Economy Archive May 2021

The handing over was formalized with the signing of the transfer document by the PRC’s Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Mr Li Ming and Health Minister Honourable Dr Culwick Togamana.

Health Receives China's Support for Covid 19 Operations

Following launch of the Chinese made Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine roll out program, last Friday, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has again provided further assistance of 150,000 USD (Approx. 1.2m in SBD) towards the vaccination roll out and COVID-19 operations and logistics.
Despite the incidents faced by the St. John staff, they continue to strive to ensure services to communities are reached.

MHMS Calls for Respect for St. John Ambulance

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) condemns the disrespect displayed towards the important service that St John Ambulance has been providing to our communities by few members of the public.
Meetings with the Chiefs of the Western Border and Police were conducted from 20th - 21st May.

Police Review Team Conducted Western Border Mission

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Review Team conducted a COVID 19 operation in the Western Border to meet with the FAMOA Council of Chiefs, Mono Chiefs and elders as part of the review of the police operation.
The event is an initiative under the MoU between Government and the private sector which presents the opportunity for SICCI members to engage directly with the country’s leadership and also creates a platform for the Prime Minister engage to directly with tax payers.

SICCI Hosts Successful Prime Minister’s Breakfast

Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Sogavare had the opportunity to address key members of the business community in Solomon Islands on relevant Policy, enhanced partnership and respond to the Private Sector Pathway to COVID-19 Recovery Strategy submitted to his Government earlier this year.
The initiative of a Playroom was supported by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) through Solomon Islands Police Development Program (SIPDP).

Police Enhanced with New Children's Playroom

Sexual Assault Office of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) has been enhanced with a new playroom for children at the Rove police headquarters.
Recently, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) removed 101 unexploded ordnance (UXOs) in a residential area in Honiara.

US Commits to Support Clearing Unexploded WW2 Bombs

The United States says they have a longstanding commitment to helping Solomon Islands address unexploded ordinance (UXO) contamination left over from World War 2.
The suspect has been remanded at the Gizo Correctional Centre awaiting his appearance in court later as the investigation into the incident continues.

13 Year Old Girl Raped by 39 Year Old Relative

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Munda Police Station in Western Province have arrested and charged a 39-year-old man on 30 April for the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl at Lokuloku settlement in Munda on 29 April 2021.
The vessel mooring in Honiara waters contained 501 kilograms of cocaine, with an estimated street value between AUD$125 million and $250 million.

Man Sentenced Over 2018 Drug Bust in Honiara

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced to 14 years and five months’ jail for his involvement in planning to import over 500 kilograms of cocaine into Australia via the Solomon Islands in 2018.
Tourist business operators that attended the meeting were Munda Guest Haus, Agnes Lodge, Castaway Resort, Ibibu Transit Lodge, Qua Roviana Budget Accommodation and Titiru Eco Lodge.

New Zealand High Commissioner Meets with Western Tourism Operators

The New Zealand High Commissioner last week, met with with members of the Western Province Tourism Association (WPTA) in Munda.
USP Center Director Dr. Billy Fito’o 3rd from Left with SIG Officials last week.

Senior Government Officials Meet USP Centre Director

Senior Government Officials on Wednesday 12 May met with the Director of the University of South Pacific, Solomon Islands Center, Dr Billy Fito’o and discussed ways of strengthening cooperation between the Government and the University’s Solomon Islands Center.
The main buyers of products like timber, cocoa, tuna, copra, though hard hit, were able to absorb the country's export.

Solomon Islands Economy Faring Better than Anticipated

It was this time a year ago that the government and Solomon Islanders were apprehensive about the future following the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Police reported that during the time of the incident the deceased was drunk and failed to report the matter to police or even attend to medical at Gizo hospital after the suspect assaulted him.

Man Arrested in Gizo for Murder

Officers of the Royal Solomon Police Force (RSIPF) in Gizo have arrested a 41-year-old male from Shortland Islands in relation to the death of a 40- year-old male from Isabel Province at Gizo on 13 May 2021.
Crowds line up outside a Suva supermarket, masked up but not maintaining physical distancing prior to it being shut down for deep cleaning after four staff tested positive to COVID-19 (Credit: Sadhana Sen)

Second Wave of COVID-19 Cases Shakes Fiji

A year after the first border closures and lockdowns, Fiji is again in the throes of stringent containment measures. On 18 April, Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama proudly announced the one-year mark since Fiji’s last case of COVID-19 outside of a border quarantine facility.
Biosecurity Solomon Islands (BSI) has been permitted to carryout awareness and training on regulated pests that are of threat to the community’s Agro-Forest farming project under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between BSI and JICA.

Biosecurity Concludes Pest and Disease Training

Biosecurity officers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) successfully conducted a one day awareness training on Integrated Pest and Disease Management for Falake community members in West Kwara’ae, Malaita Province on the 5th May 2021.
Charles Noda from Malaita province was an audit supervisor at Morris and Sojnocki Chartered Accountants Firm. He was admitted at the Honiara’s National Referral Hospital this past week with serious injuries.

Another Life Lost from WWII Bomb

The bomb explosion that occurred on Sunday 9 May 2021 has now claimed two lives.
Women working on nutritional projects, part of an education programme to prevent NCDs by promoting a healthy diet.

Addressing NCDs in Solomon Islands

In response to rising rates of noncommunicable diseases, NCD Coordinators like Virginia Legaile work with patients to improve their health from a holistic perspective.
With the recent mobilization, we now have 1053 workers in Australia with demand still growing significantly now that COVID-19 risk management initiatives are in place.

More Workers Fly to Australia Under the Pacific Labour Scheme

A total of 187 workers flew out of the country last week on Friday 7 May to work in various farms and abattoirs in Australia.
Handing over of X-ray machine by WHO OIC Dr Sonja Tanevska (centre left) to NRH Medical Superintendent, Dr John Hue.

NRH Receives Much Needed Medical Equipments from WHO

National Referral Hospital (NRH) remains grateful to the continuous support of the World Health Organization (WHO) in enhancing the capability of the hospital to provide essential health services to the people.
Participant, Eagon Pacific Limited Manager, Mr Moon providing an update on his company’s progress.

Forestry’s Redirection Priorities Shared

The Forestry Sector’s 2021 redirection priority policies under the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) has been shared with partner Donors, stakeholders and friends of forest at a one-day meeting, the 7th Forestry Sector Technical Working Group (FSTWG) meeting in Honiara.
The vaccines are manufactured from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories [CSL] in Melbourne, Australia.

Additional 60,000 AstraZeneca Doses Welcomed

The Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare has welcomed the offer by the Australian Government to donate 60,000 doses of AstraZeneca to Solomon Islands.
The new OTT service will provide a combination of free-access and subscription, with subscribers receiving unlimited data via their ISP.

Switch Media Wins Telekom Television Contract

Switch Media has won the contract with Solomon Telekom Company Limited (STCL) to provide an online streaming service for its free-to-air television network, Telekom Television (TTV).
“In order to achieve better development outcomes, women must be fully included in developing policies and laws that affect their livelihoods and well-being,” said Mr Chris Tabea.

Developing an Inclusive Traditional Governance Bill, Leaving No One Behind

Close to 30 women gathered in Honiara, Solomon Islands last week to research, develop and validate gender-inclusive recommendations to the Traditional Governance, Customs and Facilitation Bill (TGCFB).
San Isidro special needs students waves their hands as a sign of appreciation/thank you to MAL for the generous support.

MAL Boosts San Isidro’s Farming Capacity to Produce More Food

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) has enriched San Isidro Care Centre’s (SICC) farming capacity to produce more food with the donation of vegetable seeds and tools to the centre on 5th April 2021.
The Prime Minister also stated that a total of 10 previously positive cases had been closely monitored by the Ministry of Health over a 90-days period following their release from quarantine recently.

Solomon Island Still COVID-19 Free: Sogavare

Solomon Islands remains COVID-19 free.
The RSIPF Forensic and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team have since identified the bomb that caused the blast yesterday.

Aviation Engineer Killed in Bomb Blast

An aviation engineer at the Ministry of Communication and Aviation (MCA) was the victim of the tragic bomb blast in Honiara on Sunday 9th May.
Australian High Commissioner, Dr Lachlan Strahan (r) hosted the participants to meet and greet the alumni of the Directorship Programme, SICCI Sponsors and other important stakeholders at his residence.

SICCI Acknowledges Australia’s Continuous Support

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) acknowledges the Australian High Commission office in Honiara for their continuous support towards the work the Chamber does in representing the private sector in Solomon Islands.
Officers of RSIPF at the scene of the bomb blast.

WWII Bomb Explodes in Honiara Suburb Killing One, Two In Critical Condition

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has confirmd that they responded to a bomb blast which killed a male person and left two others in critical condition.
“We will see how technology transcends boundaries and elevates our collaborative efforts to newer heights," says ITSSI President Alice Aote'e.

Girls in ICT Day Goes Robotic

The Girls in ICT day will introduce a lot of changes, says Information Technology Society Solomon Islands (ITSSI) President Alice Aote'e.

Economy Archive