It has been very disturbing and annoying to be confronted with ceaseless media publications of incidences of criminal activities which involved some members of the Malaita communities living in and around in the outskirts of Honiara.
While it is very difficult or sensitive to address this issue, I wonder why there have not been any attempt to instil any visionary plan of actions to reduce or eradicate these unwanted criminal activities conducted by some members of the Malaitan communities living in Honiara. Where are the Malaitan elites, Church leaders, bigmen/women, MPs and the Malaita Masina Forum? Our very own leaders seem to be very advocative on national issues but restrained themselves from dealing with issues that deface our image right now out there in the open.
As a Malaitan myself, I feel the pinch of shame and guilt given the endless publications of criminal activities taking place in Honiara naming our fellow island men as responsible. I do not dispute the media reporting on these activities and the contents of their publications, but desperately, I would like to see that the Honiara-based Malaita bigmen/women draw some sense of urgency to act against the on going trend of criminal activities now on the rise in the city of Honiara. It must be urging to our notice that we form the majority population in Honiara and the nation as a whole, and the anti-social activities that some of our people are currently doing in Honiara is bad and cruel. All along I have been reasoning that what some of our own people are doing in Honiara such as stealing, terrorising and threatening other peoples lives are not only evil or morally wrong, but also impose on us the evil of hatred, negative feeling and bad image.
The criminal activities that took place recently; the murdering of two people at Twin tower club, the stealing of a Chinese businessman huge takings at point Cruz and the endless state of lawlessness activities talking place at Burns Creek are typical of us and are deemed serious that should have warranted our Malaitan leaders living in Honiara to think big.
If our neighbours from other islands can live harmoniously with us and could sensibly avoid senseless criminalism, why not our people do the same. What is so unique about our humanity? I know that what some ill-minded Malaitans did, do not resemble our true identity, but after all we cannot escape the image that these law breakers are imparting on us since belong together socially and culturally.
In stating this call, I am not in any way attempting to provoke instil any sense of belittlement no trying to blame us Malaitans for all the criminal activities occurring in Honiara, but honestly trying to stimulate some sense of responsibilities, serious thinking that would see us regrouping to engage proactively to deal with our own people. I am proud that we are aggressive and very positive towards development, as well as composing a large ratio of human resources that see many developments taking place in our country. However, I think its good to safe our reputation, give space and time for others, as well as help our own people free them from evil things that destruct their lives.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of Ben Wate (Revd) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Solomon Times Online.
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