In every form of endeavors to prosper, it always comes with a cost. The past decades of the world have witnessed changes in all aspects of happenings and scenarios because every change takes place within a portion being removed from the subject. Interestingly, the context of every development of cities, roads and even thatched bungalows comes with the cost of making it happens.
These costs may vary respectively to the types of actions being taken to form this intended image, thus, the corner stone to the current image of Solomon Islands; logging is credited as one of the main revenue earner since our country was named like what we are!
It is a common sense analysis that grown trees from our forest cannot get itself to the steamers and being carried for sale in the major markets but we have to use machines to removed them from our rainforests in order to put them into ships enroute to overseas markets. Following this, we experience contaminated unfertile soils, coral reefs that are dying because of the deposits from logging run offs, rivers that no longer hold the same color with few living creatures in it. How ever, we have to go all through this in order to achieve economic growth, as these are all the cost to achieve development otherwise we are far behind civilization from the rest of the world.
Sketching the islands of Solo, one will really witnessed that there exist at least roads in almost all the islands and even health centers, but it's wrong to compare ours with those of developed countries, how ever with that little we still manage to survive without paying medical bills as health is almost free of charge in our country. Also, we are not that worst with only bare land with no new trees but the nature and people in some provinces would agree that replanting processes has been done on the logged areas. A very good example could be those in Kolombangara and North New Georgia, Western Province.
Learning these negative impacts, our government has taken the bold step to finally identify Tourism, Agriculture and Fisheries thus will help fill the gap left by selling logs with its massive negative impacts on our environment. The Government wants to enhance growth through development in tourism, agriculture and Fisheries. Over recent years tourism has led growth in several Pacific island countries, for example In Palau, real GDP is projected to have grown strongly as tourism grows. This implies that development goals cannot be achieved overnight, so we could imagined Tourism-related economic activity could become more important for our country if intercepted wisely with the liberalization of international air services that could even boost easy travel services for our agriculture and fisheries products
Solomon Islands is moving forward...
Solo...moving forward!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Wattie Jawiey and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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