Politics Archive July 2022

These risks, according to Kuma requires the strengthening of the oversight and operations Roles of CBSI to prevent the country from lagging behind in payments systems.

Kuma Highlights Weaknesses in Country's Financial System

The Minister of Finance and Treasury, Harry Kuma has outlined risks in the country’s current payments system which necessitates the passage of the Payments System Bill by Parliament.
“The penalty for breaching section 69 as stipulated in the offense under section 125 (2) is $20,000.00 penalty units or two years imprisonment or both,” Superintendent Bole adds.

Five Candidates Charged for Breaching Electoral Act

The National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) charged five candidates of the National General Election (NGE) in 2019 who had failed to submit their statement of account over the weekend.
Ms. Kennedy - whose father, assassinated US President John F. Kennedy, took part in the Solomon Islands campaign as a patrol boat captain in World War Two

Ambassador Caroline Kennedy Among US Delegation Set to Visit Solomon Islands

US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy will be among a second US delegation to visit the Solomon Islands in recent months, after the April visit by a team led by senior White House official Kurt Campbell.
Illegal weapons that were handed in by former militants at the height of the ethnic tensions.

Former Militant Issues to be Addressed Systematically

The DCGA Government is concerned and sees it irresponsible and immoral the way the Opposition Leader is asserting in the media that the Government is going to dish out $300,000.00 as payment to former militants.
(L-R) Dr. Raymond Dickson & Dr Jason Diau after completing one of the surgeries.

Health Preserved, Lives Saved, Thousands of Dollars Spared: Thanks to Doctors and Nurses in West

Patient referral is the process of moving sick patients to higher-level health facilities especially when patients require specialized capacity and equipment for medical procedures and specialized assessments that are not available in the provinces.
The theme for this year’s celebrations was “Together we promote Good Governance, Cooperation and Partnership to move forward in Development.”

RenBel Province Commemorates Second Appointed Day

Rennell-Bellona Province has commemorated its 29th Second Appointed Day with celebrations at ‘Alava Community in Bellona Wednesday 20th July 2022.
The newly elected Councilor Ezra Fo’oro said he is very humbled with the win and thanked the people for the trust and support towards him.

Fo'oro is Councilor for Honiara Vavaea Ward

The Vavaea ward 5 in Central Honiara has a new Councilor after the counting was completed at the Rove Police Headquarters.
Eligible Voters for the Vavaea Ward have been encouraged to vote.

Honiara City Council Vavaea Ward Goes to Polls

Honiara City Council By-Election for Vavaea Ward voters are going to Polls at 7am and will close at 5 pm.
A total of 28 participants from the Provinces attended the GBV workshop and were awarded with certificate at the end of the conference.

Family Support Centre Concludes Successful GBV Workshop

The Solomon Islands Family Support Centre's GBV Provincial Committees (PC) from seven Provinces concluded their two weeks of Conference in Honiara.
The training are for Presiding Officers, Polling Assistants, Queue Controllers and Polling agents for the 12 polling stations within the ward.

Training Conducted for Vavaea Ward Election Officers

A two (2) day Training for officials for the Vavaea Ward (5) By Election in Central Honiara, commenced yesterday at the Multi Purpose Hall.
Investigation has been launched by MHMS into the media reports of a “NRH Drunk Party”, in the NRH Emergency department.

NRH Initiates Investigation into Reports of “NRH Drunk Party”

The National Referral Hospital’s (NRH) Executive Management has initiated investigations into the media report of a “NRH Drunk Party”, in which staff at the NRH Emergency department were making loud noises and alleged to have been drinking (alcohol) inside the senior nurse office at Emergency Department.
To avoid similar unrest, RSIPF is discouraging citizens from joining illegal protests and encouraging all citizens to show respect for one another and remain peaceful.

Don't Engage in Illegal Gatherings and Protests: RSIPF

As Parliament adjourns for 25 July 2022 the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and members of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) appeal to the Solomon Islands community to peacefully and lawfully engage in the democratic process.
Permanent Secretary of MRD Dr. Samson Viulu and a tour guide check one of the houses fully funded by CDF at Nyialo village.

CDF Continue to Transform Rural Constituents Living Standards in Pele

The Constituency Development Fund (CDF) programme of the national government administered by the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is continuing to transform living standards in Temotu Pele Constituency in Temotu as constituents benefit from the CDF by owning permanent dwelling homes.
The Pacific Islands Forum has also released its 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, which strikes an urgent tone on climate change and repeatedly calls for accelerated and drastic action to reduce emissions.

Australia Stands with Pacific Family to Declare 'Climate Emergency'

Australia looks set to sign up to a joint statement from Pacific Islands Forum leaders that is expected to declare a "climate emergency" and calls for rapid and deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming.
The RSIPF and SIAF officers will continue with POM joint operational exercise programs to ensure both police agencies are ready to respond swiftly and efficiently to any potential public disorder incidents.

Police Prepare for 'Operation Parliament'

In preparation for the sitting of parliament commencing next week (18 July 2022), the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and components of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) conducted Public Order Management (POM) exercises this week.
“There is no military base, nor any other military facility or institutions, in the agreement. And that’s a very important point that we continue to reiterate to the family in the region," Sogavare said.

China Will Not Have a Military Base in Solomon Islands: Sogavare

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has declared his country’s security tie-up with China will not allow the superpower to host a military base there and make his citizens “targets for potential military strike”.
Sogavare said having a foreign military presence is not in the interest of Honiara or any other country in the region.

“We Will Not Put Pacific Islands Forum at Risk:” Sogavare

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare says his country will not do anything that will put any member of the Pacific Islands Forum at risk.
“Our support for this region does not come with strings attached. It comes because we understand that we have a responsibility as an advanced economy in the region to provide support to our Pacific neighbours.”

First Face to Face Meeting Between Albanese and Sogavare

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has warmly embraced Manasseh Sogavare, the Solomon Islands leader who embraced China, as Australia works behind the scenes to avoid Pacific nations becoming vulnerable to being picked off by Beijing wielding its economic power.
SECSIP through financial support by Australia and UNDP will continue to provide its support to the Commission in achieving its main areas of project outputs.

SECSIP/UNDP and the Australian Government Maintains Support to the Delivery of Electoral Mandate

Two boats with OBM and other Election Support Items were handed over to the Electoral Commission by UNDP Deputy Resident Representative and Country Manager, Mr Berdi Berdiyev and First Secretary to the Australian High Commission in a brief Ceremony earlier this week at Electoral Office’s warehouse.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare meets with PIFs Secretary General Henry Puna.

Solomon Islands Offers to Host Next Forum Leaders Meeting in 2023

Solomon Islands has made its intention known to the Pacific Islands Forum Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMMM) that it wants to host the next Forum Leaders Meeting in 2023.
Guadalcanal Province Premier, Hon. Francis Sade, with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) team during their meeting.

Guadalcanal Premier Sade Meets MCC Team

The Guadalcanal Province Premier, Hon. Francis Sade, met with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) team last week on Friday, 8 July 20222.
“Solomon Islands joins the OACPS to urge the EU to fast-track the conclusion of their internal consultations to enable the signing and implementation of the future OACPS-EU partnership Agreement."

Sogavare Address Pacific ACP Leaders in Suva

The Pacific Group of the African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Leaders must reassess their priorities as a region and be innovative and strategic in their approaches and engagements with friends and partners including the European Union.
Prime Minister Sogavare and Madam Sogavare escorted on arrival at Nadi International Airport on Saturday.

PM Sogavare Receives Red Carpet Welcome in Fiji

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, the Hon Manasseh Damukana Sogavare was accorded a red carpet welcome on his arrival in Suva Fiji over the weekend.
Chief Superintendent Ramoni says the new capability will help the RSIPF carry out its mandated task to protect our communities when there are active armed offender’s incidents.

Sogavare Witness New Police Capabilities

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his Cabinet Ministers witnessed the Police Response Team (PRT) under the National Response Department (NRD) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) displaying the Public Order Management (POM) Interoperability Response Capability Demonstration Exercise at the Tenaru Firing Range yesterday.
The trainings are the beginning of a series of back-to-back election officials’ trainings scheduled for upcoming electoral events.

Trainings Conducted in Malaita for Election Officers

The Solomon Islands Electoral Office are this week conducting trainings in Auki for the senior election officials for the West Kwaio National Parliamentary by-election and the Ward 18 of Malaita Provincial assembly by-election.

Politics Archive