Economy Archive December 2008

Live Bombs in Yandina

Reports have reached police in Honiara of live bombs found at the Leavers point in Yandina, Russell Islands.

Nightclub Owner Arrested and Charged

Police have arrested owner of the popular Kauvare nightclub at Kakabona, west Honiara for defying police orders to close the club.

Operation High Visibility to Ensure Safe New Year Celebrations

With the city setting into motion for the big countdown to 2009, police are also stepping up on Operation High Visibility to ensure peaceful celebrations for everyone.

Head of Chambers of Commerce: Budget Unrealistic

The Chairman of the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SICCI, Mike Hemmer, has said Parliament has passed an unrealistic budget.

Apostolic Revival Crusade in Honiara

The Kingdom Harvest International Ministries in Solomon Islands is gearing up to host an Apostolic Revival Crusade in Honiara next month.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Operations Happy with Christmas Outcome

With the Christmas celebrations over and done with, reports from responsible authorities has turned out positive.

Reflection Time As 2008 Ends

Counting down to closing the chapter of 2008 is accompanied with reflections for a lot of people.

New Year's Resolution a Rare Practice

With 2009 just a day away, locals are talking about everything but one thing: a New Year's resolution.

Delay in 2008 Grade Six Results Anger Parents

The National Examination Selection Unit (NESU) has revealed that grade six results will not be released until early January 2009.

Trading the City for Village Life

For most people, trading life in the city to settle in the "back-way" village lifestyle is not always in favour.

Immediate Threats to Solomon Islands Must be Addressed: Sitai

Member of Parliament for East Makira, David Sitai, calls on the government to seriously address immediate threats to the Solomon Islands population.

Multi-Agency Team to Lord Howe Returns

The multi-agency team which travelled to assess the effects of sea inundation on Pelau and Luaniua in Lord Howe returned to the capital Sunday.

Peace and Reconciliation Government Priority

Solomon Islands' Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua, reiterates that peace and reconciliation will continue to be his government's number one priority in 2009.

Senseless Beating Results in Death of Child

Police in Malaita are investigating the death of a child reportedly bashed to death.

Police Leaders Spread Christmas Cheer to Western Solomons

Participating Police Force Commander Denis McDermott embarked on a goodwill visit to Munda over Christmas with the Permanent Secretary of Police, National Security and Prison Services Mr George Hiele.

One Week Workshop on Safe Hospitals in Malaita Province

More than thirty officers of Kilu'ufi hospital took part in a one-week workshop on 'Safe Hospitals' in Malaita Province.

SkyAirWorld Wins Anuha Island Redevelopment Bid

Australian airline, SkyAirWorld, has won a redevelopment bid for Anuha Island in Solomon Islands, as part of a plan to attract more international tourists to the region.

High Alcohol Demand Increases Price

An increase in demand for beer over the festive season has given reason to bottle shop owners and distributors to increase their price.

Opposition Leader Calls on Government to Develop Economic Sector

Parliamentary Leader of Opposition, Manasseh Sogavare, appeals to the government and development partners to work together in other sectors to avoid a disastrous economic effect when forestry money runs out.

Island Style Celebrations in Adelaide

The Solomon Islands community in Australia's Adelaide city enjoyed a touch of island style celebrations during a visit to an Aboriginal Elderly Village over the Christmas period.

Public Questions Operation High Visibility

Public scoffs talks on high visibility of police presence over the Christmas period to track people driving under the influence of liquor.

Unanimous Support to Designate Country's Prison System

A constitutional amendment bill to designate the country's prison system has received bi-partisan support amongst Members of Parliament.

Kwaso Raid Results in Seven Arrests

Fifteen hundred Litres of Kwaso estimated to have a street value of 50-thousand dollars was seized Saturday by Police at Koa hill in an early morning raid.

God Has the Answers: Prime Minister Sikua

God has the answers to the challenges Solomon Islands face.

Christmas Greetings to You All!

The Management and staff of Solomon Times Online wishes its valued clients and viewers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2009.

Police Firm on Underage Drinking

The Royal Solomon Islands Police are now taking underage drinking very seriously.

Surfing in the Solomons

Surfing in Solomon Islands is fast becoming a favorite not just for locals but also visitors from other countries.

Operations High Visibility to Focus on Unlawful Drinking

Police warns the public that Operation High Visibility will focus on unlawful drinking this festive season.

Tourism School at SICHE in 2009: Ha'amori

The Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) will introduce Tourism Studies and a diploma programme at its School of Education next year.

Solomon Airlines Increases Domestic Fares

Solomon Airlines has announced an increase of 19 per cent on its Domestic route.

Club Owner Questions Police Action

As police operations intensify over the festive season, officers have attended and closed a number of dancing spots in the outskirts of Honiara.

Government Dispatches Multi-Agency Team to Lord Howe

A multi agency team leaves today to assess the health, environment and impacts of climate change on water sources and food gardens on Lord Howe Islands.

SIG Hands Over Second Vessel to Guadalcanal Province

Guadalcanal Province took delivery of its second passenger and cargo boat, the MV SOLOMONE 2 from the national government.

Strong Public Opposition to Idea on Legalising Gay and Lesbian Status

A move to the idea of legalizing gender equality for gays and lesbians in Solomon Islands receives strong opposition from the general public.

Frequent Earthquakes Hits Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands has experienced four earthquakes since Thursday last week.

Domestic Violence, Key Issue Facing Women in the Solomons

A key issue facing women in Solomon Islands is domestic violence.

Police Ops Shuts Doors of Popular Kauvare Nightclub

A police operation has forced popular out-of-town Kauvare nightclub to close down.

RSIP Patrol Boat Heading to Troubled Ontong Java Islands

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Patrol Boat Auki is heading to Ontong Java Islands with National Disaster Management Officers, Medical staff and Police Officers to assess the situation there.

Relatives Identify Deceased Male

The body of the deceased male found near Varamata SDA Church at Vara Creek area in the afternoon of 15th December 2008 has been identified.

Solomon Islands Criminal Laws Need Updating

The Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission says there are many reasons the country's criminal laws need to be changed.

Proper Tourist Services Needed: Huni'ehu

Public workers, including hotel workers, cab drivers and shop keepers are called on to be more professional.

Need for Recreational Areas in Honiara

A relaxing spot to wind down, apart from taking a long drive to the beach, is often hard to find.

No Late Nights, Police Warn Club Owners

Nightclubs have been warned not to open until the break of dawn.

Local Media Doing "Very Good Job": Marshall

Local media in Solomon Islands is doing "a very good job" disseminating information to the general public.

Demand for SolBrew Products Increasing

The country's local provider of canned and bottle soft drinks and beers, SolBrew Limited, has announced over the weekend that demand for their products is increasing.

Road Accidents on the High

There has been a noted increase in fatal road accidents since last month.

Police Still to Identify Dead Body

Police are again calling for assistance from members of the public who may have any information in relation to the dead body that was discovered near the SDA Varamata Church along the road to Vara Creek.

National Youth Parliament Set for Next Year

Solomon Islands plans to host its first national youth Parliament next year.

No Free Education for COM Schools

Schools under the Anglican Church of Melanesia Education Board will continue to charge normal school fees despite the national government's announcement to introduce free education next year.

Guadalcanal Premier Visits Police Headquarters

The Premier of Guadalcanal Province Honourable, Stephen Panga, was a guest of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Headquarters on 17 December 2008.

New Dash-8 Aircraft to Serve Six Domestic Routes

Up to six provincial airstrips have been earmarked to be served by the Dash-8 aircraft to be brought in by Solomon Airlines.

Fatal Crash, a Wake Up Call

Provincial Police Commander for Honiara City, Chief Superintendent Nathan Ratu, says police are sad over the death of two young teenagers in a fatal road accident on Wednesday night.

No Government Support for Airlines

The national carrier, Solomon Airlines, has been operating on its own for so many years, according to Airlines General Manager Commercial Services, Gus Kraus.

Police Operation to Ensure Public Safety

Police are now on 'Operation High Visibility' to ensure a safe Christmas and New Year for Honiara residents.

Our Telekom Services "Useless, Hopeless and Expensive": Zama

Member of Parliament for Rendova Tetepari, Francis Zama has made a scathing attack on the high cost of telecommunication services provided by Our Telekom company.

Newly Fenced Market Confusing Public

The newly fenced Central Market is not receiving much public favour with most complaining that it is causing inconvenience for parking vehicles.

Local Police Force Lends Helping Hand

The Royal Solomon Islands Police have received an official invite from the Nauru Government to lend a helping hand in bomb disposal.

Use of Rural Fund Heart of Debate

The use of the Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) continues to be one of the country's key political issues.

National Carrier Ready for Competition: Kraus

Solomon Airlines says it is ready to take on competition.

Worth of $100 in the Solomons

Just how much $100 is worth to Solomon Islanders is a question many ask, as price tags in shops continue to increase rapidly.

2009 Budget Will Move Solomon Islands Forward: Minister Tora

Member of Parliament for Ugi and Ulawa Constituency, James Tora, has described areas prioritized by the 2009 budget as fundamental to move Solomon Islands forward.

Locals Feel Impact of Financial Crisis

Continuous climb of prices in Solomon Islands is forcing people to look at alternative measures to survive.

Crash Takes Two Young Lives

Two young people have lost their lives in a fatal road accident opposite the ITA building at the Central Market area in Point Cruz around 7:30pm last night.

Media Ban on Telekom Monopoly Negotiating Team

A government team negotiating with Our Telekom Company on the possibility to open up the telecommunications industry to competition has been instructed not to talk to the media until a deal has been struck with Our Telekom.

Senseless Manner a Real Tragedy

Celebrating in a senseless manner will always lead to tragedy, according to Honiara's own favorite, Leonard Ramo, best known as "Nati Hatsoa".

Herbal Medicine Still Effective Cures

To the eyes of many, weeds crawling around the yard are plants that are to be pulled out when cleaning around the house.

ROC and NRH Farewell Doctor and Nurse

Heads of Department of the National Referral Hospital farewells Dr. Chen Hsien Ching and Nurse Specialist, Pan Feng-Jy who have served in the country for the past three months.

Solomon Islander Graduates with PhD

A Solomon Islander has successfully completed his doctoral studies at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England.

Young Imitators of the Adult World

Imitating the adult life is common among most girls between the ages of 4-10 years old.

Bus Businesses Welcome Busy Period

Bus businesses in Honiara welcomes the jam-packed movement around the clock with people doing shopping for Christmas that is just eight days away.

Solomons Hospital Receives Heart Equipment

Taiwan is committed to continue to share its resources and experience with other donors in strengthening the medical capabilities of Solomon Islands.

Police Seek Public Assistance to Identify Deceased

Police are seeking public assistance in identifying a male body that was discovered near the Varamata SDA Church at Vara Creek area at approximately 5.00pm on 15 December 2008.

Tsunami Victims Still Living in Tents

Malakerava coastal residents on Gizo island who were victims of the April 2 earthquake and tsunami last year are still living in tents.

Fono Warns of Impact of Global Financial Crisis

Deputy Prime Minister, Fred Fono, warns that the country must brace itself for the impacts of the current global financial crisis.

New Trend Creates Fear for Beach Goers

Beach goers are calling on landowners to help curb the new trend of road blocks and other incidents that are creating fear on the general public.

Solomons College to Introduce New Programs

The Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) will soon introduce its diploma programs as part of its curriculum.

Solomons Third Highest in Domestic Violence

An international survey finds Solomon Islands to be the third country in line global with the highest incidents of physical and sexual violence against women.

Ship Loads to the Provinces

With the holiday seasons in place, demands for space in vessels travelling to the provinces is on the high.

Smith Plans Injunction Against Sky Airworld Plans

Australian businessmen John Smith plans to put an injunction to a plan by Sky Airworld to develop Anuha Island, Central Province.

Calls to Speed Up Move to Statehood

The premiers of Western and Guadalcanal provinces have jointly re-newed calls on the CNURA government on the review of the Federal Draft Constitution in the move towards statehood so it can be tabled in Parliament next year.

Carols in the Islands Sets Christmas Mood

Hundreds of people flocked the Lawson Tama Stadium, most children, for the Carols in the Islands occasion.

SICHE Faces Challenging Times

"The physical size of our college is a serious barrier to accessing tertiary education opportunities and services available in this college."

'Climate Change No Fairy Tale,' Warns Sore

The bad effect of climate change is not a fairy tale but an on-the-ground reality, the Solomon Islands told the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Poland Saturday.

Youth Takes on Challenge of Apple Worker

Working to earn some cash does not necessarily mean sitting behind a computer and working an 8-hours shift for a young Solomon Islander, who is among a few fortunate Solomon Islanders selected to be part of the 'apple season workers'.

Public Support on World Anti-Corruption Overwhelms Organiser

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) has commended public support for the work in fighting corruption in Solomon Islands, saying this is a good sign for the country.

Solomon Airlines to Bring in Dash-8 Aircraft

Solomon Airlines will soon bring in a Dash-8 aircraft to compliment its internal services in the country.

New Clinic Receives Radio

The Mataga Clinic in Central Guadalcanal, one of the first implemented project of the Guadalcanal Province, received one set of two way radio including a solar panel.

Marau Sound Turn to Seaweed

The Marau Sound communities of East Guadalcanal have turned to seaweed farming and land agriculture as alternative means of income generation while Marine Protected Areas rejuvenate.

Small Business Awards Launched

The launch of the Solomon Islands Small Business Champions Awards unveils an annual business excellence award in Solomon Islands which will start in 2009.

Single Mother of Three: A Challenge

Raising three children without a father is a life most young women do not anticipate, especially in Solomon Islands where the cost of living soars almost every month.

Traditional Reconciliation Leads to Peace

A traditional reconciliation was held between young members of Central Honiara and Kakabona area in West Honiara.

Rennell-Bellona Premier Not Happy with Parliament Member

Rennell Bellona premier, Timothy Johnson, calls on the Minister for Culture and Tourism and M-P for Rennell-Bellona to apologise to provincial premiers for labelling their idea stupid.

Australia Assists Tsunami Victims

The Australian High Commission is pleased to announce its support to the Community Land Rights Awareness Project in Gizo, to be implemented by Oxfam International.

Solomons Integrated Framework DTIS Validation Workshop a Milestone

The Solomon Islands Integrated Framework DTIS Validation two-day workshop which starts today in Honiara was highlighted as a milestone event of the Integrated Framework process in Solomon Islands.

Government Decision a Disappointment: Wong

RIPEL Chairman Patrick Wong has expressed disappointment with the Government's decision to seek an adjournment to the RIPEL Shareholder's AGM scheduled to be held in Honiara Tuesday.

Youth Health and Social Centre

The Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) has set up a Youth Health and Social Centre clinic for youths, men and women based in Honiara.

AFP Helps Refurbish RSIP Academy

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) wants to help the local police force, the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) to reach a professional level in policing.

Christians Still Discriminate HIV Positives

Discrimination and stigmatization of people living with HIV by Christian people has been reported to be widespread in various communities around the Solomon Islands.

Strong Quake Hits Solomon Islands

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck the remote Santa Cruz Islands region of the Solomon Islands Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.

Direct Aid Program Supports Girl Guides Sewing Project

The Australian High Commission is pleased to announce its support for the Solomon Islands Girl Guides Association Sewing Project through the Direct Aid Program (DAP).

Economy Archive