The Chairman of the Police and Prison Service Commission yesterday disputed the appointment of the new Police Commissioner.
The Chairman, Edmund Anderson, advised the Governor General not to swear in Mr Khan because of an apparent constitutional oversight in his appointment."The procedure is for the Ministry of Police to submit Khan's appointment to the Public Service Commission (PSC) who would then advice the Police and Prison Service Commission (PPSC) of the appointment" Anderson said. "Unfortunately that did not happen, as there may have been confusion in the PM's office"
Mr Anderson stated that although the PPSC had an audience with the Prime Minister, the constitutional process for such an appointment was very clear. "We are still waiting for that process to be fulfilled" said Anderson.
The Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena, was furious that this issue had to be brought up before the swearing in ceremony was to have taken place. "My office is above politics, my office is supposed to be addressing matters in the best interest of the sovereign affairs of this country on behalf of her Majesty the Queen" Sir Nathaniel said. "These are matters that must be cleared before it reaches the Office of the Governor General. That is the Office that represents the Head of the State"
Sir Nathaniel stated that he had made arrangements for the ceremony after he received advice from the Prime Ministers Office of the appointment - after they (PMO) had consultations with the PPSC. Sir Nathaniel said that the consultations between the PMO and the PPSC fulfilled the requirements stated in the Constitution.