Economy Archive December 2007

5 Missing At Sea Found Safe in Vanuatu

In a press statement today, the Police Media Unit reported that it has received information that the five people who were thought to be missing at sea have been found safe and alive in Vanuatu.

Rumours of Warning Shot Not True: PPF Commander McDermott

Commander of RAMSI's Participating Police Force (PPF), Denis McDermott, assured the community that no warning shots were fired.

PPF Disappointed after Theft

Commander of RAMSI's Participating Police Force (PPF), Denis McDermott, said he was disappointed to hear that a PPF member had personal items stolen from a vehicle yesterday (Thursday).

Police Happy with Security Operation

Acting Commissioner of Police, Walter Kola, says he is pleased to announce that security in Honiara was successful.

Gizo Magistrates Fine Foreigners for Illegal Entry

Four foreigners have been fined more than four thousand dollars after being convicted and sentenced for illegally entering the Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands Establish Diplomatic Relations with Switzerland

Solomon Islands and the Swiss Confederation [Switzerland] have established formal diplomatic relations after the signing of a joint communiqué between their representatives today in Canberra, Australia.

Honiara Program Highlights the Importance of Cleanliness

A series of activities to highlight the importance of the environment of Honiara was held last Saturday at the Honiara City Council square.

Public Transport Businesses Experience 'Dry December'

With Christmas just around the corner, one will expect that it is a period for "business boost".

Police Investigate Anthony Saru Building Burglary

Detectives from Central CID are interested in hearing from members of the public that may have information relating to a burglary that occurred on the second floor of the Anthony Saru Building last night.

Chief Justice Calls on Dr. Sikua to Stop Misleading Nation

Chief Justice, Sir Albert Palmer, has written to the Opposition Group's candidate for Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, urging him to refrain from misleading the nation about the appointment of the Attorney General, Julian Moti.

RAMSI Committed to Free and Fair Election of Prime Minister

RAMSI is committed to supporting the Solomon Islands police in their current efforts to ensure a free and fair environment for this week's election of a new prime minister.

Education Authorities Called on to Sort Teachers' Payment of Sea Fares

Education authorities are called on to sort teachers' payment of sea fares for the end of the year breaks.

Solomons Delegation Return from Bali Conference

A Solomon Islands delegation attending the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia, arrived Sunday.

Taiwan and Solomon Islands Diplomatic Relations Intact

The ousting of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will not affect diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands' New Government to Discuss Fate of Commissioner of Police

The issue of the position of the Commissioner of Police will be up for discussion when a new government is in place.

Maritime Centre Reminds Crews "Safety First"

Director of the Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centre, Jack Bana, in praising ship owners and their crews for their part in developing Solomon Islands, reminded them of putting safety first when travelling.

Five Our Telekom Student Apprentices Complete Training

Five of Our Telekom Student Apprentices have successfully completed their training and graduated with Technician Certificates from the Telikom Training College (TTC) in Lae, Papua New Guinea.

Police Arrest Man after Murder Investigation

Detectives of the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) have arrested a Honiara man in his twenties in relation to the death of a man on Saturday night.

SolBrew Stage One Day Strike

The workers of SolBrew Company Ltd. went on strike this morning over the issue of non-payment of allowances, in particular the danger allowance contained in the Collective Agreement signed between the Solomon Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW) and the SolBrew Ltd (employer) on behalf of the workers.

New Director for Our Telekom

Solomon Islands' Our Telekom has a new director.

Local Law Students Graduate in Vanuatu

Eleven Solomon Islands students graduated at the University of the South Pacific Emalus Campus in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

'Christmas Carols in the Island' Attracts Hundreds

A 'Christmas Carols in the Island' programme attracted hundreds who gathered at the Lawson Tama stadium to enjoy a night of singing and dancing to Christmas notes.

Quick Response from Police Results in Arrest of Two People

Police in Honiara are questioning two individuals after separate incidents on the weekend.

UNICEF Solomon Islands to Host Youth Panel

The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) of the Solomon Islands has a new program for young people within the organization.

Khan Defends Trip Out in the Midst of Political Crisis

Solomon Islands Commissioner of Police, Jahir Khan, refutes claims of deserting his men in the midst of the country's political crisis.

Youths Help to Clean Up Honiara City

Different youth groups and public volunteers joined hands and teamed up to promote a Japan International Cooperation Agency sponsored programme based on the theme: Keep Honiara Clean, Think About the Future.

Taiwan Health Minister Cancels Visit to Solomons

The Taiwan Health Minister has cancelled a proposed three days trip to Solomon Islands.

Former Minister Dies After Short Illness

The former Minister for Culture and Tourism, Hon. Samuel Bentley Ragosomani, has passed away after short illness.

Police Operation to Continue: Acting Commissoner of Police

Acting Commissioner of Police, Walter Kola, says police will continue operation in Honiara.

Electronic Customs Forms Now in Place

Solomon Islands importers and exporters have begun using electronic Customs forms to speed up the time it takes to send goods in or out of the country.

Solomon Islands High Court Dismiss Government Case

The High Court of Solomon Islands has dismissed a case moved by the government to block Parliament from meeting tomorrow.

Honiara City Council Embarks on 2008 Plan

The Honiara City Mayor, Alfred Maetia, and Honiara City Councilors held a meeting to discuss issues for the new year 2008.

Teachers Once Again Wait for Payments

With Christmas coming up, teachers from the schools run by the City Council are flocking to the Council's education division for their holiday sea fares, with most having to wait.

Solomons Police Step Up on Security Measures

The Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) will be leading an operation for this week's Parliament meeting with support from their RAMSI Participating Police Force counterparts and military.

Huge Influx in Capital City

With the Christmas fever taking its toll, Honiara is seeing a huge influx of people flooding into the capital city.

Government of Japan Assists Kirakira Water Supply

The provincial capital of Makira-Ulawa Province, Kirakira, held its official hand-over ceremony for the Water Supply Project last Friday.

Western Province to Build Monument for Tsunami Victims

Solomon Islands' Western Provincial Government is embarking on a plan to build a monument to the memory of the 52 people who died in the April 2nd tsunami and earthquake.

Solomons' High Court Continues Hearing of Govt. Case

Solomon Islands' High Court continued its hearing today of the government's case filed to stop parliament from meeting on December 13.

Japan Supports School in Tsunami-Stricken Province

The Embassy of Japan in Solomon Islands and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources signed a grant contract for the rehabilitation of classroom buildings and staff houses for Sasamunga Primary and Community High School in Choiseul Province.

Solomon Islands Share Education Experience at Regional Meeting

The recent Forum Education Ministers Meeting in Auckland, New Zealand has significantly helped Solomon Islands to set the goals and objectives of its National Education Action Plan in perspective at the regional level.

Taiwan Donates Items to Burns Creek Community

Burns Creek Community in the eastern part of Honiara today received donations from the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Moti Files Suit in High Court on GG's Proclamation

The Attorney General, Mr. Julian Moti QC, has filed a suit in the High Court, challenging the constitutionality of the Governor General's proclamation last Friday, the 13th of December, as the next meeting of the National Parliament.

Government Hands Over Computers to Provincial Headquarters

The Ministry of Commerce, Employment and Tourism yesterday handed over computer sets to the nine provincial headquarters in Solomon Islands.

PM Assures Business Houses of Security Obligation

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare reiterated to Honiara's business community that his Grand Coalition for Change Government will not undermine the security and safety of Solomon Islanders in its dealings with the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.

Govt. Seeks to End Telekom Monopoly

The government is looking at improving the legislation to support the introduction of competition in the telecommunication industry in the country as part of its ongoing reform in the industry sectors.

Solomons Health Organisation to Organise Programs for Premiers and Church Leaders

The Solomon Island Planned Parenthood Association will embark on two major advocacy programs next year.

Women's Organisation Host Workshop

The Solomon Islands National Council of Women is currently having a workshop at the Community Sector Program Office.

No Merit to Terminate Sogavare-led Government: Dep. Premier for Western Province

The Deputy Premier for Western Province, Hon. Oliver Zapo, said he sees no merit in terminating the Sogavare-led Government from office.

Government and People of Japan Assist Solomons Tsunami Victims

The Government and people of Japan have reached out to assist the people of Solomon Islands affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 2nd April 2007.

Japan Assists Ranongga Clinic's Rehabilitation

The Embassy of Japan and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services has signed a grant contract worth over SBD1,250,000, for the rehabilitation of clinics and staff houses in Ranongga Island in Western Province.

Dausabea Lodges Complaint on Police Action

East Honiara Member of Parliament, Charles Dausabea, has lodged a protest to the Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Jahir Khan, following surveillance on him by the police.

Solomons Participants Attend Workshop in Malaysia

Three staff officers of the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association arrived early last week after attending a workshop at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

Former Honiara City Mayor Faces Imprisonment

A former Honiara City Mayor was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment at the Honiara Magistrates Court.

Piggey Farming to Improve Standard Maintenance

Pig farmers are reminded on the importance of standard maintenance to improve piggery farming in Solomon Islands.

CNURA Pledge to Address Economic Recovery and Financial Management

A Coalition government will constructively address economic recovery, and put in place strong financial management mechanism.

NDMO Promotes Disaster Awareness Through Media

The National Disaster Management Office has launched its annual disaster awareness campaigns through the media yesterday.

Police Launch New Policy on Sexual Abuse

The Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Jahir Khan, today launched the new Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) policy on Sexual Abuse.

Taiwan Supports Pig Management Workshop

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is currently holding a three-days workshop on pig management.

Our Telekom Football Tournament to Continue

The Under-23 Our Telekom Cup Football Tournament will continue despite the weekend's violent incident.

Police Move Quickly to Settle Violent Crowd

The Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) have responded quickly to settle a potentially violent situation in Honiara on Saturday night.

Economy Archive