Politics Archive April 2007

International treaties need up to date reporting

Afu Billy, the regional director of the commonwealth youth Programme (CYP), made the statement today at a public forum organized by the Office of the High commissioner for human rights.

Ratification is not enough - Averre

Ken Averre, Director of the Public Prosecutions, stated that the public needs to have the will to push international treaties beyond ratification.

UN Human Rights Office organize public forum

A public forum was today organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

British High Commission funds economic workshop

The British High Commission Office in Honiara is providing funds to the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) to assist it to host the Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) conference

Suspect arrested and charged

A 46 year old man has been arrested in relation to a stabbing incident that took place on the 24th of April at the central market.

Kwara'ae customary laws may compliment Constitution

The people and chiefs of Kwara'ae have completed the Kwara'ae Taki, or rules, at the end of a two weeks workshop.

$210 million grant for education sector.

The Solomon Islands Government has signed an agreement with New Zealand and the European Union worth $210 million.

Kaliopate outlines forums review

Kaliopate Tavola stated that the review will be in two stages, the second being in June this year.

RAMSI review underway

The Pacific Islands Forum team is currently in the country to review the progress of the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands.

Commission of Inquiry into the April 2006 riots

The Commission of Inquiry into the April 2006 riots in Honiara will have a four member panel with two prominent nationals from Papua New Guinea.

Foreign Affairs' Assistant Secretary leaves for Geneva

George Hoa'au, the Foreign Affairs' Assistant Secretary for Asia/Pacific Branch contracted a six-month work experience at the Forum World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland last week.

Politicization of disaster must stop

Hon. Joses Sanga has called on the Parliamentary opposition to stop using the tsunami disaster for political mileage.

Opposition supports integrity bill

Mr Huniehu says the Opposition will support Government if and when it decides to introduce an integrity bill.

Finance Minister defends PM's late visit

The Finance Minister, Gordon Lilo has come out strong at recent criticisms by the opposition leader, Fred Fono, on the Prime Minister.

Man killed in broad daylight

Detectives from Honiara Central Station are investigating the suspicious death of a 26 year old man from Areatakiki village in north-east Guadalcanal.

Supplies must be distributed fairly

Western Premier Alex Lokopio has said any distribution of food and relief supplies to the victims of the April earthquake and tidal wave must be distributed fairly.

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