Politics Archive February 2011

Opposition Denies Playing Politics

The Opposition has denied government claims that it is playing politics.
From L-R, DPM Hon. Maelanga, Hon. Garu, Hon. Mua, PM Hon. Danny Philip, Hon. Ghiro and Hon. Namson Tran.

More MPs Join Government

The Government Caucus has welcomed three former Opposition MPs who have decided to join the Danny Philip-led National Coalition for Rural Advancement (NCRA) government.

LCC Has Power to Investigate "Grasshoppers"

A prominent Honiara based lawyer says the Leadership Code Commission (LCC) has the power to investigate members of parliament who switched sides frequently during the recent political wrangling.
Cephas Lumina, the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on the enjoyment of human rights, called for a "medium-term exit strategy for their development assistance programmes."

Aid Dependency Cycle Must be Broken: UN Expert

Noting that foreign aid accounts for over 60 per cent of the development budget of the Solomon Islands, an independent United Nations expert today called on the Government and its donor partners to design a strategy to help break the cycle of aid dependency.
Minister Sofu says that he has regained confidence in Prime Minister Danny Philip after having consultations with him recently.

Sofu Returns to Government

MP for East Kwaio Constituency Stanley Festus Sofu has further strengthened the NCRA government after being sworn-in as Minister for the Ministry of Public Service this morning.

Shanel Meets with Indian PM

Solomon Islands Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon Peter Shanel Agovaka, on Saturday, met with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and held bilateral meetings with his Indian Colleague, Foreign Minister Krishna.
Just last night sources close to key lobbyists of the government revealed that one of the MP is Mr Stanley Sofu.

Three More MPs Likely to Join Government

The Special Secretary to the Prime Minister, Andrew Muaki, has revealed that there are strong indications that at least three more members of the Parliamentary Opposition Group will join the NCRA government.
Australian High Commission Third Secretary, Ms Rachel Small, recently visited Emu Harbour and presented the Health Centre and Community with a cheque for 16 new water tanks.

Australian High Commission Supports Emu Harbour Health Centre

The Australian High Commission is pleased to announce its support for the Emu Harbour Health Centre, Western Province.
The government is also confident that at least two more MPs will join them in the coming weeks.

Government Regains Majority

The National Coalition for Rural Advancement (NCRA) government has regained numerical strength after four MPs defected from the Opposition. The numbers now stand at 26 - 22 in favor of the Danny Philip led NCRA government.
The statement says that such "scare tactics" is part of the power struggle between the Government and Opposition, led largely by the Deputy Opposition Leader and MP for Aoke/Langalanga Mathew Wale.

Government Attacks Opposition Tactics

The NCRA Government has called on authorities and leaders of the country not to scare people unnecessarily.
After weeks of political wrangling the Prime Minister, Danny Philip, has set the date for Parliament to convene.

Date Set for 28th March

Parliament will convene on the 28th of March 2011.
The Prime Minister's resolve comes after talks he had with Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Shanel and the Australian High Commissioner Frank Ingruber last Thursday.

Let's Move On: PM

Prime Minister Danny Phillip has agreed to move on with Australia and focus on their bilateral relationship.

Opposition Group to Foot Hotel Bill

Hotel bills incurred by the Parliamentary Opposition at the Heritage Park Hotel will be met by its members.

Ingruber Clarifies Media Reports

The Australian High Commissioner, Frank Ingruber, has stated that an article which appeared in the Solomon Star newspaper on 12 February about his meeting on 10 February with the Prime Minister, Hon Danny Philip, was a misrepresentation of that meeting.
Police Commissioner Walter Kola says he totally denied any collaboration with the government on an "intelligence report."

Police Deny Any Involvement in Conspiracy

Police have denied any involvement in the much publicised "intelligence report," which has alleged that there is a wide network set out to topple the current Danny Philip led government.

Ingruber Meets with PM and Foreign Minister

The Australian High Commissioner, Frank Ingruber, held separate meetings with Prime Minister Danny Philip and Foreign Minister Peter Shanel late yesterday afternoon.
Opposition Leader Steve Abana has called on the Speaker to call parliament to test the numbers of the government on the floor of parliament.

Speaker to Decide on Motion

Speaker of Parliament, Sir Allan Kemakeza is now pressured to act on the recently filed no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister Danny Philip.
The statement says a denial by both Mr Wale and the Australian High Commission Office is "not good enough."

Government Defiant Over Allegations

The Government is demanding the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Matthew Wale, disclose details of his dealings with Canberra to topple the government, saying the people of Solomon Islands are entitled to know.
The Australian High Commission to the Solomon Islands, Mr. Frank Ingruber is seeking a call to the Prime Minister.

Australia Expresses Concern

The Parliamentary Secretary for the Pacific, Richard Marles, last night, summoned Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Australia, Beraki Jino.

Provincial Assemblies to Receive Induction

The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) is conducting a series of induction training for new Members of Provincial Assemblies (MPAs) starting this week.
Reports state that the Government has blamed Australia and RAMSI for backing the Opposition.

Australia Dismiss Claims

The Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands has released a Media release following reports by a local paper this morning .

Sir Peter Shares Experience

"Members of Parliament need to be active in meeting with their voters and representing their issues in parliament," says Sir Peter Kenilorea.
The incident occurred at the Heritage Park Hotel on Friday night.

Press Conference Cancelled over Near-Brawl

In a twist of events over the weekend, a planned media conference by the Opposition for Friday night had to be cancelled following a near- brawl at the Heritage Park Hotel.

High Court to Review Lusibaea Case

A Judicial review of the criminal charges against the North Malaita Member of Parliament, Hon. Jimmy Lusibaea will be presented before the High Court this Wednesday.
Police say there is very strong evidence that shows the two were not present or anywhere within the vicinity of where the shots were reportedly fired.

Misleading Reports on Gun Firing Incident

The Police have strongly denied media reports that two former ministers, Douglas Ete and Bodo Dettke, were targeted by gunmen when shots were fired from a taxi.

GG Yet to Respond to Petition by Opposition

The petition sent to the Governor General by the Opposition asking that he intervenes in the current political instability and to call parliament to sit is still not clear.
Philip Tegavota has resigned from the post less than three weeks after the board's controversial recommendation to release jailed North Malaita MP, Jimmy Lusibaea.

Chairman of Parole Board Resigns

Chairman of the Correctional Service's Parole Board, Philip Tegavota has resigned from the post less than three weeks after the board's controversial recommendation to release jailed North Malaita MP, Jimmy Lusibaea, on license and a 95 per cent remission of his sentence.

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