Relatives of College Director Gabriel Taloikwai are demanding compensation for allegations of misconduct in office.
Chairman of the Burns creek Settlement, John Seti Iromea said the group was intending to march to the College compounds on Sunday to demand compensation for Mr Taloikwai or to cause destruction."I told them to withdraw the planned action and I promised to look into the issue" Mr Iromea. "These people are angry with the allegations of misconduct that were leveled at him by members of the college staff and students"
Iromea went on to say that since the College Council had found Mr Taloikwai innocent, it is only right that he be compensated for the embarrassment caused to him by staff and students.
Meanwhile, College director Mr Taloikwai has returned to work as of today after a month-long leave from office to ease tensions between him and staff and students of the College.