Economy Archive October 2008

Guale Peace and Reconciliation to Meet

A second meeting of the Guadalcanal Peace and Reconciliation Committee is rescheduled to kick-off early next month.

Police Disrespect Uniform: Kari

The President of the National Council of Women, Mrs Hilda Kari calls on Police officers to respect the Uniform they are wearing.

SSEC Has New Bishop

The South Seas Evangelic Church (SSEC) after a long day of elections announced its new bishop last night.

Solomon's Muslim League Clarifies Position

The Solomon Islands Muslim League has clarified its association with Australian, Bassam Tiba.

Australia Supports Honiara Youth Climate Change Forum

The Australian High Commission is getting behind Honiara Youth and Climate Change Forum. Australian Deputy High Commissioner, Alison Duncan, today met with George Baragamu, Solomon Islands Red Cross Society Program Manager for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, to offer Australia's support for the forum.

Police Search for Owner of Marijuana Plants

Honiara police are searching for the owner of at least 14 fully grown marijuana plants seized in a raid carried out recently.

Sustainable Energy Financing Roadshow Launched in Gizo

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands together with the World Bank and the Australian Government will launch the Sustainable Energy Financing Project roadshow program in Gizo, Western Province, on Thursday 30 October.

Australian Arrested in Honiara

A wanted man from Melbourne, who allegedly taunted Australian police saying he would never be captured, was arrested by Solomon Islands Police Force detectives at Henderson International Airport in Honiara on Tuesday (28 October 2008).

RIPEL Taskforce Report Presented to PM

A Government taskforce on the reactivation of the Russell Islands Plantations limited (RIPEL) has presented its report to the Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua yesterday morning.

Pacific Freedom Forum Condemns Assault of Pacific Media Veteran

Media workers across the Pacific have strongly condemned the violent bashing of veteran media advocate, journalist, and trainer Peter Lomas.

Case of Man Accused of Rape Adjourned

An elderly man accused of raping his four month old step daughter, appeared at the Honiara Central Magistrate's court for a short time yesterday.

Women's Week Takes Centre Stage in Honiara

The Women's Week at the Cultural village is the current crowd catcher this week, as people flood the grounds.

Solomon Islands Deepens Ties with Belgium

Solomon Islands yesterday has welcomed with open arms Belgium's Ambassador during a brief ceremony at the Government House.

Quick Action Seals Damaged Runway at Munda

Technical staff of the Ministry of Aviation has taken swift action on yesterday to conceal a big hole at the centerline runway of Munda airport.

Appointment of New RAMSI Special Coordinator Welcomed

The Foreign Minister of Solomon Islands, the Hon William Ni'i Haomae, and Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum, the Hon Tuiloma Neroni Slade, and RAMSI Special Coordinator, Mr Timothy George, today welcomed the appointment of Mr Graeme Wilson as the next Special Coordinator of RAMSI.

Pacific Wide Tsunami Drill Set for Today

Solomon Islands will join more than sixty-one other countries around the Pacific Rim as a participant in a mock tsunami scenario during 29 -30 October 2008.

RIPEL Issue to be Discussed in Cabinet

A Government Special Task Force which had been looking at ways to revamp the crippled Russell Islands Plantations Estates Limited (RIPEL) will hand its report to the Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua tomorrow.

Ministry of Tourism Praised for Supporting Toursim Industry

The newly established Solomon Islands Tourism Industry Association (SITIA) has praised the support the Ministry of Culture and Tourism had given to the re-establishment of SITIA as a "positive vision."

Women's Week Officially Opened

The Women's Week was officially opened yesterday at the Cultural Village in Honiara.

COI is the Way Forward for RIPEL: Sogavare

Leader of Opposition, Manasseh Sogavare has expressed grave concern over the pure legalistic-based approach taken by the government to deal with the long-standing RIPEL dispute.

Pink Ribbon Event Held

A fundraising dinner was held at the Honiara Hotel last Friday to mark the Pink Ribbon event, a global initiative to create awareness on cancers affecting women.

$182.3m Provincial Funds Unaudited

The Office of the Auditor General, OAG, has revealed that $182.3 Million of Solomon Islands Government grants to Provincial Governments over the past fifteen (15) years have not been audited.

Honiara Youths Attended Blue Light Disco

Youths in communities around Honiara attended a Blue Light Disco at the Rove Police club last Friday.

SolAir to Introduce Pre-Christmas Special to Brisbane

Solomon Airlines will introduce its pre-Christmas special, where return tickets to Brisbane will cost SBD$1999 inclusive of taxes, for about three weeks in November.

SSEC Faces Serious Threat of Split

Some leaders of the South Seas Evangelical Church, SSEC, have reportedly threatened to set up an alternative SSEC leadership structure if Reverend Michael Maeliau is elected on Thursday as the Reverend Bishop of the SSEC Church in the country.

EU Increase Assistance to Solomon Islands

The European Union will increase its funding assistance to Solomon Islands under phase three of its micro project scheme to USD 80 million dollars.

Declined Support for RAMSI Expected: Sogavare

Leader of Opposition, Manasseh Sogavare, describes the decline in Solomon Islanders support for the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, RAMSI, as shown by the recently released 2008 people's survey on the Australian-led intervention arrangement as "not surprising."

'Going Home' Service for Solomons Laucala Students

The Solomon Islands Students Association (SISA) of the University of the South Pacific's Laucala-based campus in Suva, Fiji, organised its last combined service yesterday.

Outgoing Commissioner of Prisons Farewelled

The Minister of Police, Security and Correctional Services Hon Samuel Manetoali yesterday thanked outgoing Commissioner of Prisons Barry Apsey for his outstanding service to Solomon Islands.

H.E Chan Reassures Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands relationship with Taiwan is not affected by the current global financial crisis.

Baby Found Dead, Police Searching for Mother

A six month old fetus was found in a stream at Kobito One, below Naha road.

Honiara Central Market Receives Facelift

The Honiara Central Market has received a facelift, following a construction of a steel fence erected around the market premises.

First Lady's Charity and RAMSI Work on Pink Ribbon Day

Lady Alice Waena has urged the community to support Pink Ribbon Day which aims to raise awareness as well as funds for fighting women's cancers in Solomon Islands.

Strike is Legal: Kagovai

The General Secretary of the Solomon Islands National Union of Workers (SINUW), Mr. Tony Kagovai has said that the strike by the workers of the Heritage Park Hotel is "Legal."

Solomons to Benefit From US for Marine Conservation

Solomon Islands is one of six countries to benefit from the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).

Tourism Body Reactivated

The National Tourism Association Solomon Islands (NTASI) a non-profit tourism industry association which promotes products and service to its members held a two days tourism meeting for tourism operators in the country.

Police Officer Arrested

An investigation by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Professional Standard and Internal Investigation (PSII) has resulted in the arrest of a police officer from Honiara on 20th October 2008.

PM Gives Fishing Communities Canoes and Engines

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has given three 19-feet fiberglass canoes and three 15-horse power Yamaha outboard motors to fishing communities of his North-East Guadalcanal Constituency.

HIV Healing a Hoax

The HIV Department of the Ministry of Health has rejected claims that there are herbal medicines that can heal the HIV virus.

Sisilo to Head Nauru Foreign Affairs Ministry

Solomon Islands' trade expert Robert Sisilo has landed a lucrative job in Nauru, taking on the role of Nauru's new foreign affairs secretary from next month.

Non- Communicable Disease Workshop Held

The Ministry of Health's Non- Communicable Disease Department, this week organized a five day workshop on Non-Communicable Diseases.

Haomae Heads Pacific Trade Negotiations with European Commission

Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon William Haomae, was selected as interim spokesman for the Pacific ACP group in negotiating the controversial Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Commission (EC).

Heritage Park Hotel Workers Go on Strike

Yesterday the workers of the Heritage Park Hotel went on a strike just as the Hotel construction nears completion.

Uepi Island Resort, an Unforgettable Experience

Looking for an unforgettable experience? Then look no further, Solomon Islands is host to many eco-lodges and beautiful Island resorts, one of which is Uepi Island Resort.

Reforestation to Minimise Unsustainable Timber Harvesting: Tausinga

Forest resource owners must be encouraged to do downstream processing, and at the same time replant logged land areas so as to minimise the disasterous effects of unsustainable timber harvesting.

Solomon Islands Rejects 'Binding Obligation' in EPA

Solomon Islands is maintaining its position against the European Union's (EU) pressure on Pacific Nations for binding commitments in the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group and the EU.

First Solomon Islander CEO for Our Telekom

Solomon Telekom Company limited has confirmed the appointment of Mr Loyley Ngira as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr Ngira, a Solomon Islands national from Choe, Marovo, Western Province is the first Solomon Islander to take up the role of Chief Executive.

Aorigi Islanders Come Up With Development Plan

Leaders on Santa Catalina Island, also known as Aorigi, in Makira's Far East have established a development plan to boost development on the island.

US Embassy Calls for Proposals

The United States Embassy, Port Moresby is soliciting proposals from Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu for small-scale development grants for projects.

Taiwan Continues to Help National Plantation Development Project

H.E George Chan, Ambassador of ROC (Taiwan), has handed the last tranche of fund for National Plantation Development Project, worth of SBD$3 million to H.E. Dr. Derek Sikua, Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands on 20th October, 2008.

New Crime Causes Concern

A new crime has hit the streets, causing concern among the Police.

Public Encouraged to Test for HIV

The Oceania Society of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine President Dr Tenneth Dalipanda has encouraged the general public to test for the deadly disease, HIV.

NAPA Draft Plan Finalizing

The National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) committee of the Ministry of Environment held a one day workshop yesterday to review their Draft Action Plan for 2009.

Haomae Wants to Include Tobacco and Alcohol in PICTA

Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, William Haomae, has announced the Solomon Islands Government's intention to include alcohol and tobacco in the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA).

Ontong Java Threatened by Climate Change

The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Environment, Mr. Rence Sore, has stated that relocation would not be forced upon inhabitants of the remote atoll of Ontong Java in the Solomon Islands.

'Christmas Shopping' Alert!

With Christmas just around the corner, many people are now on high alert for the 'Christmas Shopping' dramas.

CRGA 38th Meeting Concludes

The Thirty-eighth Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA 38) was held at the Secretariat of the Pacific Communities (SPC) headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia, from the 13th to 16th October 2008.

Dr. Sikua Vists Heritage Park Hotel

The owner of the Heritage Park Hotel currently under construction in the centre of Honiara, Mr. Kostas Constantinou, said that his new hotel is going to be one of the best hotels, not only in Honiara but also in the Pacific.

RIPEL Needs to Reopen: Lilo

The Acting Minister of Finance, Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo says Government wants to see the re-opening of operations of the multi-million dollar company, Russell Islands Plantations Estate Limited (RIPEL).

Shipping to Uneconomical Routes Soon to be Finalized

The Marine Division of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development is on the final stage of its plan to subsidize shipping services to uneconomical routes in the country.

First RSE Agent Licensed to Recruit

The Solomon Islands Government has granted license to a first local recruitment agent for the New Zealand Seasonal Labour Employment scheme, Monday last week.

USP Leading Provider of Education: Salini

The University of the South Pacific is a leading provider of education in the South Pacific, including Solomon Islands, says Acting Director of USP Centre in Honiara, Chris Salini, at the Centre's Open Day.

Less Disturbance from Nightclubs in Honiara

Police are receiving less reports of criminal activities from nightclubs.

Roads on Gizo Still Need Improvement

People of Gizo town in Western Province are questioning if infrastructure of their town will be fully complete to what it was before the tsunami.

Search for Five Year Old Called Off

The search for the missing five year old girl in Marovo, Western Province has now been called off.

USP Celebrates Open Day

Students of the Laucala-based University of the South Pacific in Suva celebrated its Open Day today.

NSW Ambulance Service Donates to National Hospital

The New South Wales Ambulance Service in Sydney has donated an Ambulance vehicle for the Solomon Islands National Referral Hospital on Wednesday.

RAMSI Experience Slight Drop in Support

According to the latest survey, public support for the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has experienced a slight drop from year 2007.

Police on Lawlessness Issues in Yandina

Police have never turned a blind eye to lawlessness in Yandina.

Online Site to Help Produce Quality Public Servants: Tozaka

Solomon Islands government celebrates a milestone as the Ministry of Public Service launch a website in Honiara.

Man surrenders in relation to Central Market murder

A 25 year old male person has surrendered himself to police in relation to a recent fatal stabbing incident at Honiara Central Market.

Listening to the Hearts and Minds of Solomon Islanders

The opinions of nearly 5,000 Solomon Islanders were given voice yesterday to an audience of Government, RAMSI, donor and development representatives at the launch of the People's Survey 2008.

No Limit to Making Money

With limited jobs available in the country and the increased unemployment rate in the country, earning money is quite a problem for some, while others it is vice versa.

NPF Investments Performing Well: Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance and Treasury says while international markets have gone down significantly in recent times, NPF's investments have performed relatively well.

Man Charged for Possessing Live Ammunitions Storage

Police have arrested and charged a 42 year old businessman today after he was found to have illegally stored live explosives and ammunitions at a warehouse in Ranadi.

Fight Against Spread of HIV is Everyone's Business

HIV is an emergency issue which people should seriously regard as a deadly killer.

RAMSI Launch People's Survey 2008

RAMSI Special Coordinator, Tim George, yesterday launched the third Annual People's Survey of the mission in Honiara.

Workshop for Rural Health Workers

Save The Children Australia, World Vision, Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA), ADRA, Ministry Of Youth under the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children's Affairs and OXFAM together with the Ministry of Health Services have organized a workshop, the first of its kind for nurses in the provinces.

Visitors Bureau Welcomes Flights

The Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau welcomes the move by Pacific Blue to launch flights to Solomon Islands from Brisbane.

South Choiseul Presented Tsunami Funds Report

The South Choiseul Constituency has been the first of the tsunami affected areas of Choiseul and Western Provinces to give a formal financial report and progress presentation to the Prime Minister, Dr. Derek Sikua.

Girl Gone Missing In Marovo

A five year old girl went missing, after she went swimming with her 10 year old brother at Tusubona Island in the Marovo Lagoon, on Wednesday the 8 of October 2008.

Police Investigate Stabbing

Honiara City Police Detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 28 year old man from Guadalcanal at the Central Market around 4:00pm last Saturday.

Mental Health a Rising Problem

Last week, Honiara celebrated the Mental Health day at the National Referral Hospital.

Japanese Team Visits for Water Supply Improvement

A basic Japanese study team on the project for improving of water supply system in Honiara and Auki, Malaita last week visited Honiara.

Solomon Islanders Given a Voice

An independent nationwide survey of Solomon Islanders' opinions will be launched tomorrow by the Solomon Islands Government and RAMSI.

Minister of Health Assures Locals of Services to Curb Mental Illness

Solomon Islanders have been assured of psychiatric services in light of growing mental illness in the country.

Successful End to Prayer Festival

Governor General His Excellency, Sir Nathaniel Waena formally closed a successful week-long International Prayer and Cultural Festival in Bundaberg, Australia.

Thumbs Up for Our Telekom

Our Telekom Breeze GSM Mobile rural expansion has now reached many parts of the different provinces in the country.

Baby Defile by Step Father

Detectives from the Sexual Assault Unit have arrested a 50 year man in relation to the alleged sexual assault of a four month old baby at Lunga area Sunday morning.

Dinner for the Blind

Residents of Honiara who may be more familiar with "dinner by candle light" were treated with what is to be the first of its kind of "dinner in the dark".

SPC To Assist Forestry Act Review: PS Kingmele

The South Pacific Commission (SPC) will be assisting the Solomon Islands Government on its proposed plan to review the country's Forestry Act.

Solomon Island Fijians Celebrate Fiji Day

Over the weekend, the Solomon Islands Fijians together with other Fijians living and working in the Solomon Islands came together to celebrate the 38th Independence Anniversary of Fiji.

Governor General Visits Melanesian Descendants in Rockhampton

The Solomon Islands Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena visited descendants of South Sea Islanders in the Central Queensland City of Rockhamton last Thursday - assuring them that Melanesian countries continue to recognize their Melanesian heritage in the islands.

Solomons Shares Experience to Improve Pacific Prisons

Outgoing Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Solomon Islands, Barry Apsey, his replacement, the current Deputy Commissioner Francis Haisoma, today traveled to Fiji to share their ideas with Pacific neighbors on how to make prisons better places for rehabilitation.

RAMSI Says 'Vinaka Vakalevu' to Fiji

Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands Special Coordinator, Tim George, has congratulated Fiji on the occasion of their 38th anniversary.

Dr. Sikua Thanks Taiwan

Last Thursday, the country's leaders came together to celebrate the Republic of China's National Day at the Sea King restaurant.

Food Hygiene Preparation Workshop Officially Closed

The one week workshop on Food Hygiene and Preparation for housewives was officially closed this morning at the Education Department of the Honiara City Council.

WW2 Collectors Demand Explanation

"We need an explanation as to why RAMSI raided our yard and took some of our War relics collected for a planned War Relics Museum."

NDMO Workshop in Kirakira Successful

A two day workshop on 'Making Hospital Safe from Disaster' at the Kirakira hospital in Makira and Ulawa Province was described as eye opening and successful.

UNICEF to Assist in Plans for Youth Parliament

A UNICEF Technical Assistance, Ms Musia Vave has arrived in the Solomon Islands to assist the government's proposed plan to establish a youth Parliament in the Country.

Economy Archive