Politics Archive May 2007

PAP to Discuss Position with Opposition

Longest surviving Political Party in the country, the People's Alliance Party, will hold an extraordinary meeting in Honiara at the weekend.

Sogavare should keep out of PNG's politics: Sir Mekere

A former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Sir Mekere Morauta, says he was shocked by Mr Sogavare's interference in PNG politics during his brief stopover in Port Moresby.

Deputy PM dispels rumors

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Public Service, Toswell Kaua has dismissed reports that he is critically ill.

We do not need Sir Michaels help: SDL

A POLITICAL party in Fiji believes they can solve their own problems and does not need the help of its Melanesian neighbors.

State funeral for the late Sir Lloyd today

The official state funeral of the late Sir Lloyd Maepeza Gina will be held today.

Sogavare keen to see Somare return

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare made no secret of his preferred PNG counterpart after the upcoming PNG elections.

Tsunami affected communities urged to cooperate

Some villages in the Western and Choiseul Provinces are waiting for the government to assist them rebuild their homes. Some are reportedly refusing to assist in cleaning up their villages.

PAP to decide on allegiance

The Peoples Alliance Party will meet on Saturday to decide on whether or not they should remain with the Opposition.

Sogavare praises late Ulufa'alu

Mr Sogavare said the late Ulufa'alu had lived a colorful life saying the late Ulufa'alu is an enemy to none and friend to all.

Condolence by RAMSI for late Ulufa'alu

Acting Special Coordinator Jonathan Austin has offered RAMSI's condolences to the nation on the passing of the statesman and former prime minister, Hon Bartholomew Ulufa'alu.

Late Ulufa'alu honored with State funeral today

The late Bartholomew Ulufa'alu has been accorded with a State funeral today.

Andersen denied he stormed out

The Chairman of Police and Prison Service Commission, Mr. Edmund Andersen, had denied allegations made by the Acting Prime Minister that he stormed out of the Government House.

Long time Politician and former Prime Minister dies

Former Prime Minister, Bartholomew Ulufa'alu has died. The MP for Auki Langalanga passed away mid morning yesterday.

Government may set up review commission

It appears that the Government will go ahead with a review commission to look into the conduct of the board of the Public Service Commission.

MASI should stay out of Politics: Tozaka

The MP for North Vella La Vella, Milner Tozaka stated that the Media Association of Solomon Islands should not get involved in Politics.

RAMSI immunity is subject to the Constitution: George

Special Coordinator of RAMSI, Tim George, stated in a luncheon yesterday that the immunity given to RAMSI personal is a necessary component to the effective delivery of RAMSI's functions.

Solomon Islands Acting PM refutes allegations

Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Gordon Darcy Lilo says government has no intention to bring the Police Commissioner directly under the authority of the Prime Minister.

Former Finance Minister charged with corruption

Francis Zama has been sentenced to 20 months jail for official corruption although Zama made a belated payment of the sum owed under the Stamp Duties Act.

Charles Ashley warns Moti critics

A local Lawyer Charles Ashley has come out strong against certain media reports which he claims are spreading untruths about the suspended attorney general, Julian Moti.

Fono was never offered the DPM post: Lilo

The Acting Prime Minister Mr Gordon Darcy Lilo stated in a Press conference that the post of the Deputy Prime Minister was never offered to the Opposition Leader.

Taiwan will not attend PINA

Taiwan has cancelled its delegation to this year's Pacific Islands News Association conference in Solomon Islands.

PSC Commission may be referred to a tribunal

The Chairman of the Public Service Commission and the entire commission may face up to a review tribunal if cabinet gives the go-ahead.

Commission in the dark with appointment

Chairman of the Police and Prison Services Commission Edmund Andresen says the commission is in the dark as to how the new Commissioner of Police was identified.

Sogavare receives medal in recognition of support

The President of Taiwan Chen Shui-bian has presented a medal to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

Andersen clarifies his position

The Police and Prison Services Commission chairman Mr Edmund Andresen denies reports that he had attempted to block the swearing-in-ceremony of the new Police Commissioner on Tuesday.

PM cancels acting AG's trip to Australia

A scheduled trip to Australia for the Acting Attorney General Mrs. Nuatalia Tongarutu had been cancelled with no official explanation.

Nuaiasi is new Agriculture and Livestock Minister

MP for West Are'are Severino Nuaiasi has taken his oath as the new Agriculture and Livestock Minister this morning.

PAP withdrawal still uncertain

Former Peoples Alliance Party Parliamentary leader, Sir Allan Kemakeza had denied claims made by Mr. Kengava that PAP had withdrawn from the Opposition.

Sir Nathaniel furious over attempted delay

The Chairman of the Police and Prison Service Commission yesterday disputed the appointment of the new Police Commissioner.

Moti issue a diplomatic blunder: Australian academic

A Senior Research fellow with the Australia National University, Greg Fry, stated in an interview with radio New Zealand that the Moti issue has become a political blunder.

Sogavare leaves for Taiwan

Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare left the country yesterday afternoon for a two week visit to Taiwan.

Police Commissioner Khan sworn in today

The newly appointed Solomon Islands Police Commissioner will be sworn-in today.

Calls for resignation a mockery to democracy: Sogavare

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has stated that the call for his resignation by the Opposition MP Edward Huniehu, over the Moti affair, was ridiculous.

The Courts should decide on Moti's fate: Downer

The Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer stated in a recent interview with Radio Australia that the Courts, and not politicians, should decide on Moti's case.

SICTU calls on Governor General not to swear in Moti.

The Solomon Islands Council of Trade Union has called on the Governor General not to swear in Julian Moti as Attorney General.

Sogavare wants power over police: Fono

The National Parliamentary Opposition has expressed grave concerns over moves by the Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, to change certain provisions in the Constitution.

Not Guilty verdict in Dunning murder case

Two former militants, John Ome and James Tatau, have been acquitted on charges of murdering Australian Protective Service officer Adam Dunning in a sniper attack in Honiara in 2004.

PAP unofficially joins the government

The GCC government's intention to make sweeping changes to the constitution is boosted with the inclusion of four MPs from the opposition.

Dunning verdict expected today

The High Courts will today deliberate on the Adam Dunning murder trial with a verdict expected later this afternoon.

Australian aid increases as relations strain

The aid budget announced by Mr Downer maintains funding for the Solomon Islands at $224 million, an increase of $4 million from the previous year.

11 appointees to oversee priority areas

The GCC government has made 11 appointments mostly Parliamentarians to oversee specific policy areas that the government is pursuing.

Government appoints Maina as special envoy to RAMSI

The Prime Minister Mr. Sogavare told journalist in a press conference today that the government has appointed a special envoy to provide a buffer between the PM and RAMSI.

Solomon Islands establish ties with Venezuela

Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Patteson John Oti, today formalized relations with Venezuela in a short ceremony in Washington D.C.

Moti will leave if fresh evidence presented: PM

The Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has stated very clearly in yesterday's press conference that Moti will only leave if fresh evidence were presented.

Murder suspect aquitted

The man accused of murdering Honiara businessman Nick Constantine has been acquitted by the High Court.

Relatives of College Director threaten staff.

Relatives of College Director Gabriel Taloikwai are demanding compensation for allegations of misconduct in office.

Guadalcanal Chiefs meet in Honiara

Chiefs from the Weather coast, South Guadalcanal, are currently in the capital Honiara.

PPF reject claims by lawyer

The Police Participating Force commander has rejected claims by a private lawyer that officers have breached the constitutional rights of Solomon Islanders.

Lawyer warns of possible compensation for detainees

A private lawyer, Charles Ashley, warns the government that if the High Court finds illegal the detainment of persons by the police there will be a huge compensation payout.

We must oppose the appointment: Huniehu

Outspoken Member of Parliament for East Are Are Edward Huniehu has called on civil servants and politicians to oppose the re appointment of Julian Moti.

Commission of inquiry set to begin

The commission of inquiry into the April riots of 2006 is set to begin.

Do not manipulate the system: TSI

Transparency Solomon Islands has come out strong against government's intention to lift Julian Moti's suspension.

Fono accuses government of interference

In a recent radio interview with the ABC, Opposition Leader Fred Fono has accused Manasseh Sogavare of gross interference.

Moti suspension will not be lifted: Anderson

The Chairman of the Public Service Commission Edmund Anderson stated that his office has not lifted the suspension order of Julian Moti.

State funeral held for the Late Joses Wawari Sanga

A State Funeral was held today for the Late Joses Sanga, 51, who passed away early Tuesday morning.

Moti is unfit for the job: Fono

The Opposition leader is again calling on the government to seriously reconsider going ahead with its plans to lift Julian Moti's suspension.

Moti to be reinstated as Attorney General

Dr John Roughan stated that Mr. Moti's suspension order, as Attorney General, will be lifted within the next two weeks.

Moti's alleged appointment is false

News of Julian Moti's appointment, which was aired on the ABC radio last night, is not true.

Premier of Isabel told to step down

A paid service message announcement, broadcasted live on the national radio, called on the Premier of Isabel to step down.

Sogavare cautions Fono

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has cautioned Opposition leader Fred Fono to stop making baseless calls against the government.

Guadalcanal Chiefs plan reconciliation

Plans to hold a major reconciliation between people from East and South Guadalcanal are underway.

We have lost a great leader: Sogavare

The Prime Minister expressed these sentiments in his condolence message, broadcasted live on the national radio.

SICTU raise funds for tsunami victims

While the rest of the World celebrated Labor Day, the Solomon Islands Council of Trade Union used the occasion to raise funds for the victims of the tsunami.

Prominent Member of Parliament passes away

A prominent Member of Parliament, Honorable Joses Sanga, passed away early this morning.

Repatriate Moti: Fono

Opposition leader Fred Fono has again called on the government to repatriate Julian Moti as he is a stumbling block to any attempt to mend relations with Canberra.

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