Economy Archive October 2019

CBSI Warns Public that Cryptocurrencies are Unregulated

CBSI Warns Public that Cryptocurrencies are Unregulated

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) has warned the general public that cryptocurrencies (i.e. virtual or digital currencies such as bitcoin, etherium, ripple, and others) are not currencies issued or regulated by the Central Bank.
Market For Change Project Promotes Value-adding Local Produce

Market For Change Project Promotes Value-adding Local Produce

Value-adding to ones’ produce is one of the approaches encouraged for market vendors to increase their sales and by extension, their income. Market for Change Project works with development partners to facilitate relevant activities like value-adding demonstrations, as market vendors can benefit significantly from practical sessions.
Event Manager Ms. Joyce Konofilia and Solomon Ports Finance manager Mr. George Rausi.

Solomon Ports Major Sponsor of Miss Solomon Islands Event

Solomon Ports officially handed over SBD$70,000 to Miss Solomon Islands Pageant show making SIPA the Gold sponsor for the event.
Canoe Black to Feature on Solomon Airlines Flights

Canoe Black to Feature on Solomon Airlines Flights

Solomon Airlines international passengers will be able to get a taste of the Solomon Breweries’ (SolBrew) newly launched Canoe Black in the coming months.
Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines Embark on Australian TV Digital Campaign

Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines Embark on Australian TV Digital Campaign

Flush from the success of a first-ever joint Australian TV/digital campaign promoting the Solomon Islands in August, Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines have again combined resources to launch a second burst of TV/digital advertising kicking off on 01 November.
ICT Professionals Meet to Talk About the Future of Technology in Solomon Islands

ICT Professionals Meet to Talk About the Future of Technology in Solomon Islands

Over 100 ICT professionals from across Honiara took part in a forum and networking event on the future of technology in Solomon Islands.
High turbidity forces Solomon Water to turn off Kongulai Supply

High turbidity forces Solomon Water to turn off Kongulai Supply

Over the weekend Solomon Water turned off its Kongulai Pump Station and Gravity Supply system, which supplies about 40% of its customers in Honiara.
Sixty Drivers Charged for Various Traffic Offences in Honiara

Sixty Drivers Charged for Various Traffic Offences in Honiara

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Kukum Police Station have warned 60 vehicle drivers for prosecution over a six-week period since 16 September 2019.
SolBrew staff (l-r) Serah Baulo, Brew Manager, Naomi Kalamani, QC Manager and Polona Berlec, Logistics Manager with Canoe Black 6 packs for guests.

Canoe Black Wows Crowd at SICCI Business After 5

Canoe Black, the latest addition to the Canoe brand, has wowed guests at a surprise launch at the recent Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) Business After 5, hosted by Solomon Breweries (SolBrew) with support from Solomon Airlines.
US Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Solomon Islands

US Peace Corps Volunteers Return to Solomon Islands

Almost 20 years after departing Solomon Islands, the Peace Corps announced it will re-establish operations in the Solomon Islands.
Marijuana Bust in North East Guadalcanal

Marijuana Bust in North East Guadalcanal

A team of officers from the RSIPF’s Police Response Team (PRT), Provincial Support Unit (PSU) and the Central Response Unit (CRU) uprooted more than 5,500 marijuana plants from various locations in the Mbarande area of North East Guadalcanal on 21 and 22 October 2019. No suspect has been arrested so far but investigations are continuing.
The incident happened between 11 pm and 12 midnight at a toilet located at the Waterfront Nite Club in Gizo.

Rapist On The Run

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Western Province are investigating the alleged rape of a 19-year-old woman in Gizo, Western Province on the night of 16 October 2019.
Solomon Islands Measles Vaccination Campaign Underway

Solomon Islands Measles Vaccination Campaign Underway

An intensive measles and rubella vaccination campaign is currently underway in Solomon Islands with the aim of immunising 90,000 children in communities across the country.
Cutting of ribbon by H.E. Roderick Brazier and PS Supervising MPNSCS Mactus Forau.

Australia Funds Extension of Seif Ples Facility

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) welcomes the completion of an extension to the Seif Ples facility at the Rove Police Headquarters in Honiara which was officially opened during a ceremony on 15 October 2019.
Man Arrested for Death of Grandfather

Man Arrested for Death of Grandfather

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Malaita Province have arrested an adult man following the death of his grandfather at Komumakai Village close to Wairokai Village in West Are’are on 11 October 2019.
SMEC Awarded Infrastructure Contract in the Solomon Islands

SMEC Awarded Infrastructure Contract in the Solomon Islands

Engineering and development consultancy SMEC has been appointed to design and overlook infrastructure projects in the Solomon Islands. The firm was appointed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development in the country, to help with the construction of certain roads and wharves.
Australia Gifts High Speed Patrol Vessel to RSIPF

Australia Gifts High Speed Patrol Vessel to RSIPF

The Australian Government has gifted the first of two new special purpose, high speed patrol vessels to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) for Western Border patrol and response operations.
Duplicated Honiara Census List Clarified

Duplicated Honiara Census List Clarified

The 43 names that appeared twice on the Honiara’s selected supervisors and enumerators for the upcoming national census were the result of a printing error.
27 YO Man Arrested on Allegations of Sexually Assaulting 9 YO Girl

27 YO Man Arrested on Allegations of Sexually Assaulting 9 YO Girl

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Sexual Assault Unit have arrested and charged a 27-year-old male on 7 October 2019 for an allegation of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl in West Honiara.
13 YO Girl and 30 YO Man Arrested for Selling Kwaso

13 YO Girl and 30 YO Man Arrested for Selling Kwaso

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) have arrested two suspects for selling homebrew (kwaso) at Tulagi in Central Province on 6 October 2019.
SolBrew Wins HEINEKEN CSR Award in Asia Pacific

SolBrew Wins HEINEKEN CSR Award in Asia Pacific

Solomon Breweries won the top Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award in HEINEKEN Asia Pacific beating other HEINEKEN operations in the Asia Pacific region.
Vice-Chancellor's Dr. Ganesh Chand delivering his address during the World Teachers' Day Celebration.

SINU to Offer Post-Grad and Masters Degree in Education in 2020

The Vice-Chancellor of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Dr. Ganesh Chand made the announcement during the World Teachers’ Day celebration at Panatina Cultural Village on Friday 4th Oct 2019.
The project will provide increased access to safe water and improve sanitation in the urban areas of the Solomon Islands, greater Honiara area and five other towns, namely Auki, Gizo, Noro, Munda, and Tulagi.

ADB Funds Urban Water Supply

Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a loan of $28M and a grant of $9M for the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project in the Solomon Islands.

Economy Archive