Latest News Archive November 2007

Digicel Expands Into Tonga

Continuing its increasing presence in the region, mobile operator, Digicel, through its Pacific branch, Digicel Pacific Ltd., has acquired Tonfon Communications in Tonga.

Australia's New Government to Heal Relations with the Pacific

Australia's new government has appointed a veteran politician to help heal relationships between Australia and nations in the region.

Thailand Ambassador Presents Credentials to Solomons Governor General

The Ambassador-Designate of the Kingdom of Thailand to Solomon Islands, His Excellency Bandhit Sotipalalit, presented his credentials to the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Nathaniel Waena, in Honiara today.

Solomon Islands Commemorate World AIDS Day

Solomon Islanders gathered to commemorate World AIDS Day with all major sponsors.

Solomons Agrees to Negotiate Interim Agreement

Solomon Islands will not sign an interim Agreement if Pacific-ACP countries fail to complete negotiations of the European Partnership Agreement by the end of December.

Opposition MPs Locked Away Like Prisoners: Ne'e

More MPs who defected to the opposition recently are starting to realise they can switch sides again.

ADB $1m Grant to Improve Use of Statistics in Pacific DMC Development Plans

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing a $1 million grant to improve the capacity of Pacific developing member countries in using statistical data for developing economic and social policies and managing their implementation.

Police Investigate Robbery of Taxi Driver

Henderson police are investigating the robbery of a taxi driver.

CTO Workshop a Success: CEO Solomon Telekom

The Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) has been described a success.

Report Urges World Focus on Impact of Climate Change

The world should focus on the development impact of climate change that could bring unprecedented reversals in poverty reduction, nutrition, health and education, the United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report warns.

Government Urged to Sort Political Instability

Ordinary citizens of Solomon Islands are calling on the government to sort out their political power struggle in the interest of the nation for a change.

Solomons to Expect High Record of Rainfall

Rainfall recorded higher than normal average is likely for many parts of Solomon Islands.

GCC Government to Uphold Existing RAMSI Arrangements

Nurturing the relationship with RAMSI has always been a policy objective of the SOCRED Party.

Boyers: Join Govt. to Make Country 'More Prosperous'

The newly sworn-in Minister for Finance and Treasury, Hon. Peter Boyers, says he joins the government "in order to make [the] country ... more prosperous".

Solomons AG Files Suit in High Court

The Attorney General, Mr. Julian Moti QC, has filed a suit in the High Court, challenging the constitutionality of the Governor General's proclamation last Friday, the 13th of December as the next meeting of the National Parliament.

First Ever Solomons Carnival for People with Disability

A two-days carnival kicked off today at the Multi-purpose Hall in Honiara.

Solomons at Serious Risk from Effects of Climate Change

Solomon Islands is among the world's lowest emitters of carbon emissions, yet it is one of the countries at serious risk from the effects of climate change.

Lawyers Preparing for Big Changes

The Chief Justice of Solomon Islands, Sir Albert R Palmer, will open a workshop for lawyers in Honiara tomorrow on the new civil Court Rules which will come into operation early next year.

Govt. Rejects Claim Report

The government has rejected media reports alleging it to have claimed Opposition MPs, Mr Peter Boyers and Mr Edward Huniehu and defector MPs, Mr Stanley Sofu and Mr Sam Idurii.

Govt. Appoints Boyers Finance Minister

Member of Parliament for West New Georgia/Vona Vona, Mr Peter Boyers, was sworn-in as the Minister for Finance and Treasury.

Special Coordinator Extends Condolences to PNG Flood Victims

RAMSI Special Coordinator, Tim George, today expressed his heartfelt sympathy to the Government and people of Papua New Guinea affected by the recent floods.

Solomons Youth Group Bring Traditions to GBR

Residents of RAMSI base, GBR, were treated to a variety of Solomon Islands traditions and cultures during a visit from local theatre group Dance with the Devil.

EU Bank for the Pacific

The European Union's official development bank, the European Investment Bank (EIB), today opened its official regional office in Sydney, Australia.

Govt. Holdup on 2008 Budget "Delaying Tactic" : Huniehu

The Opposition spokesman on Finance and Treasury, Edward Huniehu, has described the Government's excuse to hold up the 2008 budget as a delaying tactic.

SIBC reporter bias: Huniehu

An SIBC report on four Opposition MPs defecting to the government camp has been described as biased.

Need for Competency and Discipline in Force

Discipline is at the heart of everything you do, say and think, the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare told new police recruits at their graduation.

Solomons to Commemorate World AIDS Day

Solomon Islands will be commemorating World AIDS Day this week.

CTO Workshop Discuss Ways to Improve Communication Links

Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) Chief Executive Officer explains what the CTO can do worldwide.

Opposition Members Deny Switching to Govt.

The Parliamentary Opposition Members reported to have joined the Manasseh Sogavare-led government refutes claims.

Boy Killed in Traffic Incident

Police are investigating a traffic incident in which a young man was killed.

Stay Clear From "Disease of Ethnic Biasness": Prime Minister Sogavare

New police recruits are urged to free themselves from "the disease of ethnic biasness".

Solomons Participate in Adolescent Health Development Program

An Adolescent Health Development program is currentlybeing held in Nadi, Fiji which is mainly focusing on development in adolescent.

Initiative in Place to "Keep Honiara Clean"

An initiative is in place to maintain cleanliness around town.

Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) Workshop in Honiara

A workshop organised by the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) is currently taking place in Honiara.

Guadalcanal Football Association President Lash Out at Major Companies for Lack of Support

Guadalcanal Football Association President, Patrick Miniti, has expressed his disappointment and anger at the attitude of two major companies operating on Guadalcanal for their lack of interest in assisting the provincial team.

Premier Lokopio Upset by Lilo's Cleanup Deal

Western Province Premier, Mr. Alex Lokopio, has expressed great disappointment over the former Finance and Treasury Minister's award of the Gizo Cleanup contract to the Red Devil company without a prior consultation of the Western Provincial government.

Our Telekom Under 23 Soccer Tournament Kicks Off

Our Telekom Cup National under 23 soccer championships kicked off in Honiara at the weekend following a float parade from Town Ground to Lawson Tama on Friday afternoon.

PM Sogavare Congratulates New Aust. Counterpart

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has conveyed Solomon Islands' congratulations to Australia's new Prime Minister, Honourable Kevin Rudd, upon his election victory to the top political post.

Region's Forestry Policies Weak

According to the South Pacific Secretariat, the policy analysis and formulation capabilities of Pacific Island countries national forestry agencies are weak and need to be strengthened.

Govt. to Challenge GG Over Declaration of Parliament Meeting

The Government will be challenging the declaration of the date for the resumption of the next Parliament session by the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Nathaniel Waena.

Governor General Sets Date for Parliament Meet

The Governor General has announced the new date for the National Parliament to meet.

Japan, United Kingdom and ADB Assist Asia and the Pacific Adapt to Climate Change

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Japan, the United Kingdom and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are providing a $3.6 million assistance package to strengthen the Asia and Pacific region's ability to respond to the adverse effects of climate change.

Taiwan Donates Clothes to Tsunami Victims

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) handed over three containers of adult clothing to the Prime Minister's Office.

Opposition Determined to Set Things Right: Mr. Fono

Leader of Opposition, Fred Fono, says intentions by the Prime Minister and the country's controversial Attorney-General to lodge a case in the High Court is a mere desperate attempt to stop Parliament from meeting.

Solomons Rep. to Attend Bali Conference

Solomon Islands will be represented at a conference in Bali, Indonesia.

Our Telekom to Host Commonwealth Telecommunication Workshop

Our Telekom in partnership with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization is hosting a high level international workshop next week in Honiara.

Home Grown Ice-cream - Taste the Difference

Solomon Islands could soon be producing delicious tasting ice-cream with real homegrown vanilla.

Governor General Urges Govt. to Set Date for Parliament Meet

Solomon Islands Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena, has made a move to help resolve the political impasse between the government and the opposition group.

Fiji's Interim Government to be Sued for $40million

Lawyers for one of the accused in Fiji's assassination plot have announced that they are suing Fiji's Interim Government.

Govt to Seek High Court Ruling

The Government, through its Attorney General, will be seeking legal clarifications from the High Court of Solomon Islands on various constitutional requirements.

Governor General Not Calling Parliament Meet

Governor General Sir Nathaniel Waena said that much as he would like the current political turmoil to come to an end, he does not have the power to act alone in the situation.

Honiara City Council Delegation Attends Fiji Forum

A Honiara City Council delegation represented Solomon Islands at a forum in Fiji.

Damage to Magistrates Court Gate

An early morning accident resulted in the damage of the Magistrates Court's front gate.

Grand Opening of Telekom Tournament

Honiara City residents will witness a grand opening of the Telekom Cup National under 23 tournament this Friday.

Instant Access, Solomon Islands Law Online

Judges, magistrates and the general public now have Solomon Islands law records at their fingertips.

Sports Advance Message on AIDS

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services Solomon Islands National AIDS Council has come on board as partners with SIFF and Our Telekom to advance the message about AIDS.

Former Ministers and Backbenchers Return Vehicles

Government vehicles issued to former government ministers were handed back to the Ministry of Infrastructure.

ADB, Japan and Australia Extend $88M in Financial Assistance to Samoa Power Sector

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the governments of Japan and Australia are providing $88 million in financing to support the development of Samoa's power sector.

Our Telekom Supports Charity Golf Event

Our Telekom, on Tuesday, donated two mobile handsets worth $1,380 in support of a charity Golf Day.

Removal of WWII Relics in Solomons

News on sale of World War II relics in Shortlands and having them removed from their resting places has caused public protest.

Australia Still Region's Major Player

Observers say that Australia is still the dominant player in the region despite the increased involvement of several different powers.

Training for Zion Youths

The Community Sector Programme (CSP) is currently running a 5-days training for Zion youths at the Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT).

Political Instability Worrying for Guadalcanal: Tovosia

The latest political instability is worrying for the people of Guadalcanal Province, according to the provincial authorities.

Young People Want Active Role In Youth Development

Young people want to be recognised as equal partners in their development.

PM Sogavare Calls on SICA to Stay Out of Politics

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has called on the Solomon Islands Christian Association to act responsibly by allowing the current political impasse to be resolved at the political level.

Police Investigate Private Residence Burglary

Forensic Service Officers and Naha detectives are investigating a break-in at a house in East Kola Ridge on Sunday night.

Lilo Allowed Illegal Shipment of Logs: Caucus Chairman

Sacked former Minister of Finance, Gordon Darcy Lilo, had illegally ordered the release of a banned shipment of logs in Western Province when he was Finance Minister early this year.

Ne'e Clarifies Legal Fee Accusation Against Sogavare

Chairman of the Government Caucus, Nelson Ne'e, has categorically denied opposition allegations over legal fees paid by the government during his High Court trial in relation to the April riots.

PM Stunned by Abana's Rebuttal

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was stunned at the former Minister for National Development and Aid Coordination's media statement announcing he was the Minister being referred to as recipient of the $7-million payout.

PM Sogavare Clears Further Opposition Allegations

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has rejected further allegations against him by the Opposition Group in its second paid advertisement in the Solomon Star.

Tonga Wins Miss South Pacific

Miss Tonga, Tessi Leila Toluta'u, was crowned the new Miss South Pacific in Apia, Samoa, on Saturday night.

Regional Workshop Targets Child Abuse

The Regional Stakeholders Consultation and Planning Workshop on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Sexual Abuse in the Pacific began yesterday in Suva.

"Scandals, Lies and Excuses" - Lilo Urged to Be Honest

Sacked finance minister, Gordon Darcy Lilo, is challenged to explain why he has not implemented an $8 million government funding allocated for the civil rehabilitation of devastated infrastructure at Gizo, Western Province.

Police Attend to Weekend Crimes

Police are investigating a wounding incident at Tambea area, West Guadalcanal.

Police Confiscate Illegal Alcohol

Police at Central Station and Liquor Licensing Squad are investigating an incident of the illegal sale of alcohol at Bahai Centre last Thursday.

Lilo Denies Allegations Against Him

The former Minister for Finance, Gordon Darcy Lilo, denies being the man behind the current political upheaval in the country.

Workshop Aims to Improve Local Health Services

A one month workshop is currently in place for probation nurses in Honiara.

Minister Kengava Rebuffs Abana's Claim

Minister for Rural Development and Indigenous Affairs, Mr Clement Kengava has refuted the front-page article in the Solomon Star claiming that he requested rejoining the Opposition Group.

Honiara Gears Up for 16 Days Activism of Human Rights

Solomon Islands Indigenous People of Human Rights Advocacy Association (SIIPHRAA) and Family Support Centre will jointly organise a "16 Days Activism of Human Rights".

Meet Seeks to Solve Week-Long Power Row

The Governor General has the legal power under Standing Order 7 (3) to cause Parliament to meet.

Dr Sikua to Table No-Confidence Motion

The SIBC has reported that the impending motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will be tabled by the Northeast Guadalcanal M-P and former minister for Education and Human Resources Development, Dr Derick Sikua.

Opposition Urges Sogavare to Call Parliament Meet

The Parliamentary Opposition is urging the Prime Minister to call a meeting of Parliament.

Solomons Celebrate World Children's Day

Young children from various schools in and around Honiara gathered to commemorate World Children's Day.

Diabetes Increase Among Children in Solomons

Diabetes statistics in Solomon Islands has revealed an increase among young children, with a record of 18 cases of children affected with diabetes, the youngest 5 years of age.

Opposition Claims Inaccurate: Govt

The Government today said the Opposition's attempt to defend certain parliamentary entitlements enjoyed by former minister's who defected to the opposition early this week is inaccurate and unlawful.

Lilo's Allegations of Interference Lame and Childish

Political Appointee within the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Mr Robson Djokovic staunchly denied allegations levelled against him by the former Minister of Finance and Treasury Hon Gordon Darcy Lilo.

Unions Call on PM to Step Down

The Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions (SICTU) calls on the Prime Minister to step down, or recall parliament immediately.

Japan and ADB Help Palau Prepare Water Supply Sector Development Plan

Japan and Asian Development Bank (ADB) are helping Palau prepare a plan that will provide secure, reliable and affordable water supply on the island of Babeldaob and in the state of Koror, located in the south of the tightly clustered archipelago.

Crack Down on Overloaded Vessels

The Solomon Islands Police Force, the Maritime Division and the Ports Authority today launched a joint operation to crack down on overloading marine vessels.

ROC Releases Last Payment for Education Training Awards

The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has released the last tranche of its funding for the Solomon Islands Government's Training and Education Awards for this year.

High Court Charge Men of Demanding with Menace

Four men face charges for demanding money with menace.

Our Telekom Undertakes Basic Fire Fighting Training

Our Telekom warden officers have received certificates on the basics of fire fighting.

Sir Allan joins Grand Coalition for Change Government

The Member of Parliament for Savo/Russells and former Prime Minister, Sir Alan Kemakeza has joined the Grand Coalition for Change Government.

PM Sogavare: No Bribery Offered to Koli

The government has denied reports that Member for East Guadalcanal, and Opposition MP, Hon Johnson Koli, has been offered large sums of money to join the government group.

PM Speaks Out Against Intimidation of MPs

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has expressed concern over the Opposition Group's intimidation of the MP for West Kwara'ae, Sam Idurii and the MP for East Kwaio, Stanley Sofu not to rejoin the government.

"The Game is Now Over": PM Sogavare

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare last night says the current political upheaval in the country is now over as his government took control of a clear majority once more.

Aquathlon Come and Try Carnival

The Triathlon Solomon Islands will hold a free Aquathlon at Kakabona beach this Saturday.

ADB and Tonga Enter into Partnership Strategy

The ADB and the Kingdom of Tonga have entered into a five-year Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) that focuses on poverty reduction anchored on infrastructure development, prudent economic and fiscal management, and private sector development.

Regional Officials Discuss Urban Progress Legislations

Regional representatives began their meeting today in Lami, Fiji, to discuss the need to review existing legislations for urban society progress in the region.

Conference for Local Oil Producers

A five-day conference is currently underway for oil producers in the Solomons.

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