Dear Editor,

Please allow me space to voice my concern on the above matter. I read Loko's comment on the matter with keen interest and so I decide to make this comment. Indeed the author is true about that matter with regards to the parasite and the disgusting showers, sinks and what not but who is to blame for that is the question.

Looking at Loko's article it is very obvious that Mr Loko is solely blaming the organisation for that issue. And what about the reliability of water supplied by SIWA? What about the attitude of the students towards their hygiene? These also contributes to that matter Mr Loko.

From my seven years of experience there at Betikama Adventist College(BAC), SIWA has not address the issue of water problem there at BAC.

You might say 'you sleep side lo Big river yah'. how ever it is very frustrating when students do not cooperate with dorm leaders to take water from the river to fill the standby drums when they are called for. thus we see that the students themselves are not so serious about their hygeine.

Im glad that some concern Ex students of BAC have the initiative to organise 'Back to Betikama' fundraising because they see the need for water in BAC.

I must also make it clear that the SDA organisation teaches healthy living and it is up us individuals to apply them. The SDA organisation never forces anyone to follow its teachings.

I salute Betikama and the SDA organisation for its efforts to make an environment conducive for learning over the past seven years I spent there and also for others.

Ferris Mania
USP, Laucala