Thank you very much for giving me a chance to express some of mine, or Solomon Islanders' wishes for the children of tomorrow.
I will base my discussion on logging, fishery and mining.
It is so sad to read and hear that our beautiful forests are gone, given that we are just living on tiny islands.
For centuries our ancestors have depended entirely on our forests for medicine, food and housing materials. I have few questions for those decision makers to think about. "Are you still ignoring the cries of our children?". "Do you still allow logging companies to continually suck our remaining trees?".
I wonder if those trees long gone would have been used to build more hospitals, universities, bridges, houses for public servants throughout the provinces and many national institutions benefiting everybody and not a few. I guess that would have worked a lot better.
For so long Solomon Islands only has one tuna canning industry and that is the one at Noro, Western Province.
One of my best friend once suggested to me while we discussed our country's development and she said " If those past governments would have established Tuna Industries on every province than allowing foreign ships to comb our waters would make much sense".
I totally agreed with what she has suggested. If Tuna Industries are built on every province, I guess our exports will bring more income and we can provide job opportunities for all our people.
I'm so sad seeing 'salt fish' being sold to our people nowadays. We are the ones who should go out and fish our own fish, process them then we sell our products to these Asian ships or overseas markets. If you ever go to some Asian countries, you would hardly see nor catch a fish so easily in their waters. That's a lesson we must learn from.
Lastly, mining industry is now expecting visitors from abroad on daily basis. I have read so much about companies coming in, doing their negotiations with government and land-owners.
By using Google map one can clearly see the geographical location of Nauru. Phosphate mining has turned Nauru into another 'Little-Sahara' desert.
I hope Solomon Islands will be different from Nauru should there be multiple mining companies operating.
Solomon Islands should have been a powerful Pacific island state long ago. God knows. Maybe one day when all right-minded leaders show us the way.
I love my country so much. God bless Solomon Islands.
Take Note My People
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Tobaea Steevah and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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