Latest News Archive November 2008

Central Guadalcanal Enters New Horizon of Development

Valu Village in Central Guadalcanal conducted a ground breaking ceremony with the Pheonix International Limited (PIL) on Mbalasuna river bank for gold prospecting last Wednesday.

RCDF for Welfare of People: Dr. Sikua

The Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua says the Taiwan funded Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) is a gesture of friendship by Taiwan and meant to help improve the welfare and livelihood of rural dwellers in Solomon Islands and should be expended only for that purpose.

Another Huge Marijuana Bust by Police

In two separate successful operations, the Royal Solomon Islands Police have seized over 500 marijuana plants and arrested ten people.

HIV and AIDS Online Data Hub Launched

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (28 November 2008) - The first-ever one-stop online resource hub providing comprehensive and easy-to-access HIV and AIDS data in Asia and the Pacific was launched today.

Inter-Provincial Netball to Begin Monday

Solomon Islands Netball Federation (SINFED) is helping to organize the Inter-Provincial Netball Tournament scheduled to be held at Tulagi, Central Province, for five days beginning Monday.

'Funky' and 'Rushee' to Launch First Album

Another exciting music album is set to hit the Solomon Islands music market.

RAMSI to Stay: Guadalcanal Leader

A Guadalcanal leader has spoken out strongly in support of RAMSI remaining in the country and describing any move to force RAMSI to leave Solomon Islands as untimely.

White Paper on Political Integrity to be Introduced

The Government will be introducing a White Paper in the current meeting of the National Parliament to give Parliamentarians and the Public the opportunity to look at options that would help Solomon Islands deal with the question of political integrity in the country.

Traffic Police on New Operation to Minimize Accidents

"Next month Police from the Kukum traffic unit will start an operational check to make sure drivers follow safety road rules to avoid any further road accidents during this festive season."

Rice Growing Deepens Ties

Yesterday, a rice harvesting ceremony was conducted at the Secondary School, St. Joseph, the only school to have been growing rice made possible by the Taiwan Embassy and the CNURA government.

New Life with God: Former Militant

An ex-militant from the Guadalcanal Revolutionary Army shared his life experience after being in prison for one year.

Change of Name for Police Force

The local police force has changed its name back to the original Royal Solomon Islands Police.

PM Says Govt Committed to Provide Greater Access to Clean Water and Sanitation

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has reiterated his government's commitment to provide greater access to clean water supply and sanitation to rural communities in the country.

Dr. Sikua Clarifies $150,000 for Parliamentarians

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua has clarified why Members of Parliament have been paid $150,000 each.

Virtual Pacific Environmental Libraries

The Information Resource Centre & Library of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has completed compilation of online virtual environment libraries for all Pacific island countries and territories.

USP Lecturer Receives Artist Award

Senior University of the South Pacific Lecturer, Igelese Ete, was awarded the Senior Pacific Artist Award at the Creative New Zealand Arts Pasifika Awards in Auckland recently for his contribution to Pacific music.

Stakeholders Together to Tackle Domestic Violence

Amongst events on the '16 Days of Activism against gender Violence' a one day workshop was also organized at the Commonwealth Youth Program (CYP) centre, particularly aimed at providing a system to tackle domestic violence in Solomon Islands.

Dr. Sikua Says Taiwan Funding Strictly for People's Welfare

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua says the Taiwan funded Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) is a gesture of friendship meant to improve the welfare and livelihood of rural dwellers in Solomon Islands and should be expended only for that purpose.

Sharzy to Release New Album

After releasing his fifth album, Samson Saeni, otherwise popularly known as 'Sharzy' is already planning a new album.

"Here to Celebrate Peace": Festival Organizers

The Universal Peace Federation, together with organizers of the Global Peace Festival, held a press conference today at the Honiara Hotel to talk about the upcoming Global Peace Festival which will be held at the Lawson Tama stadium this Saturday.

Rice Import Reaches $200m

Solomon Islands have recorded a total rice import worth $200 million in 2008 alone to feed the country's more than 500,000 population.

Penal Code Issue Paper to be Launched

The Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission today will launch its Issues Paper on the Penal Code of Solomon Islands at the Iron Bottom Sound Hotel.

RAMSI Backs Solomons Islands Campaign to End Domestic Violence

The Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has congratulated Solomon Islands on its commitment to ending the country's high rates of domestic violence.

Solomon Islands to Improve Safety and Efficiency of Domestic Maritime Services

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is extending a $14 million grant to help improve shipping services in the Solomon Islands to spur rural development and provide poor residents with greater access to markets and public services.

Public and Private Sector Cooperation to Combat Corruption in the Asia - Pacific

Corruption in business transactions decreases competition, deters investment, and increases the cost of goods and services in the Asia-Pacific region

Our Telekom Extends GSM Base Stations

Our Telekom is pleased to announce that construction work has commenced for a new GSM Base Station at White River.

Research Reveals Shocking Domestic Violence Results

A recent completion of a national research on the violence against women and children provided shocking results, as according to the Minister for Women, Youth and Children's Affairs, Hon. Peter Tom in his address at the opening of the '16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence' yesterday.

Solomon Islands Begins Fight Against Violence

Yesterday evening, Solomon Islands joined the rest of the World in officially opening the '16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence' in Honiara.

Global Peace Festival Soccer Tournament Kicks off

The Global Peace Festival soccer tournament officially kicked off yesterday at the KGVI Field with six teams in the men's golden oldies and four teams in the women's category.

UNIFEM: "Say No to Violence Against Women" Campaign

One year ago, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) began its global campaign to advocate among publics and governments for an end to violence against women. In the course of the year, UNIFEM has taken important steps to address this issue.

More Youths Graduate in Horticulture

Yesterday fourteen youths graduated after attending a twelve week horticulture training by the Honiara Beautification committee headed by the United States Consul, Mrs. Kethie Saunders.

Stay Away From Moon Festival: PAEA

A Christian organization operating in the Pacific and Asia Region has joined other Christian churches in Solomon Islands in condemning Reverend Moon as well as his activities in the country and the up coming Global Peace Festival planned for this week-end at Lawson Tama.

Israeli Ambassador Visits Solomon Islands

Israel's ambassador to Solomon Islands Michael Ronen is visiting the country this week to hold discussions with various people in both the government and business sector.

Five Arrested for Stoning Police Vehicle

Police arrested five males for throwing rocks after responding to a call for assistance at the Sun Valley area this morning at approximately 1:25am.

Search on for Fishermen Missing in Pacific Waters

A search is underway for 29 fishermen, the crew of an abandoned vessel, who appear to be missing somewhere in Pacific waters near Fiji.

Reko Disaster Committee Advances Future Plans

Communities of Mberande, Mbokokibo and Moqa in northeast Guadalcanal have formed disaster committees to advance plans for awareness and training activities following the four-day workshop conducted by the National Disaster Management Office at Calvary village last week.

Leaders Unite to Fight Violence Against Women

Last night, 181 leaders in the country including the Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua, turned out for the 'Leaders Dinner to the White Ribbon Day' dinner, aimed at supporting awareness and services delivery program to stop violence against women and children in Solomon Islands.

Direct Aid Program Supports Water, Education Projects

The Australian High Commission is pleased to announce its support for the Numbu and Pitukoli community projects under the Direct Aid Program.

Global Peace Festival This Saturday

Reverend Moon's Global Peace Festival, sponsored by his Universal Peace Federation, is set to take place at Lawson Tama on the 28th - 29th of November.

Boycott "Moonie" Festival: Church Leaders

Church leaders in Honiara are calling on all Christians in Honiara, and throughout the country, not to attend Reverend Moon's Global Peace Festival planned for this Saturday at the Lawson Tama Stadium.

First Lady Charity Receives Pink Ribbon Cheque

Yesterday, the Solomon Islands First Lady's Charity received SBD$208,300 that was raised during the Pink Ribbon Fundraising event, organized by the Participating Police Force's (PPF) Community Relations.

Samoa Passes Bill Promoting Compulsory Education

The Samoan government passed the Education Bill 2008 last week which will see parents and caregivers of children aged 5 to 14 fined $1,000 if they do not send their children to school.

FA Coaching Course Underway in Honiara

An English FA Youth Junior Course for coaches is currently underway at the SIFF Academy.

Manufucturers Association Donate Chairs to SIBC

The Solomon Islands Broadcasting Cooperation (SIBC) this morning officially received twelve chairs from the Solomon Islands Manufacturing Association at a small ceremony within the SIBC compound.

STI and HIV Training Ends Successfully

An innovative STI and HIV training for community-based nurses was officially closed last Friday at the Red Mansion Inn in Honiara.

New Recruits for Correctional Services

Eleven women are among 40 new recruits that have been selected to take up positions as correctional officers with the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI).

Yandina Community and Police Agree to Work Together

Police and communities in Yandina are now working more closely after a two-week visit from the Solomon Islands Police Force Community Policing team.

Koloale Beats Hekari, 3-1

In a game witnessed by thousands of people, Koloale FC on Saturday beat Hekari United from Papua New Guinea, 3 goals to 1 at the Lawson Tama stadium, Honiara.

Offender Surrenders After Police Shoot Tyre

A 29 year old man was apprehended by police on Saturday night after allegedly trying to run his vehicle over a police officer in an effort to evade police arrest.

Teacher's Non-Attendance Due to Lack of Housing

When the Minister for Education, Hon. Mathew Wale made a surprise visit to the Honiara High School last week, following rumors of teacher absenteeism, he caused wide debates among teachers, parents and the public alike.

ADB to Help Expand Cook Islands' Avatiu Port

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing a financial assistance package of $15.5 million to expand Avatiu Port, Cook Islands' main international port, which handles 90% of imports by sea.

Speaker Highlights GFC in Parliament Opening

Speaker of Parliament Sir Peter Kenilorea has said he hopes parliament can actively assist in protecting communities across Solomon Islands from the damaging impacts of the Global Financial Crisis, GFC.

IFC Helps Solomons Improve Business Regulatory Environment

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is helping the government of the Solomon Islands plan reforms to attract investment and reduce the cost of starting a business, which could help create jobs in the country.

Panatina School Farewells Graduates

As the year comes to an end, more and more students graduate from high school.

Stop Vanadalizing Phones: Our Telekom

Our Telekom strongly condemns the vandalism of the public phone at the Rove Bus stop and also other locations in and around Honiara.

Vodafone Launches 3G Network in Fiji

One of Fiji's mobile companies, Vodafone Fiji, has launched the country's first 3G (third generation) mobile network, which is also the first in the region.

Government and Our Telekom Begins Negotiations

Our Telekom must look forward to vigorous competition in telecommunications as the Government is now moving to open up competition in the industry.

Men Arrested Over Dynamite Fishing

Two men were arrested by Police yesterday afternoon, after using dynamite to catch fish at Doma area North West of Guadalcanal at about 12 Midday.

Customs and Excise Division on Harbor Patrols

The customs and excise division today attended the police commissioner's weekly media conference to discuss upcoming operations designed to tackle illegal activities at the Point Cruz Harbor.

Outcomes of 33rd Meeting of Forum-Fiji JWG

Pacific Islands Forum-Fiji Joint Working Group on the Situation in Fiji20 November 2008, Forum Secretariat, Suva

SISA to Release First Ever Newsletter

Today the Solomon Islands Students Association (SISA) in the University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Fiji, will issue their first ever newsletter.

Launch of Mobile Community Police Post

The RAMSI Participating Police Force (PPF), in conjunction with the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF), is pleased to announce the launch of the Mobile Community Police Post at Rove Police Headquarters.

National Beach Soccer Team in Preparation

The Solomon Islands Beach Soccer Team Manager, Reuben Oimae stated that the team began training a month ago to prepare for the Oceania Qualifiers Cup to be held in Noumea, New Caledonia in January 2009.

Government Officer Awaits Verdict

The Embassy of Taiwan in Solomon Islands has confirmed the attacks made by the government official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. William Marau, as true.

Government Focal Points for Disability Meet in Fiji

Capacity building in policy development and awareness will be high on the agenda of a workshop involving Government focal points for disability in 14 Forum Island Countries scheduled for 24 -26 November in Nadi, Fiji.

Guadalcanal Premier Praises Disaster Office

Premier for Guadalcanal Province Stephen Panga has praised the National Disaster Management Office for conducting a first ever community level disaster risk management workshop in his Province yesterday.

Stakeholders Prepare for World AIDS Day 08

Various stakeholders within Honiara are preparing for the World AIDS Day to be celebrated on the 1st of December.

Tight Security for Upcoming Parliament Meeting

Clerk to Parliament Taeasi Sanga has confirmed that the eighth parliament session will begin tomorrow and is expected to deliberate on the 2009 budget as the main Government business.

World Bank Addresses Looming Economic Disaster

If the current rate of harvest continues conservative estimates say that forests of commercial value in the Solomon Islands will deplete within the next 10 years.

Solomon Islander Selected Into Brisbane Broncos Under 20

For the first time ever, a Solomon Islander has a serious shot at entering the National Rugby League (NRL) in Australia.

PM Did Not Refuse Invitation: SSPM

The Special Secretary to the Prime Minister, John Keniapisia, has refuted reports that the Prime Minister had snubbed an invitation from the Solomon Islands Rugby Federation to visit the construction site of the new International Rugby Stadium.

Dream Time Youth League a Success

SIFF Development Officer Noel Wagapu has thanked Dream Time Shipping Company, on behalf of Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF), for sponsoring the Dream Time Youth League.

Mobile Phones Blamed for the Spread of AIDS in PNG

A workshop in Papua New Guinea heard that mobile phones were contributing to the spread of AIDS by making communication easier, allowing people to have affairs that lead to the spread of the disease.

Villagers Plea for Clean Water

People in Mataruka village in the Malango District of Guadalcanal have questioned why their Member of Parliament has turned a blind eye to their most immediate need - the need for proper water supply.

Fourth Man Charged for Dereni Murders

Police have charged a fourth man in relation to the murders of four people in a roadside ambush that occurred at Dereni in east Guadalcanal in September 2002.

SIPF Keen to Work Closely With Security Firms

The Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) has indicated that it may be willing to work closely with security firms operating within Honiara.

Two Fuel Stations Re-open after Negotiations

The Government has successfully negotiated with two of the five fuel stations in Honiara to re-open their fuel stations after they closed yesterday.

Sir Ellison Pogo Announces Plans to Retire

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia, Sir Ellison Pogo will retire early next month after serving the church for many years.

PIFS SG Signs RSP and RIP with European Commission

The Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), Tuiloma Neroni Slade, and the European Commissioner for Development, Mr Louis Michel have signed documents formalising the Pacific Regional Strategy Paper (RSP) and the Regional Indicative Programme (RIP).

Fuel Stations Close Throughout Honiara

Fuel refilling stations in Honiara have closed today following what they say was government's non-reply to a submission made by the Chamber of Commerce to increase profits of retail fuel providers.

MOH Addresses Mental Health Issues

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has taken another step in the fight against a recent rising problem, particularly amongst youths - Mental Illness.

WHO Warns of Rising Diabetes Cases

The Ministry of Health together with countries around the globe celebrated World Diabetes Day with the theme 'Diabetes in Children and Adolescents.'

Prison Training Exercise a Success

The Solomon Islands Police Force, Solomon Islands Prison Service and members of RAMSI's Participating Police Force (PPF) conducted a training exercise designed to improve the preparedness and capability of officers when working together to control situations of public disorder at Rove Prison.

Pacific Ombudsman Alliance Launched

Ombudsmen and government representatives from 11 countries in the Pacific Islands Forum met in Brisbane, Australia recently to launch the Pacific Ombudsman Alliance.

HIV is Everyones Business: Dr. Auto

Recent results have shown that the number of people living with HIV in the Solomon Islands stands at twelve.

Marshall Concerned With Forbidden Items Still Sold in Shops

The Acting Police Commissioner, Peter Marshall has called on shop owners to stop selling toy guns as most of them are very close replicas of the actual hand guns.

Aussie to be Extradited, Faces Murder Charges

An Australian accused of murder can now be sent back to Australia after an extradition order was issued by the Attorney General's Office.

Law Reform Commission Reviews Penal Code

The Law reform Commission of Solomon Islands is embarking on a project to review the Penal Code, which is the criminal law of the country, and the Criminal Procedure Code, the procedure of bringing criminal offenders to court.

Sir John Meets Fiji's Interim PM

African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Secretary General Sir John Kaputin has met with Interim Prime Minister of Fiji Commodore Frank Bainimarama in Brussels, Belgium during which both leaders' exchanged views on Fiji's plans to return to parliamentary democracy.

Police Officers Congratulated by Commissioner

This morning Acting Police Commissioner Peter Marshall officially congratulated three SIPF officers and their RAMSI Advisor for performing with excellence.

Hekari Ready for Showdown

The Papua New Guinea Club Champion, Hekari Souths United is ready for the showdown with Koloale FC on Saturday next week at Lawson Tama.

Ex Waimapuru Students Plan Huge Silver Jubilee Celebration

Friends and Former students of Waimapuru National Secondary School around the country are planning to host a huge celebration to mark the school's Silver Jubilee next year.

No Plans for Rearmament: Marshall

The Acting Commissioner of Police Mr. Peter Marshall, in his weekly press conference, informed the media that he has no plans to rearm the police.

Fiji's Assassination Plot Suspect Freed

Ballu Khan, one of the main men accused of being part of the plot to assassinate Fiji's military leader and interim Prime Minister has been freed by Fiji's Supreme Court as it determined that police had infringed in Mr. Khan's fundamental human rights.

Honor our Children: City Mayor

Solomon Islands today marked International Children's Day at the Multipurpose Hall. The Honiara City Lord Mayor, Andrew Mua, gave a dose of advice to parents, "Honor our Children."

Police and Correction Officers to Conduct Prison Training

On Friday 14 November 2008, the Solomon Islands Police Force, Solomon Islands Prison Service and members of RAMSI will be conducting a training exercise at Rove Prison to improve the team-work of the organisations.

Police Officers Congratulated by Commissioner

This morning Acting Police Commissioner Peter Marshall officially congratulated three SIPF officers and their RAMSI Advisor for performing with excellence.

Suicide Rates Increase Among Youths

Psychiatrist, Dr Paul Orotaloa of the Acute Mental Health Unit, said that suicide cases in the Solomon Islands have increased to levels not seen before.

Japanese Sets up Scholarship Fund

Eleven students will benefit from a newly established Japanese scholarship fund beginning next year.

Fake Cigarettes Destroyed

Officers from Police, Customs and Excise and representatives of Solomon Tobacco yesterday destroyed over one million fake cigarettes.

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