Economy Archive May 2009

Hon. Steve Abana addressing the ACP Council.

Abana Highlights Importance of Climate Change to Solomon Islands

Minister of Planning Hon. Steve Abana has underscored the importance of climate change and its impact on Pacific ACP States, especially Solomon Islands.
The completed homes donated by the Salvation Army of Papua New Guinea.

Salvation Army Hands Over Buildings to Paeloge Tsunami Victims

The Salvation Army of Papua New Guinea has officially delivered 15 houses to families who lost their homes during the unfortunate 2007 April 2 tsunami disaster.
Commissioner of Police Peter Marshall officiated in the ceremony at Police Headquarters Rove alongside Permanent Secretary for Police, Justice and Correctional Services Mr Henry Pika.

Solomon Islands Welcomes New Deputy Commissioner of Police

The new Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Wayne Buchhorn was sworn in to office and warmly welcomed by the RSIPF Executive.
In Taiwan, Dr Sikua met President Ma to discuss a number of bilateral issues.

Asia Tour a Success: Sikua

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua said his 25-day tour of three Asian countries was a success.

Solomon Airlines and Air Niugini Agree on Revised Terms of Code-Share Agreement

Solomon Airlines and Air Niugini have agreed on a revised Terms of Code-Share Agreement to and from Fiji.
Inspector Rodney Kuma of RSIPF Fire Services said their prompt radio dispatch meant a fire truck and four crew were able to arrive at the scene in Central Honiara within five minutes.

Quick Response by Fire Crew Saves Kindergarten

Rapid response by Royal Solomon Islands Police Force's Fire Services helped save the YWCA kindergarten building from total destruction yesterday afternoon.
Around 530 litres of kwaso with an estimated street value of SBD$5,300 was seized.

Couple Arrested as Police Declare War on Kwaso

Police have arrested a man and his wife at Mbokona heights for brewing kwaso at their home, after Police gathered information on the illegal activities and raided their property.
Police pouring out litres of home brewed Kwaso destined for the streets of Honiara.

Two Men Arrested at Tetere Kwaso Raid

Police yesterday raided a private residence at Soso village at Tetere and arrested two men aged in their 30s for illegally brewing the home brewed liquor, Kwaso.
Hon. Martin Maga is reported to be recovering well at Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Health Minister Recovering Well at Saint Vincent Hospital

The Minister of Health and Medical Services, Hon. Martin Maga is reported to be recovering well at Saint Vincent Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Look Out for Fake Notes: CBSI

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands, CBSI, says it strongly believes a number of fake one hundred dollar and fifty dollar local notes are circulating in the country.
Goods confiscated from the Japanese fishing vessel by Police, Customs and Quarantine officers yesterday.

Liquor and Cigarettes Seized from Foreign Fishing Vessel

A joint patrol by law enforcement agencies to tackle illegal activities on Honiara harbour led to the seizure of a large quantity of liquor and cigarettes yesterday morning at Point Cruz harbour.
Philip Bobongi (centre) is escorted by officers from the RSIPF's Corruption Squad to appear before Honiara Magistrate's Court for alleged money laundering offences.

Man Refused Bail on Money Laundering Case

A West Guadalcanal man was today refused bail and remanded in custody for another fortnight after appearing in Honiara Magistrate's Court over money laundering offences.

No Laws to Deal With HIV and AIDS

As the country faces the real possibility of a rise in HIV-positive cases next year, Solomon Islands is still without specific laws to deal with HIV and AIDS prevention and management.
SW Pacific 2009 photographic evidence clearly shows algae in a green line between dead and healthy coral.

Killing the Ocean

World Ocean Conference and Coral Triangle Initiative participants should urgently consider nutrient pollution is killing coral as photographic evidence indicates, not CO<sup style='color: black'>2</sup> induced climate change. Wrong diagnosis can be fatal.
President of ACP Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Solomon Islands, William Haomae, centre, addressing the meeting; Sir John Kaputin (SG ACP); and H.E Joseph Ma&#39;ahanua.

ACP Council Gets Underway

The 89th Session ACP Council of Ministers opened today with the second five-yearly revision of the Cotonou Agreement with the European Union, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs), and threats of the financial crisis to ACP member states, among the major issues to be discussed.

PM Sikua Seeks More Funding Assistance from Japan

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has requested the Japanese government to consider funding more projects in tertiary education, renewable energy and mining sectors under its next funding cycle.
On Pentecost Sunday, Christians in 212 nations of the world will meet together in a variety of locations to pray.

Solomon Islands Joins Global Day of Prayer

Christians in Solomon Islands have been invited to participate in the Global Day of Prayer this coming Sunday, 31st May.
Fishermen in the Sandfly and Buenavesta region openly expressed their misery on this issue when meeting with the Governor General Sir Nathaniel Waena at Olevuga Village last week.

Gela Communities Miserable Over Fishing Projects

Communities on Gela Islands in the Central Islands Province are demanding answers from responsible government authorities after their fishing project applications were unsuccessful.
The province currently has two constituencies including Gela and Savo/Russells with an estimated population of 27,000 people.

Central Islanders Want Additional Constituencies

Leaders and people of Central Islands Province have called on responsible National Government authorities to create two additional constituencies to help address inadequacies in the distribution of government funded projects in the province.

Prominent Lawyer Taken to Court

Prominent Honiara lawyer and owner of A and A Legal Services, Charles Ashley is facing two lawsuits for allegedly swindling more than SBD$ 2 million dollars of trust funds belonging to former clients.

Police Appeal for Eyewitnesses to Rape

The RSIPF Sexual Assault unit is appealing to the public for eyewitnesses, to the alleged rape of a 19 year old student near the Chinatown Bridge around 7pm on Friday.
&quot;We cannot afford to be complacent and simply wait for the crisis to deepen and take control of us,&quot; Minister Rini said.

ADB and World Bank Pledge Funding Support for Solomon Island

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank have pledged to provide funding support to Solomon Islands to address budgetary and balance of payment challenges attributed to the impacts of the global economic crisis.
Australia and New Zealand have indicated that they will consider allowing the Pacific greater access to their labour markets.

OCTA Extremely Important in PACER Plus Negotiations: Director Trade

"The office of the Chief Trade Advisor (OCTA) will be extremely important to us, not just during negotiations, but in helping us to get ready for PACER Plus," Director of Trade Heinz Vaekesa said after returning from a recent trip to Vanuatu.

PM Sikua Meets Japanese Leaders

Prime Minister Derek Sikua and delegation yesterday in Tokyo met with various Japanese leaders of the Japan-Solomon Islands Friendship Association.
Commissioner Peter Marshall said Operation High Visibility will run again this weekend across Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in and around Honiara.

Police Target Kwaso and Weapons in the Streets

The Royal Solomon Islands Police have warned they will be targeting the illegal trade and drinking of kwaso as well as people going armed in public without lawful cause.

Family Seek SBD$200,000 Compo

The family of the Late Billy Toito'ona, who was stabbed to death last weekend, has demanded SBD$200,000 in compensation for the fatal incident.
RAMSI PPF Commander, Denis McDermott, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Police, Henry Pika, PS (Special Duties), Ronald Unusi and Police Commissioner Peter Marshall.

RAMSI to Build 200 New Houses for Police

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) is to build 200 houses for the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) over the next four years with funds granted in the latest Australian budget.
RSIPF Fire Service&#39;s Inspector Rodney Kuma entertained and educated bank staff during his fire safety lecture.

Police Fire Drills Put ANZ Bank Staff to the Test

The fire safety knowledge of bank staff from the ANZ Bank's Point Cruz branch was put to the test early this morning when the Police Fire Service initiated a fire evacuation drill at 8.30am.
Police Commissioner Peter Marshall urge all interested parties to allow the Police to do their work and not get involved in any misguided attempts at retribution.

Police Monitor Tense Situation at Kaibia Heights

Police Commissioner Peter Marshall today urged all parties to show calm after major disturbances at Kaibia Heights last night activated call outs of the police tactical squads.
Cabinet has announced an indefinite freeze on recruitment to vacant positions.

Government Halts Recruitment as Financial Situation Worsens

The Government has announced an indefinite freeze on recruitment to vacant positions, as well as on the creation of new positions within the Solomon Islands public service.
Committee Chairman Smith Ragi, Secretary Beven A&#39;iele and Honiara Committee member Reginald Ngati.

Bulu Communities Resort to "Self-Help"

Desperate is the best word to describe the current situation at Bulu, a small community in south Malaita. During freak storms in early April, more than two hundred homes were flattened.
Commissioner Peter Marshall said the project was part of ongoing efforts to help with evacuations, the transport and distribution of relief supplies to various affected areas.

Police Help Red Cross Ship Safe Water Storage across the Sea

Marine Police helped the Solomon Islands Red Cross distribute 11 water tanks from Honiara to Malu'u in Malaita and Marasa on the Weather Coast during the past week.
Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children, Ethel Sigimanu, Deputy High Commissioner, Alison Duncan and representative of the Global Youth Leadership Nexus, Charles Ratu.

Australia Supports Solo Icon 2009

The Australian High Commission today announced its support for 2009 SOLO ICON, at a handover ceremony held at the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children, where Deputy High Commissioner, Alison Duncan, handed over a cheque for SBD30, 000 to Global Youth Leadership Nexus.
Koloale edged out Makuru in the previous tournament went to reach the final of the O-League where it lost to Auckland City of New Zealand.

HFA Giants Prepare for Club Championships

The Giants of Honiara football are consolidating their strength in preparation for the coming Our Telekom National Club Championship. KOSSA, Makuru and Uncles have all booked a place while Koloale returns as the defending champion. The national club championship will kick off on Monday 25 May 2009.
Office of the CBSI in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Palm Oil Exports Remain Strong: CBSI Governor

The Governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands, CBSI, Denton Rarawa, says the economic preliminary indicators for the first quarter of 2009 show mixed outcomes.
At the heart of the TSM campaign is the proposed ten (10) reserved seats for women in parliament.

Temporary Special Measures Campaign Officially Launched

The Ministry of Women, Youth and Children's Affairs has officially launched a nationwide awareness campaign on the Temporary Special Measures (TSM) concept.
Construction work is expected to start soon on the development of Doma township, West Honiara.

Work on Doma Township Set to Begin

Construction work is expected to start soon on the development of Doma township, West Honiara.

Sikua to Attend PALM 5 Summit in Japan

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua will attend a three days Japan-Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting, PALM 5, in Hokkaido, Japan, starting Thursday this week.
New Zealand High Commissioner, Deborah Panckhurst, Minister for Finance and Treasury, Hon Snyder Rini and RAMSI Special Coordinator, Graeme Wilson.

RAMSI Support for Inland Revenue Secure till 2013 thanks to New Zealand

The Inland Revenue Division, the Solomon Islands Government agency that collects taxes and other revenue within the country, is to be supported for another five years by the Regional Assistance Mission.
The aftermath of the 2007 tsunami disaster, that hit the Western Province.

Disaster Preparedness Training for Simbo Island

Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) will conduct a disaster preparedness training for Simbo Islanders from the 18th -22nd of May at Lengana Village Simbo Island, Western Province.
Police investigations have identified several individuals regarded as high threats within the community.

Stabbings in Honiara Result in Deaths

Two young men have died and two others seriously wounded in a series of stabbing incidents in Honiara over the weekend.

New Zealand Appoints New High Commissioner to Solomon Islands

New Zealand has named career diplomat, Mark Ramsden, as its next High Commissioner to Solomon Islands.

Australia Increases Aid Assistance to Solomon Islands

Australia's combined bilateral and regional development assistance to Solomon Islands will increase by AUD$9.8 million bringing the total of 2009-10 to AUD$246.2 million dollars.
Assistant Commissioner Crime Peter Aoraunisaka today revealed that Police had recovered items of clothing, from the scene of the attack, believed to belong to the offender.

Police Recover Clothing from Scene of Stabbing Incident

Detectives with Royal Solomon Islands Police Force's Central Honiara Criminal Investigation Department are urgently seeking public assistance to identify offenders involved in a brutal stabbing on Monday.
Australia&#39;s Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs, Hon Duncan Kerr SC with Solomon Islands Acting Prime Minister, Hon Fred Fono MP.

Australia Funds Development Projects in Malaita

Australia and Solomon Islands are working together to increase cocoa production and improve road rehabilitation and maintenance in Malaita. This partnership will provide jobs for Solomon Islanders, economic stimulus for Malaita and better access for rural communities to towns and markets.

Acting PM Witnesses SIPF-PPF Riot Demonstration

Acting Prime Minister, Fred Fono has officially witnessed a joint Riot Demonstration Exercise carried out by the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) and the RAMSI Participating Police Force (PPF) at the Rove Police Grounds today.
The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force&#39;s Fraud Squad seized $200,000 cash Philip Bobongi Mbokona home.

Police Seize Dirty Cash from Money Launderer's Home

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force's Fraud Squad officers have arrested a man accused of masterminding a local money-laundering scheme, after seizing $200,000 cash from his Mbokona home.

Fono Welcomes New Ministers

Acting Prime Minister Fred Fono (MP) has welcomed the appointment of two new government ministers to Cabinet following a ministerial reshuffle exercise on May 5.
RAMSI arrived in Solomon Islands in July 2003 following requests by the then Kemakeza led government to help restore law and order after five years of ethnic conflict involving firearms.

Haomae Opens Enhanced Consultative Meeting on RAMSI

Solomon Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, William Haomae says ongoing consultations on the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) is crucial to ensure necessary adjustments are made to match the changing situation in Solomon Islands.
The 25-year-old woman was found dead at the Lungga River area with several wounds to her body and face.

Lungga River Murder Suspect Arrested

Honiara Magistrate's court today remanded in custody a murder suspect for the death of a 25-year-old woman at Lungga River in March.

Taiwan Release RCDF Money

The Rural Constituency Development Fund, RCDF, has been released to government by Taiwan.
Acting Prime Minister, Hon Fred Fono, and Chairman of the EAC, Tony Hughes.

Economic Advisory Council Launched

Acting Prime Minister Fred Fono MP has launched the Solomon Islands Economic Advisory Council in Honiara yesterday.

EU Expands Areas of Assistance

The European Union is opening up areas where it had not gone through before in assisting developing countries.
Committee members, from left to right: Marcelina Loe, Chairperson William Leguvaka, Lyn Vaike and Ben Salepo with projector for Selwyn College.

Ex-SelCo Students Support Selwyn College

Ex-Selwyn college students studying and working in Fiji have rendered assistance to Selwyn college school with a new school projector.
Vanikoro Islands is an island group in the Santa Cruz Islands, located 118 km to the Southeast of the main Santa Cruz group.

Missing Boat Yet to be Found

Police in Lata have launched a search for seven adult men who have been missing since Saturday.

Gitoa Wants to Appear Before TRC

Murder suspect, Stanley Gitoa, who escaped from lawful detention in 2007, says he will remain in hiding from law enforcement authorities until he is guaranteed the opportunity to speak with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC.

Solomon Airlines Clarifies Disruptions on International Flights

Solomon Airlines last Friday were given notice by Our Airline that their B737 aircraft would not be available until Sunday due to some maintenance issues.
The new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Forestry, Gordon Koniaramo and new Auditor General, Edward Ronia.

New Auditor General and PS Sworn in

A new Auditor General and a new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Forestry were sworn in before the Governor General Sir Nathaniel Waena at Government House this morning.

We Should Not Politicize Solomon Airlines: Wale

A former board chairman to Solomon Airlines, now Minister for Education Mathew Wale says the national airline needs less politicization of its board appointments and a more commercial approach by the board and management.
SPC is also looking for new market opportunities for Solomon Islands wooden handicraft.

SPC Helps Identify Markets for Forestry Products

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, SPC, is assisting the Solomon Islands forestry industry conduct a study on the development of a market information system for the country's timbers.
All five nations originally announced -- Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga -- would still be visited this summer.

Pacific Partnership 09 To Continue Without USS Dubuque

The Pacific Partnership mission will take place this summer, although not aboard USS Dubuque (LPD 8) because of concerns the H1N1 virus could be spread.
Mr Marshall said the joint exercises are designed to prepare Police units to work together managing civil unrest, protests, prison breakouts and other major incidents.

RSIPF Tests Operational Responses in Joint Capability Exercise

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force will test its operational responses by rehearsing a Joint Capability Exercise at Rove Prison and the Rove assembly ground this morning until May 13.
Mr Shanel polled 2,089 votes while former MP, Walton Naezon, polled 1291. Newcomer, Elvis Kekeqolo, could only manage 170 votes.

Peter Shanel Wins By 798

Peter Shanel has won the Central Guadalcanal election, winning by a majority of 798.
The February Victorian fires destroyed 1800 homes and claimed over 200 lives.

Government Donates SBD$500,000 to Bushfire Victims in Australia

The Solomon Islands government has handed over half a million Solomon dollars to the Australian High Commission in Honiara this morning to support the fire victims of Australia.

Kadamana Scoops RAMSI Media Award

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands today presented the inaugural Special Coordinator's Media Encouragement Award to Solomon Star newspaper photographer, Charles Kadamana.

Solomon Airlines Airbus 320-200 Aircraft Flight Schedule

An airline spokesperson said that a new schedule, now under development and in the process of being circulated, would see the Airlines operating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from Brisbane to Honiara with a direct return service to Brisbane at prime times.
The Solomon Airlines stated that the Airbus 320-200 is a modern aircraft, which will be catering to 12 Business class clients and 144 economy passengers with comfort unmatched on the route.

Solomon Airlines Brings in Airbus 320-200 Aircraft

The Solomon Airlines confirmed yesterday, during a brief ceremony, that it has signed a strategic agreement to bring into its Brisbane operation, an Airbus 320-200 aircraft.
The US Navy has had to cancel the June medical mission to the Solomon Islands as a precautionary measure.

Swine Flu Case Forces Cancellation of US Navy Trip

A US Navy trip to the Solomon Islands has been cancelled after the discovery of a swine flu case aboard one of the San Diego-based Navy ship.
Sikua says that these changes have been made &quot;in view of the need to speed up implementation of various government programmes and projects in the Ministries concerned.&quot;

Sikua Reshuffles Cabinet Ministers

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has announced the much anticipated reshuffling of Ministers in his year old government.

Dead Foetus Found in a Bottle

A dead foetus was found in a bottle at Town Ground area over the weekend.
TDA marine monitor Bobbi Fio conducting a Reef Check survey on Tetepare Island.

Tetepare's Reefs in Top Shape

A recent survey of coral reefs around Tetepare Island, in the Western Province, has confirmed the islands reefs are in excellent health.

PM Sikua on Official Asia Tour

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua will leave the country today to attend high level meetings in three Asian countries including the Republic of China (Taiwan), Indonesia and Japan.
Mr Mbugua started working as a journalist in the early Eighties where he &quot;made a firm commitment to truth.&quot;

TSI Holds Public Lecture on Corruption

Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, in its ongoing efforts to raise people's awareness on corruption, is hosting a Free Public Lecture today at 5pm at the Star Events Conference Room, Tongs Building.

Solomon Airlines Suspends Code-Share Agreement to and from Fiji with Air Niugini

Solomon Airlines, in a press statement, said that they would be terminating the current code-share agreement, on the Solomon Islands and Fiji route, currently operated by Solomon Airlines and Air Niugini.

PS Level Reshuffle Implemented by Government

Prime Minister Derek Sikua has embarked on a major reshuffle amongst certain Permanent Secretaries.
More than 1000 endangered green and leatherback turtles hatched from nests on Tetepare beaches.

1000 Critically Endangered Turtles Hatched on Tetepare Beaches

The Tetepare Descendants' Association (TDA) is celebrating a record-breaking turtle hatching season on Tetepare Island in the Western Province.
Mr. Ostby will represent the UN and UNDP in 10 countries, including Solomon Islands.

New UN Resident Coordinator Presents Credentials to Prime Minister

Mr. Knut Ostby, the newly appointed United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, presented his credentials to Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua this morning.
During his stay in Honiara Archbishop Tutu had brought a message of hope and forgiveness to Solomon Islands.

Archbishop Tutu Says Goodbye

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu from South Africa has left Honiara after an eventful three days' visit to the capital.

Solomon Airlines Plans Internal Restructure

Solomon Airlines announced today that they have begun the long awaited company re-structure that will see some positional changes and streamlining of departments with effect from Friday 1st May.

Economy Archive