Politics Archive January 2021

The test which was conducted 11pm on the 27th of January 2021 returned negative on both the GeneXpert machine and the qPCR.

Student's Final Test Negative: Sogavare

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare says that the student that had tested positive for COVID-19 after being released from quarantine has now tested negative.
The student who was in Malaita province was contacted to go for his follow-up review and re-swabbing at Kiluúfi hospital on 26th January 2021.

Possible COVID-19 Reactivation in Student Released Recently

The Ministry of Health and Medical service has responded to a ‘reactivation of COVID-19’ in one of the students that initially tested positive and was released after 5 consecutive negative tests.
Wale points out that as Solomon Islanders we should be grateful to these traditional partners for stepping in when and where it really matters, stressing that the economic benefits we stand to gain from these assistance can be huge.

Opposition Leader Acknowledges SI’s Traditional Partners, Australia, Japan and New Zealand

Leader of Opposition and MP for Aoke Langa Langa Constituency Hon. Mathew Wale has acknowledged the commitments made by three of our long time traditional donor partners to provide additional financial assistance in key areas of need saying the gestures could not have come at a better time and considering, they too have their own problems at home.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in his fortnightly address says up to now, the government is meeting 100 percent of all the COVID-19 tests for all persons entering the country.

Government to Charge Mandatory COVID-19 Tests for Overseas Residents

The Solomon Islands government is now looking at charging overseas residents the cost of COVID-19 tests.
Waste management is an issue for Honiara, which is why Solomon Ports is taking the initiative to encourage members of the public in Honiara to practice proper waste disposal manners.

Solomon Ports Launches 3 ‘R’s Campaign

Solomon Ports has now commenced the ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ (3 rs) campaign in Honiara.
The Trade Commissioner says in terms of trading connections and trading arrangements, the government must make sure the country enters into arrangements or agreements with important markets.

More Trade Agreements as Solomon Islands Prepares for Graduation

The Solomon Islands government is preparing itself for graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status.
Mr. Agovaka says that the government is now working on new telecommunication laws to register all mobile SIMs.

Government Backs Down on Plans to Shut down Facebook

The government has backed down on plans to ban the use of Facebook in Solomon Islands.
“These prolonged positive cases are telling us that the Covid-19 virus does not just disappear at 10 or 14 days after symptoms subside, or even if there are no symptoms."

Sogavare Calls for Repeat Testing of Those Discharged

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare is urging those that tested positive for Covid-19 and have since been released from quarantine after three consecutive negative tests to return for retesting.
Inspector Ramosaea says, “The victim of the wounding incident had no connection in relation to the land dispute. He is a passenger on board the transport.”

Thugs Injure Passenger During Knife Attack

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) in Auki are investigating a knife attack by a group of young men.

Politics Archive