An SIBC report on four Opposition MPs defecting to the government camp has been described as biased.
The MP for East Are'are, Edward Huniehu, said the responsible reporter had been biased in putting together the report.SIBC news earlier reported on four members of the Opposition believed to have joined forces with the Government.
According to SIBC's source, the defection is now public knowledge, a claim that was neither confirmed nor denied by the government.
But Mr. Huniehu said that not only was the report untrue and inaccurate but it had no base.
Mr. Huniehu said that as one being named among the four Opposition MPs reported to have changed sides, he wishes to make clear to his constituents that he is committed to the Opposition.
"... the aim is to have a new Government in Solomon Islands," the MP for East Are'are said.
Mr. Huniehu expressed disappointment on the false report and calls on SIBC management to ensure the reporter is disciplined.
Solomon Times' attempt to get comments from SIBC newsroom was unsuccessful.