Economy Archive August 2012

The five-star Tavanipupu Private Island Resort is known as one of the South Pacific's 'best kept secrets'.

A Second Honeymoon in Solomons for Royal Couple

Most couples can't hope to manage a second honeymoon until retirement - if at all, but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will do exactly that in the tiny island of Tavanipupu in Solomon Islands.
The Court found no evidence to link their intention to purchase and in possession of bechedemer for the purpose of export during the banned period.

Businessmen Acquitted from Bechedemer Case

The two Asian businessmen charged with being in illegal possession of bechedemer with intention to export were acquitted of the charges against them by the Solomon Islands Magistrate Court.

Electoral Mission Termed a Success

Officials from the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission say their recent trip to Fiji gave them a chance to interact and share ideas with their counterparts on the electronic voter registration.

Electoral Commission Satisfied with Mission

Officials from the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission say their recent trip to Fiji gave them a chance to interact and share ideas with their counterparts on the electronic voter registration.
CCC student Rebecca Hawksworth (L) and Liz Turnbull, of Channon and Lawrence Dental Care who provided teaching and training materials.

School Mission to Include Oral Health

Cooloola Christian College (CCC) students from Queensland in Australia will include an oral health education program in their visit to Solomon Islands schools in September.

Save the Children Launches New Projects

The working relationship between Save the Children, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Burns Creek community has taken a step forward through the launching of a Crime Prevention Committee, under the Children and Youth in Conflict with the Law project.

Bid for 2013 Forum Meeting Planned

The Solomon Islands will be lodging it's bid in Rarotonga, Cook Islands to host the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in 2013.

Report Highlights Fisheries Management Methods

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has been precluded from planning appropriate management of offshore fisheries due to a lack of updated laws and a tuna management plan to address regional fisheries resources.
The purpose is to trigger economic development where it matters most-in the constituencies where the people are.

Government to Establish New Division

The current Solomon Islands government is now working on establishing a new Economic Growth Centre Division.
Ambassador Maria Gargarllo with Solomon Islands Governor General, Sir Frank Kabui recently in Honiara.

Solomons and Mexico Strengthen Friendship

Solomon Islands and Mexico's relationship have further been strengthened on the recent visit of the first ever Mexican Ambassador to Solomon Islands to present her Letter of Credence to the Governor General, H.E Sir Fran Kabui in Honiara.
Senator Carr on one of the Patrol boats with Commander Geoff Turner (L) and Superintendent Russell Tagini (R).

Carr Inspects Patrol Boats

While visiting Solomon Islands recently, the Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Bob Carr took the time to inspect the two Pacific Patrol Boats, Lata and Auki.

PM Lilo Pays Respect to Late Dunning

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo observed a minute's silence n respect of Adam Dunning, an Australian police officer, who was killed whilst on duty with the Regional Assistance to Solomon Islands in 2004.
Plant Health Clinic is a place where farmers can be trained to become plant doctors where they can diagnose infected plants.

Plant Health Clinic Concludes

A team from Kastom Garden in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Vois Blo Mere yesterday started a Plant Health Clinic in the community of Takwa in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands.
Hon. Lilo will be spending most of his time in Canberra on bilateral meetings with his Australian counterpart and varius senior officials.

Lilo Begins Bilaterals in Australia

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo started his official visit of Australia yesterday with a trip to the Charters Towers Region near Townsville, Australia.

Regional Engagement Meeting Convenes

Solomon Islands will be one of the Regional countries in the third Engaging With The Pacific (EWTP) meeting with other Pacific Island leaders to discuss strengthening partnerships when they convene in Nadi this week.

Key Electoral Officials on Study Tour

Government Officials from the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission and the Ministry of Home Affairs will be going on a study trip to Fiji.
Immunization day at the Rove Clinic in Honiara.

SWApping Tactics for Better Results

Delivering health services to more than half a million people scattered across 90 islands offers many challenges, but these are being met head on through an innovative plan and a 'can do' attitude by Solomon Islands Ministry of Health.

Australia Reaffirms Continuous Assistance

The Australian Government says it won't allow Solomon Islands to slide back into another ethnic war.
Switzerland's new Ambassador to Solomon Islands, H.E Marcel Stutz has presented his credentials last week to the Governor General.

Switzerland Ambassador Presents Credentials

Switzerland's new Ambassador to Solomon Islands, H.E Marcel Stutz has presented his credentials to the Governor General His Excellency Sir Frank Kabui in Honiara yesterday.
Australia's Foreign Minister, Senator Bob Carr and Mr. Virivolomo of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Infrastructure.

Carr Inspects Australian Funded Roads

Australia's Foreign Minister, Senator Bob Carr over the weekend inspected the Australian-funded road and bridge works in West Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
Australian Foreign Minister, Bob Carr meets with local nurses at Tulagi Hospital.

Australia Assists in Fighting Malaria

Australia will aim for the long-term elimination of malaria in the Solomon Islands, starting with delivery of an additional $14.75 million over four years.

Solomons Qualifying Games Confirmed

The third stage of FIFA World Cup qualifying will see Solomon Islands come face to face with New Zealand on September 11 at the North Harbour Stadium in New Zealand.

ICT Suppliers for Government Announced

The Permanent Secretary of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Shadrach Fanega, has announced the establishment of preferred supplier arrangements for ICT Equipment.

Calls to Lift Bechedemer Ban

The Solomon Islands Government is being called on by a local chief to lift the beche-de-mer ban it had imposed four years ago while investigating the illegal harvesting and trading of the marine commodity.
Ministry of Health and Medical Services confirmed that oxygen supplies to the hospital should be resolved this week.

Ministry Resolves Hospital Oxygen Shortage

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services says it is attending to the shortage of oxygen gas supply in the National Referral Hospital.

ANZ Hosts Financial Literacy Training

ANZ Solomon Islands recently hosted a "Money Minded Programme" in Auki, Malaita Province, with the intention to improve financial skills, knowledge and confidence.

Government on Observation Trip for In-Service Training

A delegation from the Solomon Islands Government is currently visiting selected Pacific Islands countries to observe how they manage and administer their in-service training programme.

Fono Calls on PM to Investigate Minister

Local cocoa exporter, Albert Fono, has called on the Prime Minister to intervene in the cocoa license controversy and investigate the Commerce Minister's decision on the issue.
The Family Protection Bill followed a 2009 National Report that stated 64% of women and girls in Solomon Islands have experienced domestic violence.

Consultation on Family Protection Bill Begins

The Ministry for Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs is this week hosting a national stakeholders consultation on the Proposed Family Protection Bill in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Government Still to Settle Kongulai Issue

Honiara's water supply may be switched off, with the Solomon Islands Government saying it can't afford to pay a bill from the land trustees.

Disaster Office Sends Emergency Supplies

The Solomon Islands Government has sent emergency supplies to the Weathercoast of Guadalcanal, more than two weeks after an earthquake hit the region.
Juanita Augerea, 2, of the Solomon Islands, has received an operation on her kidney through the ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medican Aid for Children) program.

Rotary Assists Toddler

With a shy smile and a pink bow in her hair there is no obvious sign that little Juanita Augerea has just been through a life-changing event, but the youngster has plenty of reasons for joy.

Anniversary Celebrated for an Education Institution

The Solomon Islands Acting High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, Mr. William Soaki was among guests invited to attend the 5th anniversary celebrations of Australia-Pacific Technical College (APTC) in Port Moresby.
The Coastwatchers became legendary figures in the South Pacific war, living for months in enemy-surrounded jungle, subsisting on what they could find, and operating on their nerve.

Obama Acknowledges Coastwatchers and Scouts

The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has praised the Solomon Islands Scouts and Coastwatchers who served during the World War II battle in Solomon Islands.

Tragic Death after House Fire

A 12 year old boy has lost his life early this morning in Tulagi after the house he was sleeping in burnt to the ground.
The notice is demanding the Government to re-grade all legal officers and improve conditions of rental and allowances.

Massive Resignation by Government Lawyers

Government lawyers have handed in a three month resignation notice effective yesterday, in protest of long standing issues relating to their terms and conditions of work.

Call to Upgrade Central Market

The new manager of the Honiara Central Market in the Solomon Islands capital says that it is now too small and needs to be enlarged.
The Minister for Development, Planning and Aid Coordination, Snyder Rini led the Solomon Islands delegation, while AusAID Director General, Peter Baxter led the Australian delegation.

Australia and Solomons Hold Bilateral Talks

The Solomon Islands and Australian Governments met in Brisbane last week for the annual bilateral talks on the Solomon Islands-Australia Partnership for Development.
Settlers at the Burns Creek area, the proposed site for the National Sports Stadium.

Strong Opposition by Settlers to National Stadium

With plans in place to build a National Sports Stadium, settlers in the Burns Creek area in East Honiara say they will not vacate the proposed site.

Bemobile Undertakes Major Upgrade

The Solomon Islands' second mobile service provider bemobile has confirmed that it is in the middle of undertaking a multi-million dollar upgrade to improve its network in the country.

Students Finally Receive Allowance

Solomon Islands Government sponsored students studying at the University of the South Pacific's Laucala campus in Fiji have finally received their allowance yesterday afternoon.
The U.S. Army lands troops and supplies on Guadalcanal in 1942.

United States Landing Commemorated

Seventy years ago today in 1942 mark the arrival of the American troupes into Guadalcanal to the beginning of what was to be known as the "Battle of Guadalcanal".

Australian Soldiers Rotate for Solomon Mission

A team of approximately 85 Australian Defence Force personnel has returned home last week after a highly successful four-month deployment to Operation ANODE in Solomon Islands.

Assembly Chamber First Ever for Makira

The Makira Ulawa Provincial Premier says the newly built provincial chamber, is the first modern Assembly Chamber to be owned by the province in it's 29 year old provincial history.
Worth AUD21.7m the program wants to provide a reliable, returning workforce for Australia's horticulture sector.

Thousands Stand Ready to Work

Solomon Island's High Commissioner to Australia, Beraki Jino, told an inaugural regional meeting on seasonal employment in Australia that Solomon Islands is prepared to send as many as a thousand workers to Australia.
The CBCP said the death toll from the boat tragedy has now gone up to three, including two children. One adult remained missing as of Wednesday.

Boat Tragedy Claimed Lives

A Filipino missionary was was one of those killed in the boat tragedy off Shortland Islands in the Solomon Islands last weekend.
Private Hunt-Irvine said the biggest challenge of the deployment was dealing with the heat.

Heat The Geatest Challenge

New Zealand soldier Private Dayne Hunt-Irvine has just returned from a four-month deployment to the Solomon Islands, supporting the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands.

The Deaf Remains Neglected

The head of a centre for deaf youths in Solomon Islands says many of his students, who are aged between 15 and 25, have never been to school before.
Besides the destruction to the Solomon Island forests, sexual exploitation also remains rife in logging areas.

Poverty Forces Girls to Prostitution

A national forum on violence against women in Solomon Islands has heard that poverty is one of the factors forcing girls as young as 13 into prostitution.

Economy Archive