Escalating social problems in the Solomons is continuously blamed on the young generation without much care on reasons behind their actions.
Youth for Change officer, Mike Samani said that authorities fail to recognize that they are partly to be blamed for social problems arising."Youths dominate the population and the high rate of unemployment among the young age group is causing frustration," he said.
Mr. Samani pointed out that working people are complaining over high cost of living, "... if these people who earn are complaining, what do we expect from the young and unemployed?"
It was stated that Government "seriously" need to look into the unemployment issue.
Mr. Samani said that the result of unemployment leads to the rise of criminal activities such as stealing, taking illegal drinks such as kwaso and illegal activities like marijuana.
"It's interesting to note that the authorities are speaking out against issues such as girls selling their bodies to foreign boats, escalating criminal activities, yet they don't look into the why," he added.
"Our youths are especially affected because they are the vulnerable ones who easily fall into peer pressure," he said.
Mr. Samani added that another reason why unemployment is high in Solomon Islands is because of the increasing population, which creates problems such as urban drift.
"People in the rural areas, particularly the youths, are curious to experience what it would be like living in town without realizing the impact of daily pressure."
Mr. Samani said government should recognize how tough life is these days and should create more job opportunities for the unemployed youths.
"It is good to address the issue now while it is still manageable instead of leaving it off to its worst state," he said.