A local Lawyer Charles Ashley has come out strong against certain media reports which he claims are spreading untruths about the suspended attorney general, Julian Moti.
Mr Ashley says he wants to know the identities of all those self-righteous individuals who are hiding behind Transparency International and other aid-funded civil Society groups in their "unlawful and unchristian campaign to vilify and demonize his client"Mr Ashley sent a stern warning that it is a crime to falsely accuse someone of committing a criminal offence.
He says right-thinking Solomon Islanders with a Christian conscience and faith in justice and the rule of law resent Moti's trial by the media.
Mr Ashley is the legal counsel for Moti in proceedings which are currently pending before the High Court.
Ashley went on to say that the subsequent suspension by the Public Service Commission without instituting a disciplinary inquiry is a violation of all rules and requirements applicable to public officers in Solomon Islands.
He says he believes Moti's suspension is unlawful and must be remedied immediately to restore people's faith on the legal system.
He says no matter how much noise these people continue to make, Moti's appointment to the post of attorney general was validly made by the Judicial and legal Services Commission.