The Peoples Alliance Party will meet on Saturday to decide on whether or not they should remain with the Opposition.
PAP Parliamentary Wing Leader, Clement Kengava, stated that PAP will decide on whether to remain with an AIM led Opposition or officially endorse the withdrawal he made on behalf of PAP Parliamentarians and PAP to become an independent political group in the National Parliament."I have made full consultations with three PAP Parliamentary colleagues in the Opposition and we all agreed that PAP should withdraw from the Alliance of Independent Members partnership" Kengava said "PAP policies cannot be realized under an AIM led Government"
Kengava went on to say that he found it disappointing that two members of PAP, namely Sir Allan Kemakeza and Hon Milner Tozaka still decided to remain with Association of Independent Members (AIM) led Opposition, despite the decision they made in April to withdraw from the Parliamentary Opposition.
"The political back peddling made by Sir Allan Kemakeza and Hon. Milner Tozaka to remain in the Opposition proves my concern of the lack of commitment by politicians towards their political parties" said Kengava.