of all state workers are readily accessible in the Treasury Department if the newspaper desires to get the accurate details.

We Earn Less than State Workers: PM

Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, has denied a story carried in the Solomon Star that claimed Government Ministers are amongst the highest paid people in Solomon Islands.

"Political Stability Key to Prosperity," Keniapisia

"Political Stability is the key ingredient to economic growth and prosperity for Solomon Islands," says John Keniapisia, Chairman of the Government's Working Committee on the Political Party Integrity (PPI) Bill.

Solomon Islands Needs Changes

As a developing nation Solomon Islands needs sound changes that will make it's political system effective and reflective of the changing circumstances of the country.

No Balance Power for Independent Parliamentarians

Independent members of parliament will no longer hold the balance of power during the election of a prime minister, when the Political Party Integrity Bill comes into force.
More than 80 women from all over the country attended the convention.

Campaign for Women Representation in Parliament

The campaign for women's representation in parliament takes on a more national face with the inaugural 2009 women's convention which ends in Honiara yesterday.

Honiara Lawyers Accused of Misappropriating

Two prominent Honiara lawyers who are both accused of misappropriating money they held in trust for their clients have had their cases adjourned for September 14.

Chief Justice Comments on Juvenile Behavior

The Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer says juvenile delinquency is a national issue, concern and responsibility that requires a concerted effort from all sectors of the community to address.
Mr. Maga will return home after four months at St. Vincent Hospital in Sydney.

Temotu Pele MP to Return Home

Member of Parliament for Temotu Pele, Martin Maga, is finally returning home after being hospitalised for four months at the Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney.
Beauty pageant is beyond beauty: Millicent Barty, winner of the Miss Solbrew, Sports and Culture 2009.

Success Takes Courage and Determination

It takes courage and determination to reach the top.

Government Offers Pay Increase to Teachers

Government has offered to pay an eight percent Cost Of Living Adjustment to teachers over the weekend.

National Women's Convention in Honiara

The inaugural 2009 National Women's Convention opens in Honiara this morning.

PM Sikua Hails Donor Community

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua on Friday has expressed gratitude towards the International Donor Community for their ongoing support and understanding of Solomon Islands development needs.
Prime Minister Sikua acknowledges the continued assistance of RAMSI to maintain law and order in the country.

PM Sikua Salutes RAMSI for Sustaining Law and Order

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua on Friday has saluted the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) for maintaining law and order while at the same time continue to rebuild the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF).

Economy Archive