All Archive August 2022

Materials for the borehole construction off loaded on site.

Tina Hydro Community Water System Project Near Completion

Bore hole drilling for the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) water systems are now complete, with a further 3 water bores holes at Belaha near completion.
"These will universally apply to all visiting naval vessels," the Prime Minister's office said in a statement.

Government Suspends Entry For All Foreign Navy Ships

The Solomon Islands has suspended entry into its waters for foreign navy ships pending adoption of a new process for approval of port visits, the Prime Minister's office said on Tuesday, in a bid to better police its exclusive economic zones.
Findings and recommendations from the study will be used by PDF to build its future programming on the needs of persons with disabilities in relation to climate change impacts, adaptation, and policy mainstreaming.

Australia Supports Report on Impact of Climate Change on People with Disability

Climate change impacts us all, especially those of us who are most vulnerable. Better understanding climate change and the impact it has on persons with disabilities across the Pacific is crucial to ensuring disability-inclusive climate action.
The beche-de-mer fishery was open a year ago following revocation of prohibited activities Order 2021 in the Gazette for a period of one year.

Beche-de-mer Harvesting Will Close on 1st September 2022

The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) wish to inform the public that the opening season of beche-de-mer fishery will end on 1st September 2022.
Malefo Anisi (centre in white shirt) with villagers that saved him after 47 days at sea.

47 Days at Sea: “The Hand of God Saved Me”

I was saved by God is the emotional confession from a 58-year-old survivor from Solomon Islands Webster Malefo Anisi who went missing at sea for 47 days.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare Speaking at a ceremony to welcome the visiting United States Hospital Ship USNS Mercy in Honiara.

Sogavare Says Delays in Approval Prevented Naval Boats from Docking

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has clarified some misinformation currently carried on international media about the visit by the US Coast Guard Cutter Oliver Henry and HMS Spey.
Timothy Soe assisting the boxers during their Strength & Conditioning session at SINIS.

Former SPG Gold Medalist Mentors Young Boxers

South Pacific Games (SPG) Tahiti, 1995 Gold Medalist Timothy Soe is one of the trusted mentors to lead in supporting young and current boxers under the Solomon Islands Amateur Boxing Association (SIABA) - as he eyes a new term with the sport towards 2023 Pacific Games.
“As we rebuild our operations, we will continue to monitor demand and assess our fleet to ensure that we manage costs and meet future demand as is appropriate,” said Solomon Airlines CEO Mr. Gus Kraus.

Dash-8 Set to Resume Service

Solomon Airlines will ramp up domestic operations across Solomon Islands from October following the return of the airline’s Dash-8 aircraft next month.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Waisale Serevi and Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr Jimmie Rodgers.

King of Rugby 7s Offers Support to Solomon Islands Rugby

The King of Rugby 7s, Waisale Tikoisolomone Serevi met Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare during a courtesy visit yesterday morning.
The RSIPF and SIAF officers regularly conduct joint POM operational exercises to ensure both police agencies are prepared to respond to any potential public disorder incidents.

RSIPF and SIAF Continue Preparations for Upcoming Parliament Sitting

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and members of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) under the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) continue their preparations for the upcoming sitting of Parliament.
Serevi proudly shared that he has a middle name ‘Tikoisolomoni’ meaning ‘was in the Solomon Islands’.

Wale says Serevi 'an Inspiration for Sports Men and Women'

The Solomon Islands Opposition Leader, Hon Matthew Wale has described the renowned world ‘king of 7s’ Waisale Serevi as an ‘inspiration for sports men and women in the pacific’.
The accommodation centre which was identified as a key need by the rural women vendors during consultations, is able to house 50 women vendors at any one time, benefiting those who travel a long distance to get to the market and cannot easily travel back and forth every day.

Ba Opens Accommodation for Women's Market Vendors

Women market vendors shared joy over the newly renovated Ba women’s accommodation centre, officially opened last week by Fiji’s Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts and Local Government, Hon Premila Kumar.
Mr. Chanel Iroi (R), the SGP's National Steering Committee Chairperson and the Deputy Secretary-Technical for the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), acknowledged the community’s hard work and the successful implementation of the project.

Ngoliana Community Improves Sanitation Faclities

Ngoliana Community in Northeast Malaita, Solomon Islands is restoring its mangrove forests and increasing access to improved sanitation facilities through the construction of 18 flush toilet facilities.
During these visits, Police engage with locals to understand issues their communities might have and to conduct awareness sessions.

RSIPF Working with the Community to Prevent Unlawful Activities

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are working with communities to build strong relationships to help maintain peace and security and prevent unlawful activities.
The vessel was conducting patrols as part of an international mission to prevent illegal fishing when it sought to make a stop to refuel on the island of Guadalcanal.

Government Blocks US Coast Guard Port Entry

A US Coast Guard cutter was unable to get clearance for a scheduled port call in the Solomon Islands as concerns grow about China's influence on the Pacific nation.
“Vision of the policy is to achieve safe, clean, healthy, friendly, peaceful and vibrant rural communities all throughout Solomon Islands by 2035,” PS Dr. Viulu highlighted.

Nationwide Consultation on Constituency Development Policy Commences

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has commenced its nationwide consultation on the first ever Solomon Islands Constituency Development Policy (CD).
The two leaders discussed issues on Solomon Islands-US diplomatic relations which was formalized on the 9th of October 1978.

US Senator Blackburn Pays Courtesy Visit to Sogavare

A United States Government delegation led by Senator Marsha Blackburn made a courtesy visit to the Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare in Honiara yesterday.
In trying to secure a Protected Area (PA) status, the association has already conserved 44.3 hectares of its forests which are located approximately 358m above sea level.

The Future is Green

The Foirobo Tribe Biodiversity Conservation Association (FTBCA) in the Baegu region of North East Malaita launched its conservation project supported by the GEF Small Grants Programme.
Solomon Airlines plans to resume services as soon as the runway is restored to a safe condition.

Solomon Airlines Suspends Flights to Lata

Solomon Airlines has confirmed the airline has regrettably ceased all flights to Lata effective immediately due to the deteriorating condition of the runway.
The squad was named following a trial selection conducted based on field performance, training and beep test data results.

Touch Rugby Name Women’s Squad

Touch Rugby Association Solomon Islands announced 18 female athletes for the women’s touch rugby national squad to begin High-Performance training.
The launch of USAID’s Pacific Islands Strategic Framework came on the heels of Vice President Kamala Harris’ participation in the Pacific Islands Forum on July 12, 2022 where she announced new commitments to deepen U.S. partnership with the region and to deliver concrete results for Pacific people.

USAID Launches Five-Year Strategy for Pacific Islands

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the launch of its five-year (2022-2027) Pacific Islands Strategic Framework that will guide the Agency’s work in 12 Pacific Island countries. The strategy supports the U.S. government’s goal to promote a free and open, connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure Indo-Pacific.
The two days’ validation workshop on the Solomon Islands National E-commerce Strategy 2022-2027 was attended by government policy makers and representatives of the private sector.

E-Commerce Allows Small and Medium Enterprises to Access New Markets

E-Commerce once fully rolled out in the country will allow small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to access new markets regionally and internationally with much ease.
They say the drug is now with the National Medical store (NMS) and at the hospital pharmacy, with more supplies expected to be delivered this morning for distribution across NRH wards including the emergency department.

Critical Drugs for Asthmatic Patients Arrives

The current flu outbreak has stretched not only medical personnel but also critical drug supplies for chronic illnesses such as asthma.
The Health Ministry explained that a total of 20 medical containers are currently at the ports facility, and 12 have since been cleared stocking up medical drugs and consumables at the national medical stores (NMS).

Health Stocking up on Medical Supplies, Urges Public Not to Panic

The Ministry of Health and Medical services says it is still in the process of releasing containers at the Solomon Ports and stocking up on medical supplies to health facilities in the country, including the National Referral Hospital (NRH).
Manasseh Maelanga officiated the official opening and is witnessed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Dr. Samson Viulu together with landowners, resource owners, chiefs and community members in and around Kwaiafa.

New Kwaiafa Bridge in East Malaita Opens

A new Kwaiafa bridge in Ward 15 of East Malaita Constituency (EMC) has officially opened to traffic Friday last week (19th August 2022) replacing the old structure that was broken-down for over 20 years.
Government Statistician Douglas Kimi confirmed there was a total of 1,667 in the second quarter, an increase of 59.7 percent compared to the previous quarter.

1,667 International Arrivals in Second Quarter of 2022

The National Statistics Office has recorded a total of 1,667 international arrivals in the second quarter of this year.
Hon Wale said Prime Minister Sogavare’s failed attempt to ban facebook, his decision to control SIBC and his plan to control media in the country clearly depicts a person with paranoia.

PM's Increasing Disregard for an Independent Media: Wale

Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale has described Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare as a person with extreme ‘paranoia' following reports that he instructed government officials to summon the Australian High Commission Office over a Four Corners program aired on ABC TV recently.
While in Washington DC, the Minister met with senior officials from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Peace Corps to discuss their assistance programs and future plans.

Minister Planning in Washington DC to Discuss Development Programs

Solomon Islands Minister for National Planning and Development Coordination, Hon Rexon Ramofafia was in Washington DC last week to discuss the progress of several programs supported by the United States Government.
The Forum aims to enable countries to achieve health under the Sustainable Development Goals through a whole-of-government approach.

Health Minister Attends the 6th Asia Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health in Seoul

Health Minister Hon. Dr. Culwick Togamana along with Hon. Peter Kenilorea Jr, in his capacity as a parliamentarian and the Deputy Secretary for Health Care Dr. Gregory Jilini have left for Seoul where they will participate in the 6th Asia Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health (APPFGH) which starts on the 24th August 2022.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and UNICEF’s Pacific representative Mr. Jonathan Veitch.

Head of UNICEF Pacific Meets Sogavare

The new United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF’s Pacific representative Mr. Jonathan Veitch has been formally introduced to Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare.
Signing of MOU between SINIS and Solomon Islands powerlifting, with representatives of both organizations.

Solomon Islands Powerlifting Signs MOU With SINIS and NSC

Powerlifting SI has reached the agreement and requirement to finally sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SINIS and the National Sports Council (NSC).
That Pacific Sports Show is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through PacificAus Sports, part of the Australian Government’s Pacific Step-up and Sports Diplomacy 2030 strategy.

ABC Film Crew Documents Solomon Islands Athletes

A film crew from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) are currently here in Honiara documenting for 'THAT PACIFIC SPORTS SHOW.'
With Portugal renowned in several sports particularly soccer, Solomon Islands would like to deepen people to peoples diplomacy through sporting avenues. Our countries can explore technical assistance and expertise on soccer sporting faculty from Portugal, this would enhance and hone our teams for Gold medal winning chances.

PM Sogavare Welcome H.E Pedro Rodrigues Da Silva

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare today welcome the Ambassador of Portugal, His Excellency Pedro Rodrigues Da Silva into the country.
The Statement of Commitment is underpinned by Pacific values and practices that support improved planning, development and management of sustainable tourism, so as to preserve the future of Pacific destinations for future generations of the Blue Pacific.

French Polynesia Re-affirms Commitment to Improving Regional Tourism

Recognition of the importance of regional sustainable tourism cohesion in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic was the motivating factor behind French Polynesia’s endorsement of the Pacific Leader’s Sustainable Tourism Commitment this past week.
Chief Superintendent Robo said the suspects were charged with murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code and are currently remanded at Rove Correctional while investigations continue.

Four Arrested in Relation to Murder at Vara Creek

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Central Police Station re-arrested four suspects in relation to a murder incident at Vara Creek recently.
In terms of funding, the statement confirms that the SINBIP will be fully funded with a 20 years’ term concessional loan of approximately USD$66 million from the Exim Bank of China at one percent interest rate.

Government Pushes Ahead With 161 Telecom Towers USD$66 Million Loan

The Government has confirmed that the Solomon Islands National Broadband Infrastructure Project or SINBIP for the construction of up to 161 towers has been progressed with the recent signing of a contracting agreement with the vendor and contractor, Huawei/China Harbour Engineering Company Limited.
Chairman of the Electoral Commission Mr. Patterson John Oti said the primary objective of the consultations was to solicit views from stakeholders on holding simultaneous elections and the proposed amendments to the election laws.

Proposed Reform Looks at Holding Provincial and National Elections on the Same Day

The Solomon Islands electoral commission (SIEC) are working on a proposed electoral reform that will see both the provincial and national elections being held on the same day.
He says that in terms of admissions at NRH Emergency Department (ED) in the past 24 hours, 72 percent of total ED admissions are respiratory patients - he says of this 68 are adults and 26 are children.

72% of Emergency Department Admissions Have Respitory Problems

The current influenza outbreak in Honiara has seen an influx in patients being referred to the National Referral Hospital (NRH).
In preparation for actual construction work to start, Milsearch Pty. Ltd has been conducting survey activities at both Seghe and Taro airfield.

Identification and Disposal of UXOs is Part of PAU Project

News of a large number of Unexploded Ordnances (UXOs) detected at the Taro airfield in Choiseul Province is part of activities under the Provincial Airfield Upgrades (PAU) project the government of New Zealand, Australia and Solomon Islands are jointly implementing.
Part of the road construction from Baro to Warihito.

MRD M&E Team Assess Projects in Central Makira

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team were welcomed in Central Makira Constituency (CMC) and received overwhelming support from the rural populace in ward 11.
According to the Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia, eight producers selected to partake in the exhibition include Vanuatu’s Tanna Coffee, Fiji’s Green Gold Kava and Pacific Premium, Solomon Islands’ NiuLife, SolTuna and Solomons Gold, Samoa’s Living Koko and Niue’s Niue Vanilla.

Pacific Exporters to Showcase Products at Exhibition in Australia

The southern hemisphere’s leading trade exhibition for the food, hospitality, and retail industries will be held from September 5 – 8 this year, providing exporters from across the Pacific region a platform to showcase their premium products.
Police is now appealing to members of the public who may have any information about this incident to come forward with information that would be vital to police investigation.

Police Investigates Death of Young Man

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is investigating the circumstances surrounding an incident in the Kukum area, in Honiara, that resulted in the death of a young person on Tuesday 9 August 2022.
“The current health advisory for this outbreak is to once again practice and practice constantly the following public health measures, as we did for COVID-19,” the Health Minister stressed.

Health Minister Declares Outbreak of Viral Respiratory Illnesses

The Minister of Health and Medical services Dr Culwick Togamana has declared that there is now an outbreak of Viral Respiratory Illnesses (VRI) in Honiara and Malaita.
"As the host country we need to include more events for para sports like the able sports – more events more chances for us to win medals,” Ologa stated.

SINIS Supports Para Sports Buildup for 2023 Pacific Games

The Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports (SINIS) continue to support the development of Para Sports and its buildup preparations for the 2023 Pacific Games.
Out of the seventeen players named only seven players are from the last 2021 Futsal World Cup squad.

New Look Kurukuru Squad Back in Training

The Solomon Islands national futsal team, the Kurukuru, are hard at training in preparation for the upcoming OFC Futsal Cup 2022 to be held in Suva, Fiji, next month.
Presented by BBC Radio 1 Xtra’s Jamz Supernova, it is an insight to the bubbling underground scenes from every corner of the UK.

British Council Brings New UK Music Through Paoa FM to Honiara

The British Council together with the British High Commission in Honiara and local radio station, Paoa FM are bringing new UK Music to Solomon Islands.
RAPPP Acting Commander, MPNSCS Minister and PS, RSIPF Commissioner and an elder from Wagina community during the inspection and opening of the RSIPF Wagina Police Station.

RSIPF Wagina Police Station Officially Opened

The Minister responsible for the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSCS), Hon. Anthony Veke, has officially opened the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Wagina Police Station in Choiseul Province on Friday 5th, August 2022.
The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) says that the extent of the adverse impact on the economy is extensive and estimated to have reached SBD$534 million, up from the SBD$227 million initially estimated shortly after the riots.

Government Allocates SBD$125M to Assist Businesses Affected by November Riots

The government has confirmed that an amount of SBD$125 million has been allocated to assist businesses affected by the 2021 November riots.
The Commission will produce the final register of electors for both provinces by 30 October 2022.

Registration of Voters in Western and Choiseul Provinces Nears Completion

Registration of voters currently undertaken in and for the provinces of Western and Choiseul is nearing its completion.
Australia’s commitment of SBD$2.3 million will support each province from Temotu to Western to vaccinate against Measles and Rubella.

Australia Supports Health With SBD$2.3M to Fight Measles and Rubella

Australia says it will provide responsive support to the Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to roll out a nationwide Measles and Rubella Supplementary Immunization Activity.
“What belongs to the people of my constituency must be given to them at all costs because this is not my money,” Hon. Auga expressed.

SBD$5M Worth of Projects Shipped to Lau/Mbaelelea

A total of SBD$5 million worth of projects funded under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) programme of the government were shipped to Lau/Mbaelelea Constituency by their Member of Parliament and Minister for Agriculture Hon. Augustine Auga last week Friday.
“Our common goal is to create a safe, resilient and self-reliant community, with schools as an integral part of it.”

Teachers Strengthen Capacity to be Ready for Tsunami

The UN Development Programme, in partnership with Japan and the Solomon Islands local agencies, trained a total of 113 schoolteachers (58% male and 43% female) from 13 schools in the Western Province to be ready for disasters.
As part of Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia’s ‘Pacific Showcase’ stand, Solomon Islands’ NiuLife, SolTuna and Solomons Gold, are amongst the eight selected to partake at the event.

Pacific Flavors to Showcase at Top Australian Trade Show

Exporters from across the Pacific region are readying to showcase their premium products and unique Pacific flavor at Fine Food Australia, the southern hemisphere’s leading trade exhibition for the food, hospitality, and retail industries, from September 5 – 8 this year.
Hon Pat Conroy, the Australian Minister for Defense Industry and Minister for International Development and the Pacific opened the new Training Rooms.

APTC Opens New Training Rooms

Australia is boosting its labor mobility program in the Pacific with the help of the Australia Pacific Training Coalition, Australia’s technical and vocational training program.
Volleyball coach on scholarship Nigel and SINIS S&C coach Tony Taupongi displaying the new set of basketball balls.

SINIS Take Delivery of Sports Equipment

The Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) continue to deliver through the ongoing support from the Solomon Islands Government to acquire more training equipment to support National Federations in the country.
The Solomon Islands and Samoa post-match at the OFC Women's Nations Cup 2022.

Solomon Islands and Samoa Move Up FIFA/Coca-Cola Women’s World Rankings

Following the third and fourth play-off at the OFC Women’s Nations Cup 2022, there’s plenty more to celebrate for the Solomon Islands and Samoa who were included in the biggest movements made in the latest FIFA/Coca-Cola Women’s World rankings.
By-election date for West Kwaio Constituency is set for 21st September, 2022.

Six Candidates to Contest West Kwaio By-election

A total of six candidates have been nominated for the West Kwaio by-election after the closure of the 7 days nomination period yesterday.
Police Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau, described the incident as “evil and barbaric,” given the suspect deliberately neglected his duty “as an adult to protect female children against such acts of sexual molestation.”

40-Year-Old Charged With Rape

A 40-year-old has been arrested and charged for allegedly raping two girls ages 10 and 11.
RAPPP member who is supporting the NRD and NRD Deputy Director Supt. Lionel Kapisa farewelling the 2 RSIPF officers who leave for Australia to attend the exchange program.

RSIPF Officers Headed to Australia on Exchange Program With AFP

Two Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers have travelled to Australia to participate in the ‘AFP & RSIPF Exchange 1/2022’ program with the Australian Federal Police (AFP).
Former Director of the Ministry of Mines Energy and Rural Electrification Nicholas Biliki last year exposed the export document. He revealed that the gold samples were intentionally spray-painted to look like ground samples for test analyses abroad.

Win Win’s Attempted Gold Smuggling and Tax Evasion Settled: Kuma

The Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma has revealed that the attempted gold smuggling and tax evasion by Win Win company has been settled administratively.
Speaking on Tuesday, Marape reassured Papua New Guinea that his party was “not for one region, not for one family, not for one person” but “belongs to this country”.

Sogavare Congratulates Marape On His Re-election As PNG Prime Minister

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare formally congratulates Hon. James Marape on his resounding victory in being elected unopposed as the ninth Prime Minister of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Scabies is a public health problem in Solomon Islands which affects mostly children of school age.

Health Prepares to Fight Scabies Through a Mass Drug Administration Campaign

The Ministry of Health and Medical services (MHMS) is planning a mass drug administration (MDA) campaign for scabies in Honiara.
“From feedbacks we received during recent consultations, many ordinary people who do not understand the legal processes said they were misled to believe the assumptions that this proposal is unconstitutional, which, is incorrect and disturbing to our ordinary folks,” Kabui said.

Kabui Says Misinformation Dominates Discussions on Deferral of Elections

Ongoing misinformation by anti-government groups and individuals on the proposed one-off deferral of the 2023 election have effectively confused and disturbed ordinary citizens, especially, those in rural areas.
AFP officers serving under SIAF and RSIPF officers during their joint foot patrol at Koa Hill community.

SIAF, RSIPF Patrol Deepen Engagement With Community

As part of their ongoing community engagement, the Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) and Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) conducted a joint foot patrol at Koa Hill community in Central Honiara last week.
Junior Fordney scored the opener as Central Coast FC beat Lae City FC 3-2 at the OFC Champions League 2022.

Central Coast FC Through to Semi-finals, Defeating Lae City FC 3-2

Central Coast FC of the Solomon Islands are through to the semi-finals of the OFC Champions League 2022 for the first time after edging a five-goal thriller over Papua New Guinea’s Lae City FC at Ngahue Reserve in Auckland.
Testing of COVID-19 was also performed for all samples collected and tested and so far, none of them returned positive test. All age groups are affected by this however there is an increasing number of young children being admitted at the NRH Emergency Department.

Increase in Influenza Like Illness Not COVID-19

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) is receiving increasing number of reports of Influenza-like illnesses (ILI) from the NRH and other health facilities in Honiara and Malaita.
The MOU focuses on using football diplomacy to educate and raise awareness on climate change and disaster resilience.

PIFS and FIFA Put Climate Partnership into Action

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and FIFA have jointly launched a 12-month plan to implement the climate change partnership they signed in April and turn commitment into concrete climate action.
The Opposition Leader is encouraging Solomon Islanders to come forward and express their views at the bills and legislation committee, which will look at the bill before it is presented to Parliament.

Bill to Delay Elections Reportedly Submitted to Parliament

Leader of the Opposition Mathew Wale has taken to Twitter to confirm that the bill to delay elections has been submitted to Parliament.
(From L) Solomon Islands Police Maritime patrol boat Taro, the U.S. Navy's littoral combat ship Oakland and Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Kirisame engage in a joint drill on Aug. 8, 2022, in the South Pacific.

Japan, US and Solomon Islands Conduct Joint Drill

Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) said Tuesday it has conducted its first joint drill with Solomon Islands maritime police. They were also joined by the U.S. Navy's littoral combat ship Oakland.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Jeremiah Manele (MP) and the Japanese Ambassador to Solomon Islands, H.E MIWA Yoshiaki formalized the arrangement.

Japan Increases Grant Funding for COVID-19 Support

The Governments of Solomon Islands and Japan on Sunday 7th August 2022, signed the Exchange of Notes for Japanese grant aid under the Social and Economic Program of Japan for an approximate 200 million Yen, which is equivalent to SBD$10.9 million.
RSIPF officers who attended the training at the Police Academy at Rove.

RSIPF Officers Attend Sexual Offense Training

Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers attended a sexual offence training at the Rove Academy last Friday.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Australia's Pacific Minister Pat Conroy at the Sports Institute shortly after making the announcement.

Australia to Support Pacific Games 2023 With SBD$100M

The Australian Government will donate more than $A16.5 million, or nearly $SBD100 million, for the Pacific Games.
The Opposition Leader said the G80 is a historical event not only for our visiting friends but also because of its significant history attached to our people.

Wale Slams PM’s Absence at the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal

Leader of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale has discredited the reasons given for the Prime Minister’s absence during the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal (G80).
Preliminary investigations say that the attacker is mentally ill, and according to the psychiatric health clinic took his last medication in March this year.

Police Investigates Stabbing of Japanese Media Personnel at Bloody Ridge

The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) has launched an investigation into an incident, which occurred at the commemoration ceremony of the 80th Anniversary of the battle on Guadalcanal at bloody ridge on Monday 8 August.
“It is with great sincere regret for such event to happen in front of our guests from Japan, United States, Australia and other countries today morning,” he said.

Premier Sade Condemns Violent Act Against Japanese Media Personal

The Premier of Guadalcanal, Honorable Francis Sade, has strongly condemns the unfortunate incident which involved a local stabbing a Japanese Navy during the 80th World War II Remembrance Ceremony at Bloody Ridge National Park today morning.
A local attacked and stabbed a Japanese military personnel during a Guadalcanal battle commemoration service on Monday.

Guadalcanal Battle Commemoration Marred by Stabbing of Japanese Military Man

The 80th Guadalcanal battle commemoration was marred by the stabbing of a Japanese military man at the bloody ride, East Honiara.
“A permanent US presence in the Solomon Islands will strengthen relations between the United States and Solomon Islands, and augurs well for the bilateral partnership going forward,” acknowledged the PM.

PM Raises Several Development Issues with Visiting US Deputy Secretary of State

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare received a US Government delegation on Sunday led by the Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman.
Makoto Oniki, Japan's state minister of defense and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman attend a ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the World War II Battle of Guadalcanal in Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands, on Sunday

Japan and U.S. Vow to Enhance Ties with Solomon Islands Amid China Clout

Senior government and military officials from Japan and the United States on Sunday vowed to strengthen cooperation with the Solomon Islands amid increasing Chinese influence, as they gathered in the capital Honiara to mark the 80th anniversary of the World War II Battle of Guadalcanal.
But even as the race winners were celebrating, Siosi, who was lapped once by the medal winners, went on with his race, completing more than two laps.

Crowd Cheers on Rosefelo at the Commonwealth Games Despite Finishing Last

On Saturday, the packed Alexander Stadium here cheered Rosefelo Siosi of the Solomon Islands at the Commonwealth Games as he completed the Men’s 5000m race in 17 minutes 28.93s seconds, more than four minutes after Uganda’s Jacob Kiplimo won the gold medal.
US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman sought to reiterate the US's intention of consolidating ties with Pacific island nations.

Boosting US-Pacific Ties a Priority, says Top US diplomat During WWII Memorial Visit

Strengthening ties with the Pacific is a priority for the Biden administration, says a top US diplomat, while warning the region faces a struggle from countries that seek to coerce and pressure the Pacific Islands family.
Alebua served as the country’s third Prime Minister from December 1986 to March 1989.

Former Prime Minister Ezekiel Alebua Dies

Former Solomon Islands Prime Minister and Guadalcanal Province Premier, Rt. Hon. Ezekiel Alebua, passed away last night, Sunday, 7th August 2022 at 10:26pm at Haimatua, his home village on the Weather Coast of Guadalcanal.
The Central Coast forward made a mockery of the height advantage of his markers, heading home from a corner to send the raucous Central Coast fans in attendance into rapture.

Central Coast Fights Back Beating Galaxy FC 3-1

Solomon Islands representatives Central Coast FC have fought back from a goal down to pick up a 3-1 OFC Champions League 2022 win over Vanuatu’s Galaxy FC at an overcast Ngahue Reserve in Auckland, New Zealand.
President William Lai and Solrais Country Manager James Bradley. Looking on is  SIFF CEO Leonard Paia.

SBD$100,000 Sponsorship Deal Sealed: Solrais Continues Support for Women’s Premier League

The Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) and Solrais signed a new contract worth SBD$100,000 for the sponsorship of the Solrais Women's Premier League 2022 season.
Handover of a tractor and agriculture tools and equipment to Don Bosco Tetere Rural Training Centre.

Australia Supports Skills Training at Don Bosco Technical Institute and Don Bosco Tetere Rural Training Centre

The Don Bosco Technical Institute (DBTI) at Henderson and Don Bosco Tetere Rural Training Centre (DBTC) were supported with vehicles, tools and equipment as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to the Solomon Islands Skills Strengthening project.
Every visitor will now make a huge difference to the Solomon Islands, our local communities, our tourism sector and our Dive Munda dive team and youth we have trained during lockdown.

UK’s Top Scuba Dive Magazine Highlights Munda in the Western Province

Considered one of the UK’s leading scuba diving magazines Scuba Diver Mag has just highlighted Munda in its latest online edition.
At the arrival’s concourse, passengers were greeted by reigning Miss Kiribati, Paepae Kilei and staff of the Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) who garlanded travellers and returning resident’s with katoka-bau, the traditional Kiribati floral head piece presented to special guests.

Kiribati Welcomes First Commercial Flight Since Border Lockdown

Tarawa, Kiribati yesterday was in celebration mode as the island converged at Bonriki International Airport to welcome the country’s first commercial flight, 2 ½ years since COVID-19 border lockdown.
The Opposition Leader said Inland Revenue has been understaffed for too long, a matter government must give serious attention to.

Wale Raises Serious Concerns Over Tax Evasion and Non-Compliance Issues

Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale has raised serious concerns over non-compliance and tax evasion in our country’s economy.
The Permanent Secretary of MECM, the Australian High Commissioner, staff of SIMS and a representative from UNDP during the handover.

Australia Partners with Government and UNDP to Boost Weather Reporting Capacity

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Service (SIMS) is the responsible Government office for issuing weather updates and early warning information for most natural hazards such as tsunamis, cyclones, flooding, heavy rainfall, and other potential disasters.
Teanoui Tehau celebrates his opening goal for AS Vénus v Central Coast FC in the OFC Champions League 2022.

Tahiti’s AS Venus Defeats Central Coast 3-0

Solomon Islands OFC Champions League 2022 representative Central Coast FC have started their campaign with a loss to Tahiti’s AS Venus.
“The RSIPF officers were enthusiastic and committed throughout the course and I am excited to see how they use these new skills,” said RAPPP Forensic Advisor and course instructor, Mr. Ashley Williams.

RSIPF Officers Better Equipped to Combat Transnational Crime

Four officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have boosted their skills in drug and digital forensics after completing the Forensic Phase Two Instrument Training, delivered by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) through the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP).
SOLO is currently in Isabel, and will meet with Isabel Premier Hon. Ms Rhoda Sikilabu and her government. SOLO will later visit the Nature Conservancy Rangers and will than do school visits to Jejevo kindergarten and Jejevo Primary and Secondary school.

SOLO on a Provincial Tour Drumming Up Support for Pacific Games 2023

The Pacific Games 2023 mascot, affectionately named SOLO, is on a provincial tour, drumming up support and spreading the spirit of the upcoming Pacific Games.
Tovosia pointed out that there have been concerns about human impact especially on the environment and fish stock, as many countries are seeking opportunities to conduct deep sea mining in the Solomon Islands.

Government Says It Will Take Cautious Approach to Deep Sea Mining

The government says it will take a cautious approach when it come to any future approvals for deep sea mining projects in the country.
Former US President, John F Kennedy and Former Marine, Mal Sherman, fathers of U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy, both fought in the Battle of Guadalcanal.

Solomon Visit Also of Personal Significance

The weekend will see a high-level US delegation travel to the Solomon Islands to mark the 80th anniversary of the World War II Battle of Guadalcanal.
The Taskforce was spearheaded by the MRD Deputy Secretary Technical and Director Governance in collaboration with Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) to lead efforts on developing the policy with a target date of completion by October 2022.

MRD Embarks on First Ever Rural Development Policy

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is currently working on developing the first ever Solomon Islands Constituency Development Policy.
“This will hijack well entrenched principles of law on defamation and freedom of speech thus depriving the public using SIBC to freely express their views, or accessing information on government activities,”

Wale Lashes Out at PMs Decision to Control SIBC

The Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale has lashed out at the Prime Minister’s decision to remove the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) as a State Owned Enterprise (SOE).
The Health Ministry says that clearing 20 containers at the ports entail quite significant amount of paper work, and the processes to fulfill is enormous let alone compliance issues. They say this is not an excuse but rather an awareness on factors that are causing further delays.

Health Supplies Finally Arrive

Much needed health supplies have arrived in country, with the Ministry of Health working hard to release the containers urgently, first two was released yesterday.
In PTI Australia’s recently published Pacific Islands Export Survey 2022, 46 per cent of Pacific exporters called for financial offset to support high freights costs.

Pacific Exporters Speak on State of Industry

Last week saw exporters from across the Pacific gather at an event hosted by Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Australia and Griffith Asia Institute, to speak on the realities, opportunities, and challenges of trading amid the region.
According to the Solomon Islands National Paralympic Committee (SINPC), the final para squad list will be released soon, set to compete in Para-athletics, Para-swimming, Para-table tennis and Para-sailing.

Solomon Islands to Participate in Inaugural Virtus Oceania Asia Games 2022

History will be made for the Solomon Islands, as athletes with an intellectual impairment prepare to represent the country for the first time at the Inaugural Virtus Oceania Asia Games 2022 in Brisbane, Australia on 12 November 2022.
ABC’s Four Corners program recently revealed that a Chinese state-owned company China Forestry Group Corporation is negotiating to buy a deep-water port and World War II airstrip in the Solomon Islands.

How an Island Within Solomon Islands is Attracting International Attention Yet Again

The secretly negotiated and signed Solomon Islands – China security agreement made international headlines recently, the crux of such concerns is the possibility that China will use the agreement to put a military base in the country.
The donated funds will go towards much needed sports equipments for the schools.

40 Schools Receive Much Needed Funds for Sports

In his recent visit to SINIS, the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has donated SBD$10,000 each to 40 schools that participated in the 2021 National Secondary School Games (NSSG).

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