Economy Archive March 2011

Christopher Laore Wins Shortland Seat

Christopher Laore has been declared the new Member of Parliament for Shortlands by the Governor General, Sir Frank Kabui.
The reduced rate is good news for RSE workers and the Pacific states that lobbied for the change.

NZ Reduces Tax Rates for RSE Workers

Solomon Islanders working in New Zealand under the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme will now enjoy better take home pay after the New Zealand government announced a cut on personal tax rates.
Mr Shanel called on the MSG Secretariat to prepare a concept paper to be considered at the next MSG Summit.

Shanel Calls for MSG Economic Union

Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Peter Shanel, has called on the 18th meeting of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) of countries - Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and FLNKS/New Caledonia - to form a Pan-Melanesian Economic Union.

Sikua Gives Notice for a No-Confidence Motion

Newly appointed Leader of the Opposition Group, Dr Derek Sikua, has wasted little time in asserting himself.
"The Public Accounts Committee has done its task to vet the budget but we as parliamentarians must go through it with a fine tooth comb," said Dr Sikua.

2011 Budget Flawed: Sikua

Newly appointed Leader of the Opposition Hon. Dr Derek Sikua has described the "2011 Appropriation Bill 2011" as a flawed budget for lacking detailed information about each budget line.

RAMSI and Government Reconcile over Titinge incident

The Solomon Islands Government and the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) yesterday joined together to take part in a Titi Ulu or traditional reconciliation ceremony with the family and village of the late Harry Lolonga.
Mr Lilo said that an issue that the government has put significant budgetary support to is the complex land tenure system.

Lilo Delivers 2011 Budget

Minister of Finance and Treasury, Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo, has presented his SBD$2.2 Billion dollar budget to Parliament.
RAMSI has confirmed it will be held in Pachakuri, on Guadalcanal's Weather Coast, the home village of Late Harry Lolonga.

Reconciliation Ceremony between RAMSI and Family of Deceased

A reconciliation ceremony is to take place today between the Solomon Islands government, the Regional Assistance Mission, RAMSI, and the family of the man who died after Tongan soldiers fired shots during a callout last year.
L-R, Ken Kwan, Sir Thomas Chan, Deputy PM Maelanga, H.E Ingruber and Fr John Lamani.

SBD$700,000 for Queensland Flood Victims

Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Maelanga was amongst other dignitaries invited to witness the handover of a cheque of more than SB$700,000 to the Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands Frank Ingruber on Friday at the Honiara Hotel.

Police Completes Family Violence Workshop in Isabel

Police, community representatives and local stakeholders united for a four-day Family Violence Workshop at Poro Village in the Gao/Bugotu region of Isabel Province from 21 to 24 March 2011.

TSI Concerned Over Allegations of Misuse

The head of an anti-corruption watchdog group in the Solomon Islands says allegations of misuse of millions of Australian aid money are a real concern.
Eighty more houses being built by RAMSI throughout Solomon Islands - 50 funded by the Australian Government and 30 funded by the New Zealand Government - will be handed over in the coming months.

New Houses for the RSIPF, First of Many

The keys to the first lot of new police houses were formally handed over to Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers and their families today, in a ceremony to mark an important milestone in the strengthening of the RSIPF.
Help in need: For AusAID, food and shelter was a priority after the tsunami in the Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands Highlighted in "Aid Fraud" Report

Australia's AUD$4.5 billion foreign aid program is plagued by record levels of fraud, with millions of dollars being stolen by corrupt officials and overseas agencies, The Daily Telegraph reported.

PM Faces Defamation Case

The Prime Minister Danny Philip and his former press Secretary Alfred Sasako will face the Court next month in a defamation case.
Premier Lilo thanked Ms Duncan for Australia's support, which he said made a big difference to the people of Western Province.

Australian Deputy High Commissioner Visits Western Province

Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Alison Duncan, paid a call on Western Province Premier, Hon George Solingi Lilo, at the start of a six-day visit to Western and Choiseul Provinces last week.

PM Philip Welcomes New ROC Ambassador

Prime Minister Hon. Danny Philip has welcomed the Republic China's (Taiwan) new Ambassador to Solomon Islands, H.E Roy Wu, on Tuesday.

PM Philip Opens Western Provincial Assembly Meeting

Prime Minister Hon. Danny Philip on Tuesday has officially opened the Western Provincial Assembly Meeting in the provincial capital, Gizo.

Fares and Freights Set to Rise

Sea fares and freight charges are set to rise in the coming weeks as fuel prices continue to spiral upwards.

Bracelets Helps Family Escape Poverty

Jack Tata is an inspirational story, despite his lack of education he has managed to set up a small business that generates income for him and his family.
"I am proud that this project is proceeding to open up new opportunities for the people of Malaita in terms of trade and improved sea transportation," Minister Fiulaua said.

Fiulaua Heralds Beginning of Major Auki Project

The Minister for Infrastructure Development (MID) Hon. Jackson Fiulaua will lead a high level delegation to a ground breaking ceremony to begin the Auki Market and Jetty Project today.
School children across the country would be affected should teachers choose to go on strike.

Union Deadline Today

The Solomon Islands Public Employees Union, SIPEU, and the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association, SINTA, has given the Government until days end today to respond to certain demands put forward by the two powerful Unions.

Drilling Success for Solomon Gold

Solomon Gold was on sparkling form on Friday as news of further prospects of quality gold at its Meriguna prospect on Fauro Island.

Memorial Service for Earthquake Victims

A memorial service to remember the victims of the earthquake that recently struck Christchurch was held at St. Barnabas Cathedral yesterday.

Solomon Islands Entering High Risk Period, Says Expert

A new report says Solomon Islands are entering a high-risk period for conflict and needs an external security guarantee to ensure stability.
Minister of Health and Medical Services of Solomon Islands Hon. Charles Sigoto (L) and his Vanuatu counterpart Hon. Steven Don Ken.

Historic Health Deal Signed

Solomon Islands and the Republic of Vanuatu have signed a historic health deal in Honiara yesterday.
Minister Don Ken told Prime Minister Philip that Vanuatu is experiencing "a critical shortage of nurses," and the current arrangement will help improve the situation in his country.

Vanuatu Health Minister Here to Sign MOU for Nurses

Vanuatu's Health Minister Hon. Steven Don Ken is currently in Honiara, a visit organized purposely to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with his Solomon Islands counterpart to permit Solomon Islands Nurses to work in Vanuatu.

We Are Committed to Improve Gender Equality: PM

The National Coalition for Rural Advancement (NCRA) Government is committed to developing a Solomon Islands where there is gender equality that enhances women's rights.

NDMO Yet to Confirm Damages from Tsunami

The National Disaster Management Office, NDMO, are still trying to confirm reports that some houses have been damaged by tsunami waves, caused by the Japan earthquake.
Telecommunications Commissioner, Nic Williams, says that his office is working hard to launch this new phase of licensing to ensure that consumers get a better deal.

Telecommunications Market Opens for Local Businesses

A new type of telecommunications license is to be introduced in Solomon Islands allowing local businesses into the industry for the first time.

Father Faces Charges of Incest, Rape

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has arrested and charged an elderly man from Kakabona in North West Guadalcanal for allegedly raping his 13 year old daughter.

Isabel Reports Damages from Tsunami Ripples

Unconfirmed reports reaching the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) state that the massive tsunami that struck Japan may have reached the Solomon Islands.

PAC Scrutinize Billion Dollar Budget

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has started inquiries into the NCRA government's SBD$2 billion dollar budget.
The devastating tsunami was triggered by a massive earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale.

PM Philip Sends Condolence Message to Japan

The Prime Minister Danny Philip has expressed heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the Prime Minister, the Government, and the people of Japan following Friday's devastating tsunami.
Devastating images of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan flashed across TV screens in Honiara.

Solomon Islanders in Japan Safe

A Solomon Islands student studying in Japan says Solomon Islanders are safe following the 8.9 magnitude earth quake and tsunami in Japan on Friday.
Honorary Consul of the State of Israel in Honiara, Leliana Firisua says the visit is a fulfillment of the Israel Government's ongoing assistance to Solomon Islands.

Experts From Israel to Visit Solomon Islands

The Israel Government has confirmed that a second team of specialists will visit Solomon Islands for two weeks starting on the 21st of this month.
Senator David Feeney and Deputy Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Maelanga MP.

Solomon Islands Government Welcomes Australian Parliamentary Secretary

The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence, Senator David Feeney, has spent four days in Solomon Islands observing the RAMSI mission and discussing its progress with Government Ministers.

Mother of Two Arrested for Fraud

Fraud Investigators from the National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) of the RSIPF have arrested and charged a 35 year old woman from Barasipo village, Vonavona Lagoon in the Western province, for allegedly defrauding her relative's bank account with one of the commercial banks in Honiara.

Man Arrested for Raping 10 Year Old Girl

Detectives from the Sexual Assault Unit have arrested a man from Piava Village, Gatokae Island in the Marovo Lagoon for allegedly raping a girl believed to be aged between 10 and 12 years old from the same village.
Mr Sisilo is adamant that there has to be some binding commitments on the part of ANZ to ensure FICs' access to their labour markets is secure and predictable.

Sisilo Leads Delegation to PACER Plus Talks

Solomon Islands' Trade Envoy, Robert Sisilo, will lead the Solomon Islands Delegation to the third meeting of the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER Plus) to be held next week in Koror, Palau.

Budget Reaches PAC for Scrutiny

Detail estimates of expenditures for the 2011 budget are now before the Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Teachers Threaten to go on Strike

The Solomon Islands National Teachers Association (SINTA) has threatened to stop work if the Ministry of Education fail to reinstate teachers' outstanding salaries.
TCSI Commissioner Nicholas Williams says he hopes Bemobile will now focus its time and energy in "satisfying its coverage commitments, and avoid wasting more time before the courts."

High Court Refuses Bemobile Application

The High Court has refused to grant Bemobile any injunctive relief in two cases it brought against the Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands (TCSI).

International Women's Day Celebrated in Honiara

With the theme "Equal Access to Education, Training, Science and Technology: A Decent Work for Women," women in Honiara joined women around the world in celebrating International Women's Day 2011.

Australia Supports Solomon Islands Women

The Australian High Commissioner Frank Ingruber calls on both women and men to support the 100th International Women's Day celebrations in the Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands Hit by Magnitude 6.6 Earthquake

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 hit off the Solomon Islands on Monday, March 7, 2011, at 9:38 a.m. local time.
"The high demand in the international market is really the main driving factor why there is now a high price of copra," said an economist at the CBSI.

Price of Copra Soars

In its January monthly Economic Bulletin, the Central Bank of Solomon Islands has reported that the international price for copra has strengthened following strong growth in the international market.

Students in PNG Still Waiting for Allowance

More than 20 students studying at the University of Papua New Guinea in Waigani are still waiting for the Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea to release their allowances.
Revenue collection during the tensions was just $136 million dollars.

RAMSI Congratulates MOFT on Revenue Collection

RAMSI has congratulated the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MOFT) on collecting more than one billion dollars in revenue in 2010, the first time in the history of the nation.

EU Provides Budgetary Support for Climate Change

The European Union will provide $2.8 million Euro in budgetary support to assist the country in addressing some of the adverse effects of climate change.

Renbel Province Approves JV Plans with South Korean Company

The Rennell-Bellona Provincial government has approved a plan to form a joint venture with a South Korean company to catch and market tuna overseas.
Independent research carried out for Axiom showed the deposit held close to 160 million tonnes of nickel ore, with an estimated value of almost $60 billion US dollars.

Australian Company Secures Nickel License

An Australian mining company, Axiom, has secured what it describes as "one of the world's largest nickel deposits under a 50 year deal in Solomon Islands."

Government Revenue Hits SBD$1 Billion

The Ministry of Finance and Treasury has achieved a historical earning of more than $1 billion Solomon Islands dollar in revenue for 2010.
HE Mr Frank Ingruber, congratulating Mr Lamani on his selection and presenting him with travelling documents and other material for the internship.

Joel Lamani Selected for Journalist Internship in Australia

Paoa FM's General Manager and radio presenter, Joel Lamani, was amongst a number of Pacific radio journalists selected to participate in the prestigious Douglas Gabb Australia Pacific Radio Journalist Internship Program.

Visitors Bureau Happy With Increased Flights

General Manager of the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau, Michael Tokuru, has welcomed the recent announcement of an agreement with the Australia to increase flights between the two countries.
The Bank believes a computer scanner or a highly sensitive color photocopier may have been used to produce these counterfeit notes.

Fake Notes in Circulation

Counterfeit SBD$100 dollar notes have surfaced again in Honiara and the Central Bank of Solomon Islands is calling on the public to assist in identifying the source of the false bills.

Assessment Team Sent to Tikopia

The Temotu provincial government has confirmed sending an agriculture assessment team to Tikopia and Anuta where people's livelihoods are reportedly devastated by the effects of cyclone Atu which recently hit Vanuatu.

Bemobile Denies Being in Breach of License

Bemobile has denied claims it has breached its coverage obligations as contained in its license.
Earlier, Mr Williams expressed uncertainty as to whether or not Digicel will apply for the third telecommunications operator license.

Neutrality of Telecommunications Commission Questioned

The Office of the Leader of Opposition has expressed concern over the neutrality of the Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands following an alleged secret meeting between the Telecommunication Commissioner, Nicholas Williams and an official of the Caribbean based telecommunication company, Digicel.

Economy Archive