Latest News Archive March 2013

Teachers Told to Remain on Strike

The president of Solomon Islands National Teachers Association, Samson Faisi is calling on all teachers in Honiara to remain on strike despite calls made by Honiara Town Council school principals for them to resume classes.
Concerns were raised during the debate in Parliament this morning.

Bills Committee Raises Concern

Chairman of the Solomon Islands Parliamentary bills and legislation committee and Member of Parliament for the East Choiseul Constituency, Hon. Manasah Sogavare has raised great concerns over the constituency development fund bill 2013 in Parliament this morning.

Maelanga Refers to Tina Hydro at International Meet

"The Solomon Islands Government’s objective is to ensure that communities experience benefits from the presence of projects in their territory at all stages of the project from development to operation."

New Zealand Beats Solomons in Qualifiers

The All Whites have completed their confederation Fifa World Cup qualifying campaign unbeaten after a 2-0 win over the Solomon Islands in Honiara yesterday afternoon.

Pacific Growth Eases as Gains from Large Projects Fade

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – Pacific growth softened in 2012 and is expected to moderate further in 2013, as gains from major investment and public infrastructure projects fade, according to the latest Pacific Economic Monitor, released today by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Tonga's Energy Road Map Praised

Solomon Islands Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Manasseh Maelanga, has spoken highly of Tonga’s Energy Road Map describing it as “a new ray of light in the development of renewable energy in the pacific Kingdom”.

Teachers Encouraged to Return to Classroom

Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) is encouraging teachers to return to classrooms while responsible authorities are working to sort out their salary payments.

Cuba Ambassador Presents Credentials

Solomon Islands Ambassador to Cuba, Simeon Bouro has formally presented his original credentials to the Government of the Republic of Cuba last week.
Prime Minister Lilo said in the long term the country's focus will be on reconstruction of health and education infrastructure, coastal roads and support towards shelter recovery plans for the affected communities.

Lilo Donates to Tsunami Stricken Temotu

The Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo has donated $500,000 on behalf of the National Coalition for Rural Advancement Government towards the Temotu Tsunami telethon fundraising effort co-hosted by the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation and the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce over the weekend.
SolAir's General Manager Commercial and Operations, Mr. Gus Kraus said “the award has encouraged the airline to work even harder to improve the quality of its service and business to all who use its services and encouraged the staff to get on board to give their best."

Solomon Airlines Receive Business Award

National carrier Solomon Airlines has won the top award at Solomon Islands’ inaugural Business Excellence Awards at Honiara’s Heritage Park Hotel complex on Saturday night.

Constituency Development Fund Bill Raises Concern

Should the Solomon Islands Government have its way today, each Members of Parliament (MPs) stands to receive about $6 million per year in public money.
Safe water is a serious issue for community health and child survival.

Solomon Islands Celebrate World Water Day

World Water Day is celebrated today all over the world and the Solomon Islands state of water, sanitation and hygiene is also a cause for concern on this day.

Solomon Islands Receive ADB Support

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing a US$5 million grant to Solomon Islands to support the government’s delivery of improved public investment and basic social services.
“RAMSI was never meant to stay forever....Work will continue despite the RAMSI transition but we Solomon Islanders and communities must do our part,” says Derek Manuari of the Prime Minister's Office.

Communities Told to Step Up After RAMSI

As RAMSI prepares to downsize, Solomon Islanders are now taking responsibility for the welfare of their own communities.

SolAir to Lease New Zealand Aircraft

Solomon Islands national carrier, Solomon Airlines, has announced that it is leasing a 737-400 aircraft from Airworks of New Zealand to service its international routes starting this weekend.

SPC Prepares Kiribati Advocates for Consultations on Violence Against Women Legislation

The Kiribati Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Rights Resource Team (SPC RRRT) facilitated a workshop for community representatives from 11 to 13 March in Tarawa to advance their knowledge and skills of advocating for improved legislation to address violence against women.

Former Parliamentarian Passes

A former Member of Solomon Islands Parliament for Central Honiara Constituency, late Nelson Ne'e passed away recently in Honiara after battlling a long term illness.

Health Officials Order More Denghue Testing Kits

Solomon Islands top health officials are now working on ordering more testing kits for the dengue fever outbreak that has so far claimed one life.
Acedes Aegypti (female mosquito) that carries and transfers the dengue virus, breed in stagnant waters, especially in rubbish dumps, cans and coconut shells.

State of Emergency Declared on Denghue Outbreak

Health authorities in Solomon Islands have declared a state of emergency this week as dengue fever cases continue to rise drastically.
Hon. Clay Forau and the staff of Pacific Islands Trade and Investment in Auckland recently.

Pacific Trade Office Ready to Assist

The Pacific Islands Trade and Investment (PITI) office in Auckland, New Zealand, is ready to assist Solomon Islands Government and the private sector tap into New Zealand’s trade and export market.

Commissioners Sworn In

Three new commissioners were sworn-in at Government House on Sunday to take up their appointments with the Solomon Islands Leadership Code Commission (LCC) and the Public Service Commission (PSC).
The SAFENET helpline is available for survivors of gender based violence to call and receive support over the phone.

Sakeholders to Sign Violence SAFENET MOU

The Solomon Islands Referral SAFENET parties will be holding a signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Gender Based Violence Referral SAFENET tommorrow.

Rugby League Kicks off this Saturday

Honiara based rugby clubs are asked to register quickly for this Saturday's Rugby 7s Knockout Tournament.
The Fiji Police is currently conducting an investigation into the alleged stabbing.

Government Sponsored Students under Investigation in Fiji

Two Solomon Islands Government sponsored students at the University of the South Pacific have been arrested on Sunday 10th March 2013, and are currently held in custody over the stabbing of a Fijian youth with a beer bottle.
The team from Solomon Islands include Fred Sikini (Seventh Day Adventist faith leader), Koisau Sade (World Vision Solomon Islands Gender Coordinator), Vaela Devesi (Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs)and Dr. Andrew Catford (County Director of World Vision Solomon Islands).

Solomons Presents Successful Approaches Against Violence

World Vision’s faith-based approach for tackling violence against women in the Solomon Islands was showcased at the 57 UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York last week.
The Business Forum was organized by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade along with the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the New Zealand Pacific Business Council.

Forau Addresses NZ-Pacific Business Council

The Solomon Islands Government is inviting New Zealand Businesses to consider investing in Solomon Islands in view of the country’s huge investment opportunities and ongoing improvement in the law and order situation.
Following heated but successful discussions by the parties, leaders of all the parties as well as youth and women representatives signed an agreement with the Government to allow the project to continue.

Lilo Resolves Munda Airport Dispute

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Gordon Darcy Lilo has successfully negotiated an agreement between disputing landowning groups in the Munda region over the Munda Airport Project.

Health Clinic Opens at Tsunami Stricken Area

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services in collaboration with the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) have opened a satellite maternal clinic and a Care Centre for children and parents at Venga Village in Santa Cruz.

Talks on Mining and Greening Solomon Islands’ Economy

Mining is envisaged to top Solomon Island’s export earnings in the coming years and discussions on the development of a national mineral policy and the green growth development shift culminated day one of the Prime Minister’s High Level Roundtable on Development, Society and Environment being held in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
Minister Forau tries out apple picking in a farm in New Zealand.

Foreign Minister Visits Seasonal Workers

Solomon Islands Foreign Minister, Hon Clay Forau Soalaoi, MP, has commended Solomon Islands seasonal workers in New Zealand for their dedication professional and work attitude in the various horticulture industries in New Zealand.
Cyclone Warning Issued for Solomon Islands

Cyclone Warning Issued for Solomon Islands

The Brisbane Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre says it has just named a new tropical cyclone, Sandra, which is heading towards Solomon Islands.

Fiji: “Shocking” Video Depicts Alleged Torture of Prisoners

Video footage apparently showing the torture of two men in Fiji is “shocking”, Amnesty International said on Tuesday, as it called for an independent investigation into the events.

Solomons Takes PNA Chairmanship

The Solomon Islands has taken up the Chairmanship of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) grouping from Palau for this year.

New Zealand and Solomons Conclude Talks on High Note

Solomon Islands and New Zealand concluded their bilateral talks in Queenstown, New Zealand with keen desire and commitment to strengthen the two countries bilateral relations.
One of the main areas of focus is to assist in the development of a sustainable, cost effective and inclusive voter registration system.

Government Welcomes UNDP Electoral Assistance

The Solomon Islands Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Maelanga has welcomed a multimillion dollar UNDP assistance towards electoral reforms in Solomon Islands.

Dialogue on Development, Society and Environment Underway

A High Level Roundtable on Development, Society and Environment, opened yesterday in Honiara, Solomon Islands,

G7+ Summit a Success for Solomons

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has described the recent G7+ Summit in Dili, Timor Leste, as a “very important engagement” for the future of Solomon Islands.

UNDP and Government Signs Elections Support Project

The Solomon Islands Government’s effort to ensure fair elections and improve the effectiveness of Parliament received a boost last week with the signing of a multimillion dollar project.
“The emergency stock will allow the NDMO and NGOs to replenish their supplies which were depleted responding to the tsunami and to have these stocks ready to respond to any further natural disasters,” Mr Anderson said.

Australia Provides More for Tsunami Victims

The Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, Matt Anderson has announced that Australia will provide a further A$700,000 (SBD$5.2 million) to assist disaster affected areas in Temotu Province.
The New Zealand Foreign Minister, Hon Murray McCully welcomed the Solomon Islands Government intention to establish its Diplomatic Mission, also pledging his support.

Government to Open New Zealand Mission

The Solomon Islands Government have confirmed that they will establish a Diplomatic Mission in New Zealand later in the year.

PFF- PNG Journos Must Keep to Ethics, Avoid Spin

PFF, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS--The lack of factual information surrounding the recent sacking of a Papua New Guinea journalist poses another warning to newsrooms there on the need to steer clear of political spin, says regional media monitoring group the Pacific Freedom Forum.

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