Sometime ago I was travelling in a canoe with an MP beside me. He was intoxicated (Alcohol) and very enthusiastic about MPs entitlements. He told me and the other guy that he was one of those MPs who advised our then PM to facilitate a better pacakge for MPs. It's sad because he kept repeating the words: "ma only chance now ia!"

Anyway, they have their rights and freedoms to try whatever. Afterall, they legislate and decide for themselves in our honourable house. Even the wise and humble figures are speechless when money hovers above the oval house...a popular muscian puts it: One night in Bangkok makes the humble tumble.

If there is respect for the outgoing house then its probably for the very few 10%. The rest were moneymongers.

Few oldies in the parliament deserve honour but a great majority retained their black seats every term only to infect newcomers with their satanic malevolence.