Economy Archive April 2009

Police Commissioner Peter Marshall today said the two Taiwanese frigates, similar to the one pictured, would be carrying 461 crew on board.

Taiwanese Navy Ships Visit Solomon Islands

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force will continue to conduct high visibility policing throughout the weekend as two Navy vessels from Taiwan make a friendly visit to the Solomon Islands.
In the Solomon Islands, flu cases are being treated as a medical priority effective as of this morning.

Health Authorities on High Alert

National health clinics and centers are on a heightened state of alert as the reach of swine flu closes in on the Solomon Islands.
RAMSI Principals meet with Guadalcanal Provincial Government to discuss the RAMSI partnership.

RAMSI and Guadalcanal Pledge to Work Together

Developing the RAMSI partnership between national and provincial governments, and the people of Solomon Islands is a key priority for RAMSI, according to Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson.

Solomon Islands Census Receives US$1 million Boost

Outgoing Australian High Commissioner Mr. Peter Hooton signed an agreement last week with UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund to contribute over US$1 million to the Solomon Islands Population and Housing Census 2009.
Father Ata said without justice and respect for human rights, peace, stability and development are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.

Root Causes of Unrest Must be Investigated: TRC Chairman

Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Dean of the Saint Barnabas Cathedral in Honiara, Father Sam Ata, has said he joins other Solomon Islanders who have been calling on government to investigate the root causes of the ethnic tension.

Police Rescue Drifting Boat

Honiara Police Harbour Patrol rescued five people from their ray boat, after they had been stranded for 10 hours between Gela Islands and Honiara yesterday morning.
Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua together with His Grace Archbishop, Desmond Tutu of South Africa.

TRC Launch Begins Journey towards Lasting Peace: PM Sikua

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua says the launch of the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) by His Grace Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa is the beginning of a journey towards a peaceful and prosperous Solomon Islands.

Today is a Historic Day: PM Sikua

Prime Minister Derek Sikua has said today marks an important step in the history of Solomon Islands, especially in the efforts as a nation to deal with a difficult chapter in the country's history - the ethnic conflict.
Minister Rini said it is not only the developed countries that are being hurt by the Global Economic Crisis.

Government Moves to Manage Impact of Global Economic Crises

The Minister for Finance and Treasury, Hon. Snyder Rini has today announced that the Government had agreed on a package of measures to help Solomon Islands manage the impacts of the Global Economic Crisis on the 2009 Budget and the Solomon Islands economy.
Karen Hayes with the retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Independent Filmmaker Praises Archbishop Tutu

An independent filmmaker from Los Angeles in the US, who has been following the life of Archbishop Tutu for the last 15 years, Karen Hayes, says she believes Archbishop Tutu is bringing with him a lot of wisdom from experience.
"Without the truth one cannot reconcile," said Archbishop Tutu.

Peace Building Requires Courage: Tutu

Noble Peace Prize winner, South African Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, has officially launched the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

RAMSI Mourns Death of Senior ni-Vanuatu Police Officer

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) yesterday announced the sudden death from natural causes of the Commander of the Vanuatu Contingent in RAMSI's Participating Police Force (PPF), Amos Solip.
At its 24th meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, the Animal Committee has recommended that the quota be reduced to 10.

Reduce Bottlenose Dolphin Export: CITES Committee

The Animal Committee of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species, CITES has recommended that Solomon Islands reduce its annual quota of live bottlenose dolphin export to 10.
Chief Superintendent Nathan Ratu hosted the third meeting of local Committee chairpersons and representatives at Central Honiara Police Station on Friday.

Tackling Youth Crime Prevention Together

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force is actively supporting the work of 10 local Crime Prevention Committees established to deliver educational talks and activities in settlements around Honiara, particularly those with concerns about youth and crime.
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa will today arrive on a historic visit to the Solomon Islands.

Archbishop Tutu Arrives on Historic Trip

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa will today arrive on a historic visit to the Solomon Islands.
The Ministry of Finance building in Honiara.

SBD$10 Million Not Missing After All

The Ministry of Finance and Treasury today clarified recent media reports of an alleged abuse and misuse of SBD$10 million provided by the Republic of China for Cattle Development Project.
Ngela Islands in the Central Province, well known for its beautiful beaches and lush forests.

SIG Welcomes Interest to Develop Anuha Island Resort

The Solomon Islands Government today welcomed international interests shown by a world renowned Hotelier, Radisson Hotels and Resorts to develop the Anuha Island Resort in the Central Province.

Planned Consultations by Ministry of Public Service

The Solomon Islands Government announced another important step in its ongoing program for improvements in the Public Service.
The two non-national commissioners, Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi from Fiji and Ms Sofia Macher from Peru in South America.

PM Sikua Announces TRC Team

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has announced a five-member Truth and Reconciliation Commission to probe the root causes of the recent ethnic unrests between 1998 and 2003.
"This seizure demonstrates the need for us to work even more closely in the future," said the Police Maritime Director Inspector Charles Fox.

Harbour Patrol Catches Smugglers

A joint patrol by Solomon Islands law enforcement agencies confiscated hundreds of cigarette cartons worth thousands of dollars from a Taiwanese fishing vessel entering Honiara Harbour.

MP Submits Report on Tsunami Fund Assistance

Minister for Public Service and M-P for North Vella la Vella Milner Tozaka yesterday submitted to Home Affairs Minister James Tora a report on the spending of his constituency's SBD$1.3 million dollars of tsunami funds.
The match between Koloale FC and Auckland FC is expected to attract thousands of local supporters.

Police Tighten Up Security

Police presence will be highly visible on the streets and at various gatherings in Honiara over the next few days.
The SBD$10 million was to have been used to revitalize the cattle industry.

Missing $10,000,000 Probed by Auditor General

Frustration is growing amongst the public with the missing SBD$10 million dollars earmarked for the revitalization of the cattle industry.

Final Names for TRC Ready for PM

Chairman of the National Selection Committee of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer today handed over nominees to be formally appointed by the Prime minister.
Mr Ha'amori stressed that SICHE is merely the students' trainer and not the sponsor.

You Are Targeting the Wrong People: SICHE Director

The Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) is under increasing pressure to act on demands placed on them by protesting students, one of which is an increase in allowance.

Fourth Suspect Arrested Over Police Assault Case

Police at Atori have arrested the fourth man believed to be part of a group that assaulted two Police officers at Borderline Police post early this year.
Stop throwing rocks or stones at vehicles or "you will face the full force of the law."

Police Crackdown on Rock Throwing

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force is issuing a firm warning to individuals, stop throwing rocks or stones at vehicles or "you will face the full force of the law."
British High Commissioner, H.E Timothy Smart and Our Telekom Chief Executive, Loyley Ngira during the official announcement.

British High Commission Extends Provision of BBC World News

The British High Commission in Honiara is pleased to announce its continued funding of BBC World News to Solomon Islands for the next two years, costing SBD$200,000.

Stability Rests More on the People: Dr Roughan

The former head of the Solomon Islands Development Trust is in support of an initiative to strengthen political stability, but questions proposed reforms.

Taiwan Medical Service Mission Arrives in Honiara

A 10 member team of the Taiwan Medical Service Mission has arrived in Honiara.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu remains much loved as a leading figure in the fight against apartheid in South Africa.

Archbishop Tutu to Launch TRC on April 29

Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa will be launching the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC, on April 29, 2009.
Mortars, such as those pictured above, could still be found in the jungles of Guadalcanal.

Man Arrested Carrying Dangerous Explosives

Police arrested a man over the weekend at the Central Magistrate court bus stop in Honiara for carrying around an old World War II Japanese mortar.

NDMO Releases Assessment Report

Initial disaster assessment reports reaching the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) says communities in South Malaita and in North Guadalcanal has suffered extensive damages during a recent bad weather.
The new look website, is visually stunning and is very user friendly.

SIVB Launches New Look Website

The Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau officially launched their new Friday night at the Honiara Hotel.
Police are clamping down on the rise in kwaso production in Honiara.

Couple Arrested Selling Kwaso

Honiara City Police Liquor Licensing Squad arrested and charged a 40 year old man and his 20 year old wife for selling kwaso at the Central Markets over the weekend.
Mr Lilo says the money may have been used to buy members of Parliament to stick to the former government.

Not Me, Says Lilo

Minister for Environment, Conservation and Meteorology and MP for Gizo-Kolombangara Hon Gordon Darcy Lilo categorically denies receiving any money from the ROC-funded Cattle revitalization programme.

Haomae Addresses ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon William Haomae, addressed the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly at Prague, Czech Republic last week in his capacity as President-In-Office of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Council of Ministers.
RAMSI Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson valued the chance to talk with Premier Dotho about the progress of the SIG-RAMSI partnership in rural areas.

RAMSI Special Coordinator Visits Isabel Province

RAMSI Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson visited Buala last week to meet with the Premier of Isabel, his executive, church and community leaders, and traditional chiefs.
Police Arrest Leads to Seizure of Illegal Drugs and Arms

Police Arrest Leads to Seizure of Illegal Drugs and Arms

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force conducted an operation at East Guadalcanal, which resulted in the arrest of three men and the seizure of weapons and about 100 marijuana plants.

Government Starts Retirement Programme

The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) yesterday has announced an important step in its ongoing program to improve and replenish the public service.
Jennifer Wate (SIDT), Angus Macdonald (PLP), Michelle Taylor (SIDT) and Georgina Cope (PLP
- seated) after developing the PL/SIDT Partnership Agreement.

SIDT Signs Agreement with Pacific Leaders Program (PLP)

The Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) has signed a partnership agreement with the Pacific Leaders Program (PLP) after extensive exploration, development and work planning activities between PLP and SIDT.

Major Landslide at Paripao, North East Guadalcanal

There is no road access past Bokokibo River on northeast Guadalcanal.
The Fijians arrived in the country about 10 days ago under visitors' permits but were later found to be working at Gold Ridge without a proper work permit and residence permit.

Fijian Nationals Deported for Breaching Immigration Laws

The Solomon Islands Government yesterday deported 10 Fijian Nationals who breached the country's Immigration and Labour laws.
The Parliamentary Opposition Leader says that he is aware that most of the ministers in the current administration benefited personally from the funds.

$10,000,000 Cattle Fund Mystery

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has asked for a 'please explain' to the Opposition Leader, Manasseh Sogavare, on how a ten million dollars funding from the Republic of China for cattle rehabilitation was used.

Low Criminal Activities Recorded During Easter Break

Police "Operation Easter" has recorded a low rate of criminal activities during the Easter celebration in Honiara.
The recent bad weather is associated with a depression close to the Solomon Islands.

Officials Asses Damages in South Malaita

The National Disaster Council (NDC) and the Police have deployed two patrol boats to South Malaita and Longgu on Guadalcanal to carry out assessments of damages caused by the recent bad weather.

ADB Welcomes Opening of Companies Registry Office in Solomon Islands

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) welcomes the opening of the new Companies Registry Office.
Mr Wale said that already the logging sector has not been able to sell all its harvested logs.

Global Economic Crises Hits Home

Minister for Education and Human Resources Development Mathew Wale told Parliament that the Solomon Islands economy is feeling the pinch of the Global Economic Crises.
PPF Commander Denis McDermott, Acting Deputy Commissioner Edmund Sikua, Minister for Home Affairs Bob Debus and Acting Commissioner Walter Kola with AFP Assistant Commissioner Frank Prendergast.

Australian Minister for Home Affairs Visits Honiara

Australia's Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Bob Debus MP, has just finished a four-day visit to Solomon Islands. Mr Debus's ministerial responsibilities include justice and policing issues, as well as customs and border protection.
Officers of the RSIPF demonstrated their professional pride during inspection by Acting Commissioner Walter Kola, Minister Bob Debus, and Assistant Commissioner of the AFP Frank Prendergast.

Australian Delegation Supports Regional Partnership

Representatives of RAMSI this week told a high level delegation representing the Australian Government and the Australian Federal Police that the regional partnership to restore peace and prosperity to Solomon Islands was making steady progress.
Nearly 40 directors of police units and commanding officers from the nine provinces met and discussed issues impacting on the RSIPF in policing and identifying future development opportunities.

RSIPF Leaders Discuss Way Forward for the Organisation

Provincial Commanders and Unit Directors met in Honiara over the last week under the auspices of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Operations as the host of a special Provincial Commander's conference.
The National Transport Fund Act will support improved shipping services between islands.

Solomon Islands' New Transport Law to Improve Services, Safety: ADB

Two new transport laws in the Solomon Islands, that are designed to improve services and safety, have been welcomed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Below the Ontong Java Atolls lies the Ontong Java Plateau, said to be roughly the size of Alaska.

Solomon Islands, PNG and FSM Sign MOU on Continental Shelf

Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and the Federated States of Micronesia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, for cooperation on the Extended Continental Shelf Claims Submission on the Ontong Java Plateau to the United Nations.
This year Our Telekom will roll out 30 IPGSM base stations for mobile services in various locations throughout the country.

Our Telekom Committed to Rural Expansion with Roll out Plan

Our Telekom remains committed on its plan of expanding its Community IP-GSM based rural communication network roll out to the rural areas this year.
"The fault for the riots lies only with those who broke the law," Acting Commissioner Kola said.

RSIPF Better Equipped to Deal with Potential Unrest: Kola

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force says it is better equipped and prepared to deal with potential unrest in Solomon Islands.
In 1984, Tutu became the second South African to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Archbishop Tutu to Hold Reconciliation Conference Here

The Winds of Change Office are organizing a conference on peace and reconciliation, with the special guest being the World-renowned peace activist Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Gold Ridge Says Report Shows No Cyanide

Gold Ridge Mining Limited (GRML) has confirmed that independent test results show that there was no work-related poisoning of employees due to an alleged leakage from a cyanide storage tank at its mine site at Gold Ridge on Guadalcanal.
PPF Advisors on the front line, from left: Tukia Langi, Tarry Tarkij, Stuart McDonald, Amataga Potoa'e and Ben Turi work side-by-side with RSIPF officers.

Sharing Skills on the Frontline

Four Pacific Island PPF Advisors have contributed to significant outcomes in the safety and wellbeing of the people of Honiara.
The aftermath of the April riots in Honiara.

TSI Accuses Government of Editing April Riots Report

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) has stated that it is very "disappointed that the Commission of Inquiry into the April Riots report has been edited prior to its release."

Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee Completes Hearing at Marau

The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee completed another successful hearing at Marau, East Guadalcanal on Saturday 4 April 2009 at Potau Community High School.

Nomination for Truth and Reconciliation Commission Closes Wednesday

The nomination of Solomon Islanders as commissioners in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will close at 4pm this Wednesday.

Guts is What it Will Take

It is possible you will never meet in your lifetime a palangi [in Polynesia] or a dim dim in Papua New Guinea [a white man] who sings the same tune as the local people do when it comes to landownership.
Mr Nielsen says the company is pretty weary of so much speculation through the local media about cyanide leakage at the mine site which he dismisses as not true.

GRML Welcomes Proposed Cyanide Investigation

General Manager of Gold Ridge Mining Limited (GRML), Keith Nielsen says the company welcomes government's intention to engage the Commonwealth Secretariat to carry out independent investigation into the alleged cyanide leakages at the Gold Mine area.
Mr Maelanga called on the various ministries responsible, "to act now because we are running out of time."

Relocation Needed for Low Lying Atoll Dwellers: Maelanga

Member of East Malaita, Hon Manasseh Maelanga, in parliament has called on responsible authorities to start working on a relocation plan for those outer islands affected by the rising sea levels.
Mr. Nielsen says dialogue by both parties is a better way of resolving their differences rather than strike action.

Gold Ridge Strike Referred to the Trade Dispute Panel

The Gold Ridge Mining Limited workers' strike has been referred to the Trade Dispute Pane.
The new look Solomon Airlines website and online booking tool.

Solomon Airlines Launches New Site and Online Booking Tool

The Solomon Airlines has reached a new milestone as it continues to work on improving services to its growing customer base - a new look website and an online booking tool.

Special Committee Formed to Look into National Referral Hospital

The Parliament on Friday passed a motion seeking to establish a committee to look into the medical services provided by the National Referral Hospital.
Australia's Minister for Trade, Simon Crean with Minister for National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation, Hon Sam Iduri, MP.

Australia Announces its Support for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Australia's Minister for Trade, Simon Crean, today announced that Australia will provide financial support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Medical Student from Solomon Islands Dies in Fiji

A female student from the Solomon Islands studying in Fiji died yesterday in Suva. The student, Ms. Linly Gali, 23, is from North Malaita.
Mr. Kola added that it is quite a relief that no one was injured, as there was enough firepower to cause serious injury.

Human Remains of World War 2 Soldiers Found

Workers of the Heritage Park Hotel have found skeletal remains of World War 2 soldiers.

Concept Paper Seeks Reserved Seats for Women in Parliament

The Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs will soon submit to Cabinet a concept paper on the issue of reserved seats for women in parliament.

Governor General Pardons Lifetime Prisoner

The Governor General, Sir Nathanial Waena, yesterday pardoned a lifetime prisoner for his crime.
Minister for Trade Simon Crean (L) and Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance Bob McMullan.

Australia's Trade Minister and Parliamentary Secretary Visit Solomon Islands

Minister for Trade Simon Crean and Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, today arrived in the Solomon Islands to consult with their counterparts on a broad range of trade and development issues.

Anniversary of Devastating Earthquake and Tsunami

Today marks the second anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami, which struck parts of Western and Choiseul provinces. Up to fifty lives were tragically lost, houses and properties destroyed and swept away.
Police still searching for clues to the violent murder of a 25 year old woman found dead at Lunga river.

Police Seek Information on Woman's Killer

The Royal Solomon Islands Police is urging members of the public to come forward with any information in relation to the violent murder of 25-year-old Burns Creek woman, Betty Gwalomae, last week.
A family home in the Western Province damaged when the earthquake and tsunami hit in April 2, 2007.

Australia and New Zealand Remember Victims of 2007 Tsunami

Australia and New Zealand have reaffirmed their commitment to the ongoing recovery and rebuilding of tsunami-affected communities in Solomon Islands.

Government Confident Reforms Will Achieve Long Term Stability

The Government is confident to achieve its push for constitutional and legislative reforms aimed at securing long-term political stability and to improve governance in the country.
Dr Charles G Kick, Community Development Manager of CSP and David Junior Ma'ai, PFNet Manager signed on behalf of their respective organizations.

CSP Supports PFNet

Thanks to AusAid's Community Sector Programme (CSP) People First Network (PFNet) shall be able to enhance the technical capacity of its rural email stations. Dr Charles G Kick, Community Development Manager of CSP and David Junior Ma'ai, PFNet Manager signed on behalf of their respective organizations.

Police Commissioner Works to Improve Policing in the Solomon Islands

Newly appointed Police commissioner for the Royal Solomon Islands Police Peter Marshall, stated, soon after he was sworn in, that he would continue to work hard to improve policing in the Solomon Islands.

Economy Archive