Economy Archive December 2010

Western Teachers Express Disappointment

The Western Province President of the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association has expressed disappointment over the nonpayment of Teachers Traveling allowances.
Illegal stocks of beche-de-mer were recently confiscated, and the owner claimed that there was "collusion with certain officials within the Ministry," and the mass confiscation was just to save face.

Former Fisheries Officer Calls for Internal Investigations

A former fisheries officer says that the Ministry of Fisheries should "demonstrate its seriousness in combating corruption by conducting an official investigation into allegations leveled against some of its officers."

Police Search for Locals

The Solomon Islands police are still searching for the four locals who helped a Sri Lankan escape deportation at the Honiara International Airport last week.

Police Search for Missing 15 Year Old Boy

Police are appealing to communities of the Burns Creek area to look out for a 15 year old boy who has been missing since Wednesday 22nd December 2010.
Mr Philip said that Western Province is the hub of tourism in the country so it is important that an international airport is setup in Munda.

Munda to Host Second International Airport

Munda Airport in the Western Province is set to be upgraded to an international standard airport, making it the second for the Solomon Islands.

Patients Disappointed With Response from Health Authorities

Hundreds of patients suffering from flu like symptoms are unhappy with the level of response by health authorities in the past few weeks.
Although Health Authorities are yet to officially declare a flu outbreak, health officials are seeing a sharp increase in patients with influenza-like symptoms.

Christmas Fever Hits Honiara, Literally

It seems like everyone you speak to in Honiara suffer from aching throats, dripping noses, chills and fever.

Police Investigate Escaped Deportee

Police are investigating an incident in which a foreign national escaped deportation with the help of knife wielding locals.
He told SIBC News that the beche de mer shipment could have fetched close to four million dollars had it been exported.

Beche-de-mer Ban Still on: PS Fisheries

Fisheries Permanent Secretary Dr Christian Ramofafia says his ministry is doing all it can to confiscate marine resources which are illegally harvested.
Mr Riogano says that they do not want to repeat the mistakes made by others, where they are just mere spectators and blind recipients.

Isabel Landowners Want Control of Nickel Mining

The Bugotu Landowners Association, BLA, says the decision by government to award Sumitomo the license to develop Nickel on Isabel could "hamper the little progress that has been made in the partnership between landowners and the government."

ADB Assists in Major Transport Infrastructure Development

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help Solomon Islands upgrade its land, sea, and air transport infrastructure to support economic activities and social service delivery.
The ECF is an Australian Government initiative which aims to assist in commercialising business projects in participating countries.

Australia Supports Sustainable Eco-tourism Project in Western Province

Two new eco-friendly guest bungalows have been officially opened at the Wilderness Lodge on Gatokae Island in Western Province, with support from a grant of SBD $770,000 provided by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) under the Enterprise Challenge Fund (ECF).
Mr. Marshall's contract expires in February, but he may leave before that to prepare for his new position as New Zealand police commissioner.

Local Might Head Police Force

A government official in Solomon Islands says a local police officer may be appointed as a caretaker police commissioner until a permanent replacement is found for outgoing commissioner Peter Marshall.
The Ministry of Fisheries says that it is always important that all stakeholders "work hard to ensure that we maximize gains from this multimillion dollar industry."

Government Reduces Fine on Taiwanese Fishing Boat

The government has reduced a SBD$2.5 million dollars fine imposed on a Taiwanese fishing boat found guilty of fishing illegally in the country's waters.

Our Nurses Sought by Vanuatu PM

Solomon Islands would consider a request from neighboring Vanuatu for nurses.

Solomon Islands and Fiji Sign MOU

The governments of Solomon Islands and Fiji have jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, which will pave the way for the two countries to assist each other in various areas.
High Commissioner, Frank Ingruber, presents DAP recipient with a cheque.

Australian High Commissioner Holds Presentation for DAP Recipients

Representatives of 16 community groups gathered at the Australian High Commission on 9 December for a handover of project funding for small community development projects spread across all provinces of Solomon Islands.
H.E Frank Ingruber during the opening in Wagina, Choiseul Province.

Project for Women and Disabled Opens

The Solomon Islands Australian High Commissioner, His Excellency, Frank Ingruber, has opened an income generation project for Women and Disabled persons in the Wagina Community in Choiseul Province.
The Solomon Islands Tobacco company, SITCO, has vehemently denied the accusations saying "it has no influence over the recent increases of cigarettes in Honiara."

We Played No Part in Price Hike: SITCO

As the price for cigarette soars, now more than SBD$30 a packet, smokers are now venting their frustration on the only producers of tobacco in the country, saying they had a hand in the price hike.

CBSI Announces Further Relaxation of Exchange Controls

Mr. Denton Rarawa, the Governor of the CBSI says the decision by the Central Bank to relax Exchange Control requirements on certain foreign exchange transactions through the commercial banks, will reduce the cost of doing business in Solomon Islands.

Company Haus Goes Online

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has funded a new electronic Companies Registry (Company Haus), which will enable online registration of companies in the Solomon Islands and contribute towards the Government of Solomon Islands efforts to improve efficiency of doing business in the country.
Visitors to the National Parliament during a previous Open Day.

National Parliament Opens Its Doors Today

The National Parliament is again opening up its doors for the public today, to mark its 2010 Open Day.

Sumitomo to Explore New Nickel Deposits

Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. said Wednesday it has obtained the right to explore three potential nickel mining sites in the Solomon Islands.
Ambassador Beck says that disagreement over the future of the Kyoto Protocol is also frustrating Small Island States.

US May Not Deliver on Climate Change: Beck

Solomon Islands' lead negotiator at the climate change summit in Cancun says he's worried that the United States will not give the climate adaptation money it promised to vulnerable nations.
Mr O'Connor held talks with senior officials while on a visit to the Solomon Islands.

Australia Praises Solomon's Crime Laws

Australia's Federal Justice Minister, Brendan O'Connor, has praised the Solomon Islands government for strengthening laws to stamp out money laundering.
Caretaker Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Gordon Darcy Lilo says the NCRA government is determined in its efforts to ensure that Solomon Islands benefits fully from its marine resources.

SIG Signs Development Agreement with WSFV

The Solomon Islands government, through the ministry of Fisheries and Marine resources, has signed a development agreement with the Western Solomon Fishing Venture (WSFV) Limited.

Missing Solomon Islanders Found Safe

Five Solomon Islanders reported missing near the Santa Cruz Island group have been rescued following an overnight dash by the Australian Air Force.

Senior Police Officer Charged With Incest

A senior member of the Royal Solomon Islands Police has been remanded in custody late yesterday on incest charges.

Malaita Premier Questions Delay in Lusibaea's Case

Premier of Malaita Province has said that the case of Member of Parliament for North Malaita and Fisheries Minister Jimmy Lusibaea has left more questions than answers.

Detke Fully Aware of His Removal: Sasako

The Government is now claiming that the former Minister for Forest, Bodo Detke, was fully aware of his removal as Minister because he was present at the Caucus meeting at the time.
Mr Sasako says although he was not briefed on reasons behind the sacking, he believes the sacking is related "to a particular forestry issue."

Government Sacks Forestry Minister

The National Coalition for Rural Advancement Government Caucus has yesterday resolved to sack the government's Forestry Minister Bodo Detke.

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