I want to pass my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Iran, PNG and the Solomon Islands. These governments have put together their efforts to send our local students to achieve their dreams in Cuba. As a Solomon Islander studying oversea and experience first hand the quality of medical expertise, you just wish that your country should have the same means as theirs. Our reliance on some cheap unqualified medical expertise that had been sent to us in the past should be slowed down.
As mentioned in the Solomon star Australia will never want to see us improve our basic standard of living or more so to see us self -reliance. "Politics involve" in the form of colonisation must come first before anything else.
Safe trip to Cuba and all the best in your Studies. Remember that your country needs YOU.
Safe Trip to Cuba
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Ruks Loko and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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