Latest News Archive November 2010

Police Commissioner Speaks Out on Disturbance

Thirty nine people who were arrested yesterday by the police for disturbances in town are mostly young people who are not connected to the Fisheries Minister Jimmy Lusibaea's family, says Police Commissioner Marshall.
Miss South Pacific 2010, Miss Cook Islands, Joyana Meyer. Photo and copyright by Robert Weber.

Cook Islands Wins Miss South Pacific

The title of Miss South Pacific 2010 was won by Cook Islands in the weekend.
Reports say that high airfares may force New Zealand Companies to stop recruiting Solomon Islanders to work in New Zealand temporarily.

High Airfares Hampers Seasonal Work Scheme

Hundreds of Solomon Islanders working under New Zealand's seasonal work scheme could be affected by the comparatively higher airfares to New Zealand.

TRC Asks for More Time

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) says it needs more time to complete its mandate.

SPC's Efforts towards Developing a Regional Framework for Action on Transport Services

Transport officials support SPC's efforts towards developing a regional Framework for Action on Transport Services

Security Tightens as Sentencing Nears

Police will be stepping up security in Honiara tomorrow when the Fisheries Minister, Jimmy Lusibaea, is expected to appear in court for sentencing.

WHO Welcomes the Pope's Statement on Condoms

Press Release - MANILA, 25 November 2010-The World Health Organization (WHO) today welcomed a statement by Pope Benedict XVI that the use of condoms is acceptable in halting the spread of AIDS.
He said officers who had packages of about $383,000 Solomon dollars had received only $148,000 dollars after taxes.

Former Police Officers Question Hefty Tax

A former senior police officer, who had recently left the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force under the voluntary early retirement scheme, has questioned the huge tax deducted from the $3 million dollar scheme.

Stop Violence Activism Starts

Solomon Islands joined other countries in the World today to officially launch the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence.

ROC Provides $1.2 Million Funding

The Taiwanese Embassy has released $1.2 million dollars for various government projects and three projects in the Western Province.

Sandalwood has Potential to Alleviate Poverty

Sandalwood has the potential to contribute to the improvement of living standards in Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs), but for this to happen, there must be critical assessment, research and improved management practices.

A crowd gathers outside the High Court awaiting the outcome of Mr Lusibaea's case.

Lusibaea to Know Fate Next Week Tuesday

North Malaita MP and Fisheries Minister, Jimmy Lusibaea, will be sentenced next Tuesday.

Opposition Calls For an Extension of TRC's Term

The Parliamentary Opposition has issued a call to the government to extend the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC.

Empower Anti-corruption Agencies: Sir Peter

Former Speaker of Parliament and a long-time politician, Sir Peter Kenilorea says anti-corruption agencies need to have the necessary power to take matters to the courts.

Donors Fund Bridge Rehab on Guadalcanal

Broken bridges on Guadalcanal will be restored soon under a donor funded project supervised by Ministry of Infrastructure Development.
Submissions will be presented both by the prosecution and the defense counsel before Justice David Cameron delivers the sentence later this afternoon.

Security Tightens as Sentencing of Lusibaea Nears

Police have beefed up security in Honiara as sentencing of Jimmy Lusibaea nears.

Oti in Fiji for Pre-reconciliation Talks

Recently appointed special envoy, Patterson Oti, is in Fiji to discuss the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) reconciliation ceremony scheduled for next month.

Release of 2010 Pacific Plan Annual Progress Report

PRESS STATEMENT - Tuesday, 23 November 2010 - The Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Tuiloma Neroni Slade welcomed the release today of the 2010 Pacific Plan Annual Progress Report.

SIS on Support for Women in Decision Making Process

PRESS RELEASE - 22nd November 2010 - "For too long, women in our region have not been effectively engaged in decision-making institutions and processes, both at national and local levels.
The new access fees will be charged when all fishing boats renew their license for 2011 at the end of this year.

Fisheries Access Fees Set to Double

Solomon Islands is set to gain substantially after the government successfully negotiated an increase in fisheries access fees with its bilateral partners.

Government Cuts Benefits for Political Appointees

The NCRA government has dropped certain special allowances of its political appointees.

Pacific Participants Polish their Entrepreneurial Skills at CETC

A two-week CETC Business Improvement Course for Micro-Entrepreneurs, which was held at the CETC Campus in Narere from 1-12 November, was attended by eighteen participants from SPC member countries.

IMF Completes First Review Under Standby Credit Facility Arrangement

The FINANCIAL -- The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on November 17 completed the first review of Solomon Islands' economic performance under a program supported by an 18-month Standby Credit Facility (SCF).

Country Farewells Late Toswel Kaua

The official funeral service of the late Member of Parliament for Baegu-Asifola, Honorable Toswel Kaua will take place this morning at the St. Barnabas Cathedral in Honiara.

SPC Organises Sandalwood Workshop in Vanuatu

The Land Resources Division (LRD) of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) will organise a regional workshop on Sandalwood Resource Development, Research and Trade in the Pacific and Asian Region from 22 to 25 November 2010 in Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Mr. Abana says the NCRA government owes taxpayers an explanation on the number of political appointees.

Please Clarify Political Appointments: Opposition

The Opposition is calling on the National Coalition for Rural Advancement Government to come clean on the number of its political appointees following the establishment of the Bureau of Social and Economic Reform.

Climate Change Funding in the Pacific - SPREP Issues Draft Report

Press Release - The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has issued a draft report on the future of funding for climate change in the Pacific region. This report is now being circulated for review comments, the link to this report is as below.

Opposition Claims Worthless

The ruling National Coalition for Rural Advancement (NCRA) Government today describes as "Worthless and Empty" claims by the Opposition leader that the government's solidarity has been threatened by a recent logging action taken by Forestry officials.
Fisheries Minister and Member of Parliament for North Malaita, Jimmy Lusibaea.

Lusibaea Pleads Guilty, Remanded in Custody

Fisheries Minister and Member of Parliament for North Malaita, Jimmy Lusibaea has been remanded in police custody after pleading guilty to unlawfully wounding a person and assaulting a police officer.

Taiwanese Fishing Vessel under Investigation

A Taiwanese fishing vessel is currently under investigation by the police, customs, immigration, quarantine and the Ministry of Fisheries.

Reference Group Meets to Address Sexual and Gender-Based

Press Statement - 16 November 2010 - The first meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum Reference Group to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) was held on 16 November 2010 at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva.

Australia and NZ Should Create More Opportunities for Melanesia

An academic who's just been honored for his research on Pacific migration says Australia and New Zealand must consider creating new opportunities for Melanesians to live and work in their countries.

Police Investigate Tetere Death

The National Police Intelligence Unit and Police from Guadalcanal are currently investigating the death of a 40 year old man at Tetere, on Thursday afternoon.

Drilling Set to Begin at Fauro

Australian-based Solomon Gold announced further encouraging assay results from recent surface sampling on its Fauro Island project in the Solomon Islands.

Two Election Petitions Withdrawn

Two election petitions stand to be withdrawn after the High Court granted leave to the petitioners yesterday.
Reports say that Late Kaua suffered medical complications early this morning and was rushed to hospital.

Kaua Passes Away After Long Illness

Hon. Toswel Kaua, MP for Baegu/Asifola, passed away early this morning at the National Referral Hospital.

Strengthening Maritime Policy Formulation and Legislative Drafting

Wednesday 10 November 2010, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) - Development and implementation of maritime law in the Pacific is critical to ensuring that Pacific countries continue to have access to safe shipping, employment and uninterrupted international sea trade.

Pacific Getting Ready to Meet New Biodiversity Targets

Press Release - 18,000 people from around the world gathered recently in Nagoya, Japan at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10.
"People should avoid bathing in or near rivers and canals as crocodiles are likely to move with flood waters," said Police Commissioner Marshall.

Watch Out for Crocodiles!

Police have killed a large crocodile in response to numerous sightings reported by the public over the last few days.
Mr. Philip says his government is "honored to host the event upon request from the current MSG Chair, Vanuatu's Prime Minister Edward Natapei.

PM Philip to Host MSG Meeting in December

Prime Minister Danny Philip says Solomon Islands will host a special Melanesian Spearhead Group, MSG meeting in December.

Pacific Urged to Improve Environment Project Ratio

Press Release - A key organisation which provides funds to address environmental issues has urged Pacific countries to speed up the implementation of projects.
INTERPOL, whose full name is the International Criminal Police Organization, is an organization facilitating international police cooperation.

Solomon Islands Close to Joining INTERPOL

The Minister for Police and National Security has told a meeting in Qatar today that the Solomon Islands government through cabinet has fully endorsed the country's position to submit its application to be a member of INTERPOL in 2011.

ADB Aids Palau's Push for Sustainable Water, Sanitation Services

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is to help Palau carry out broad reforms to improve the sustainability and cost effectiveness of its water and sanitation services.

Workshop Looks at Issue of "Decentralization"

A two-day workshop on decentralizing government powers to provincial governments has opened this morning in Honiara.

Solomons Becoming More "Business Friendly"

An international "Doing Business" report says Solomon Islands have improved ten places this year.
The Finance Minister says that the census results are crucial in terms of giving all stakeholders a better understanding of some of the key social indicators of the country.

SI Population Hits Half a Million

The much awaited 2009 National Population and Housing Census results point to an increased population of approximately 100,000 people bringing the total population to just over half a million.

ADB's Clean Air Scorecard to Help Asia Reduce Air Pollution

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Asia and the Pacific must work harder to address air pollution alongside broader efforts to counter climate change, and a new Clean Air Scorecard developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help the region do that.

CBSI Maintains Accommodative Monetary Policy

The Central Bank of the Solomon Islands says it will maintain a moderate accommodative monetary policy position to allow for growth in the economy.
Mr Ewing said Josh's success was well deserved and reflected the extremely high quality of artistic talent in Solomon Islands.

Australian High Commission Awards 2010 Solo Icon

The Australian High Commission has presented 2010 Solo Icon winner, Mr Joshua Bshaller Pa'ahanua, with his first prize.

Wale Must Get His Facts Right: Lilo

Finance Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has lashed out at accusations leveled against him by Mathew Wale MP, claiming he had interfered with the independence of State Owned Enterprises (SOE).

PM Philip Praises Bemobile

Prime Minister Danny Philip has thanked Bemobile Solomon Islands for its decision to mobilize its resources around the country.
Fred Bala, centre, with team mates at the SIFF Academy.

U-17s Gear up for OFC Champ

The Solomon Islands national U-17 team training squad players for the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) U-17 championship are stepping up their performance as they approach axing time only 2 weeks from now.

Premier Warns Against False Rumors

Malaita Premier Richard Namo Irosae has called on certain movements within the province to refrain from promoting the cargo cult mentality "that Malaitans will be receiving millions of dollars from Israel."
With forests of commercial value set to decline in the coming years, coupled with post-crisis aid flows set to fall, new sources of economic growth are needed.

World Bank Works on New Strategy for Growth

Solomon Islands Finance Minister, Gordon Darcy Lilo, says the recently-elected government of Prime Minister Danny Philip is committed to serious reforms that will create opportunities and benefits for all Solomon Islanders.
He describes victims of the ethnic tension as "desperately needing healing."

Forgiveness Bill Disrespectful: Wale

Deputy Opposition Leader Matthew Wale says granting blanket forgiveness to perpetrators of the ethnic tension is meaningless, disrespectful and offensive to victims of the conflict.
Mrs. Kapini says that all major stakeholders should look at the issue holistically and find a solution instead of just putting the blame on SIWA.

Let's Share the Blame, says SIWA

The current water problem faced by Honiara township is the responsibility of every line ministry and organisation and cannot be entirely blamed on the Solomon Islands Water Authority alone.
He made the call in view of fresh misleading stories and beliefs circulating around Malaita that Israel will rescue Malaitans with cash handouts and boat-loads of cargo.

Move Away From "Cargo Mentality," says Abana

Opposition Leader, Steve Abana, has urged individuals and informal Malaita Movements to move away from the "Cargo Cult" mentality as development talks between Malaita and Israel representatives continues in Auki.

Assault on Solomon Islander Reaches Courts in Fiji

A 23 year old woman of Samabula in Suva who allegedly smashed a beer bottle on a senior cultural officer from the Solomon Islands has had her plea deferred.

World Bank To Assist With Tsunami Reconstruction In Samoa

WASHINGTON, 2 November, 2010-The World Bank today approved financing totaling US$11.8 million to support the reconstruction of vital infrastructure in Samoa following the devastating tsunami that hit the country in September 2009.
The Finance Minister also refuted media reports that said the government granted close to 162 exemptions in September of this year.

Lilo Plans to Remove Exemption Given to Bemobile

The Minister of Finance and Treasury, Gordon Darcy Lilo, stated in an interview yesterday that he plans to remove duty exemptions granted to Bemobile by the previous government.

Man Arrested on Sexual Assault

Police have arrested and charged a male juvenile in relation to an indecent assault incident on a 12 year-old girl near the Karaina community at White River over the weekend.

West Indian Ocean Partnership: Learning from the Micronesia Challenge

25 October Nagoya Japan - Nations comprising of the Western Indian Ocean are inspired by the small island countries' Micronesian Challenge initiative which seeks to effectively conserve 30 percent of near shores resources and 20 percent of terrestrial resources by 2020.

RSIPF Band Receives Australian Army Band Instruments

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Band today will receive several instruments formerly played by members of Australian Army Bands. In a restructuring of the Australian Army, some Australian Army Bands were disbanded, and their instruments deployed to other Military and Police Bands.

Taiwan Releases SBD$30 Million

Taiwan has released the remaining Rural Constituency Micro Project and Millennium Development Funding for 2010 to the Solomon Islands Government.
Sources say a case file has been opened and officers are now talking to those alleged to have been directly involved.

Police Probe Alleged Corruption in COI

A Police investigation into allegations of fraud and misuse of public funds is currently underway.

Save the Pacific

Press Release - "The loss of biodiversity is killing us, it's killing the rest of life and we're going to kill ourselves. If we continue down this path, we're going to make ourselves a world that will be very difficult to live in" - Pulitzer Prize winner Professor O E Wilson

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