Politics Archive June 2020

Chair of the Trade Dispute Panel (TDP), Ms Natalie Kesaka explaining the role of TDP to members of the business community during the Information Session hosted by SICCI.

Businesses Informed About the Trade Dispute Panel

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), as the peak body representing private sector in the country, welcomes opportunity for companies and industry to be involved in consultations currently underway in reviewing the country’s Trade Dispute Panel (TDP) Act.
Acting Commissioner Mostyn Mangau says, “The matter was reported at Henderson Police station and the suspect was arrested on 22 June and placed in police custody.”

37 YO Male Charged With Murder

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force at Henderson Police station have arrested and charged a 37-year-old male person for the alleged murder of another male person in his 50s at Keuna Village in the Marumbo area of West Guadalcanal on 14 June 2020.
Receiving the books, Chief Justice Palmer said they are important resources for judges, magistrates, lawyers and others who may wish to do research in our High Court Library.

Chief Justice Receives Latest Legal Books from British High Commission

Chief Justice, Sir Albert R. Palmer CBE today received a consignment of books covering the latest legal developments across the Commonwealth.
“But given that Solomon Islands is enjoying peace, there is absolutely no justification for the State to halt or confiscate humanitarian aid intended to assist its own citizens in a collective fight against a global pandemic,” Hon. Kenilorea further adds.

Humanitarian Aid is Never a Crime: Kenilorea

Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jr, MP for East Are Are and Chair of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, has reminded national authorities that humanitarian aid is never a crime.
An example of what a diplomatic bag looks like - the "bag" has diplomatic immunity from search or seizure, as codified in Article 27 of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Clarifies Use of Diplomatic Pouch

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) explains that the use of diplomatic pouch or bags is governed by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Island Sun Apologises to RSIPF

On 15 June 2020, the Island Sun newspaper printed a front page story with the headline: “Police Brutality” alleging that the RSIPF Central Response Unit (CRU) at the Honiara City Central Police Station was responsible for the bashing of a victim on the night of Saturday 13 June 2020 in Honiara.
He says the situation however has changed, and we now have a preparedness plan with financial backing secured, isolation and detention centres in high risk zones, PPE and test machines here, trained front liners and the public are now more aware of the disease than before.

Opposition Leader Calls on Government Not to Extend SOE

The Leader of Opposition, Hon. Matthew Wale calls on the government not to extend the state of emergency (SOE) period.
The UN Economic and Social Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations established by the UN Charter in 1946.

Solomon Islands Elected into UN Economic and Social Council

Foreign Minister, Hon Jeremiah Manele, announces that Solomon Islands wins seat on the United Nations Economic and Social Council for the term 2021 - 2023.
“Now with his latest statement focussing on the one China policy, it is clear that his call for unity is really a smoke screen for promoting China’s interest."

Opposition Leader Responds to Foreign Minister

The Leader of the Opposition Hon. Matthew Wale described foreign minister Hon. Jeremiah Manele’s recent comments against him, as dodgy and misguided.
Prime Minister Sogavare said Cabinet has also already given directions to the Ministry of Finance & Treasury and the Ministry of Public Service to facilitate the Cabinet decision.

Public Servants Full Salary to be Reinstated: PM

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has announced that Cabinet has agreed to reinstate full salary for all public servants.
Yao Ming Deputy Head of People's Republic of China Embassy in SI shaking hands with Heatlh Minister Dickson Mua following the signing of the hand over certificate.

MHMS Receives More PPEs from PRC

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) continues to be grateful for the ongoing support by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s), along with other donor partners, towards ensuring that the Ministry is well prepared to combat possible entry and outbreak of COVID-19.
From R-L, Lensley Kwaimani, Project Coordinator for Arnon Atomea School, Dr Jason Diau, PC for Atoifi Hospital Solar System Project, Max Willis, AHC Political Counsellor, Elson Sau, PC for Maoro Christian School, Philip Kwato’o PC for Oneone Abu Clinic and Christina Nonga, DAP Officer.

Australia’s Direct Aid Program Funds Five New Community Projects

The Australian High Commission is funding five new community-led projects in Malaita and Guadalcanal under its Direct Aid Program (DAP).
Ministry of Infrastructure Development architects assessing the PJ Twomey Memorial Hospital COVID-19 isolation unit at Sasamunga, South of Choiseul Province.

Western and Choiseul COVID-19 Coordination and Operational Gaps Addressed

Coordination and operational gaps of provincial emergency response agencies in the Western and Choiseul province has been identified and re-aligned as part of the whole-of-government -approach for COVID-19 preparedness plans.
‘A level playing field’ continues to be a SICCI concern, as it is important that businesses coexist in a spirit of competition all the while complying with Government legal framework.

SICCI Roundtable Highlights Opportunities for Raising Government Revenue from Businesses

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) hosted a roundtable meeting on Wednesday 3 June 2020 to discuss ways in which the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) can maximize its opportunities for revenue collection from businesses.
Solomon Islands High Commissioner Thanks Fiji Government

Solomon Islands High Commissioner Thanks Fiji Government

The Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Fiji, Mr. William Soaki has thanked the Government of Fiji for authorizing the permit and clearance for the Solomon Airlines A320 aircraft to repatriate Solomon Islands Nationals who were stranded there for more than two months.

Politics Archive