Economy Archive July 2018

Growth is expected to be moderate at 2.9 percent in 2019, due to a slowdown in logging.

Decline in Growth Rates for 2019: IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stated that 2019 will see a decline in growth rates by 1% to 1.5%.

Tourism Solomons Creates Trust Fund for Lost Officers

Tourism Solomons in Solomon Islands, has established a trust fund for the families of senior marketing officers Chris Nemaia and Stella Lucas tragically lost in the Mataniko River on 19 April 2018.

Solomon Islands Prepares for E-Commerce

Consumers and businesses in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu can look forward to a better connected and more prosperous future according to assessments made by UNCTAD of their readiness to benefit from electronic commerce.
“People talk about these islands being vulnerable, and along with that they tend to treat the human beings as vulnerable, too,” said Dr.Simon Albert, University of Queensland in Australia. “But in my view, they’re the opposite — they’re strong and resilient."

Rising Sea Level a Constant Threat

In Beniamia Islands, in the furthest Western region of the Solomon Islands, the first island David Tebaubau moved to 14 years ago has already disappeared, drowned by heaving currents and rising seas.
Although lot of Betlenut Vendors are locals, the owners are usually Chinese immigrants

A New Type of Battle for Guadalcanal

When Toata Molea looks to the sea and his fleet of fishing boats on the island of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands,he imagines the possibilities from a new connection to the outside world: a planned undersea internet cable to be built by Australia.
The Tourism Solomons team, (from left to right) Mike Parker-Brown, Fiona Teama, Josefa ‘Jo’ Tuamoto and Richard Skewes.

Tourism Officer Appointed for Australian Portfolio

Tourism Solomons senior marketing information officer, Fiona Teama has been appointed to supervise all aspects of the Australian marketing portfolio from the national tourist office’s Honiara headquarters.
A stable supply of grid-based electricity has the potential to promote economic growth, including tourism industry development, and improve human capital, through better conditions for children to study, and reducing the burden of household work.

World Bank Approves New Energy Project

In Solomon Islands, 80% of the population reside in the rural areas and with electricity being unreliable and expensive only less than 20 percent of the population has access to electrical power.
One of the note’s more alluring features is a sea turtle that glows under ultra-violet light.

New $40 Note Includes Braille Features

A limited edition of 100,000 commemorative polymer $40 notes was issued by the Central Bank of Solomon Islands on 7th July to celebrate the nation’s 40th anniversary of independence.

Economy Archive