Politics Archive May 2010

It says reports of August four as the election date are in breach of the relevant act and it considers the revelation as misguided and is invalid.

Election Date Invalid: Government House

Government House says the power to announce the date for the next general election rests with the Governor General and no one else under section 24 of the National Parliament electoral Provisions Act.
A report carried in the Solomon Star says Prime Minister Sikua announced the election date whilst on an official tour to Papua New Guinea.

PM Unofficially Announces Election Date

Solomon Islands will go to the polls on August the fourth.

TRC Urges Victims to Come Forward

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission Counselor says counseling is an important part of the healing process for victims of the recent ethnic tension.
Despite Parliament dissolvement, Ministerial apointments cannot be revoked.

Attorney General Clarrifies Call for Revoking Ministers

The Solomon Islands Attorney General, Gabriel Suri says the C-NURA government has constitutional legitimacy to continue in office after parliament's dissolution regardless of financial concerns raised by the Peoples Power Action Party.

2010 Elections Expect Huge Voter Turn Out

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission yesterday met to finalize a date for the general elections earmarked for either July or August.

Outgoing Parliamentarians Urged to Return Vehicles

A fourteen (14) day period issued to outgoing MPs to return government vehicles was due over the weekend and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development is seeking legal advice from the Attorney General's Chambers to retrieve the vehicles.

Usa Urged Not to Mislead Public

An intending candidate for North West Guadalcanal constituency, Joseph Nielsen, has called on former MP Siriako Usa not to politicize the High Court Order of 29th April 2010 asking him to disclose how he expended constituency funds when he was MP for North West Guadalcanal.

PM Defends 11% Pay Rise

The Prime Minister has defended the government against criticisms in the media which were linked to the recent pay increases to members of Parliament in the 2010 Parliamentary Entitlements Regulation.
Court Orders MP to Disclose Use of Public Funds

Court Orders MP to Disclose Use of Public Funds

The High Court has issued an order for the former member of Parliament for North-West Guadalcanal, Siriako Usa, to produce documents to show how he spent public funds meant for the constituency.

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