Police are investigating a traffic incident in which a young man was killed.
The incident happened shortly after 5:30 am on Sunday morning in front of Rove Police Headquarters.Police said the boy was crossing the road when he was hit by a bus.
He was taken to National Referral Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Details of the boy have not been released.
The driver of the bus is being interviewed by police, and it is not known if charges will be laid.
In an unrelated incident, two people were hit by a taxi in front of the King Solomon Hotel about 2:30 on Saturday morning. One person left the scene but the other was taken to hospital for medical attention.
Police said the incidents have been a set back for their road safety campaign.
A senior police officer told the police media unit that police have been working hard to stop the road toll.
The senior police officer urged motorists to take extreme care when driving, and pedestrians to be extra careful when crossing the road.
"To take it back to basics, please look both ways before crossing the road," the senior police officer said.