All Archive February 2008

Oti Takes to the Stand in Shanel Case

The former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Patteson Oti, took to the stand, before the magistrates' court, giving evidence on the case of former Minister of Commerce, Trade and Immigration, Mr. Peter Shanel.

SMEC Enterprises Holds Graduation Ceremony

The Small and Medium Enterprises Council (SMEC) of Solomon Islands held a brief ceremony to mark the completion of a business training course conducted by local consultant, Martin Housanau.

RAMSI Community Concert in Auki a Huge Success

Local artists joined Australian singing legend John Williamson and his daughter Ami in Auki on Wednesday to entertain a crowd of more than 700 people.

Traces of La P'erouse Found in Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands houses many historical monuments and wreckages. Not known to many outsiders is a wreck site found outside of Vanikoro in Temotu Province that.

Let the Price War Begin!

The price war between Solomon Airlines and the Brisbane based SkyAirWorld has now began in earnest. Both Airlines are now digging deep looking for a competitive edge to take advantage of the lucrative Honiara-Brisbane route.

Not Moti's Fault, says Sogavare

The Former Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, presented his testimony at the Magistrate Court yesterday morning as the trial of the former Minister for Commerce, Trade and Immigration, Peter Shanel, continued.

CSP Conference Looks at Annual Plan

The Community Sector Programme this week held a conference for provinicial leaders and facilitators at the King Solomon Hotel to look at its annual work plan.

The 228 Incident Marked by Embassy of Taiwan

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) will hoist its national flag at half-mast today to commemorate the 228 Incident.

Police Bust Elaborate Scheme to Defraud SBD$250,000 from Govt

Police from the Corruption Targeting Team have charged four people with a range of offences after a six month investigation into an elaborate plot by staff from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury to create forged cheques to illegally obtain SBD$250 000 of Government funds.

Please Fix Power Problems, says Users

With the newly completed power supply sub-station at the white river area, business houses and private users have been expecting an improvement to the power failures; sadly that is not the case.

Country Music Rocks Cultural Village

The free concert sponsored by RAMSI attracted a sizeable crowd yesterday at the Cultural Village.

Australia Supports Tri SI Children's Swimming Program

On Saturday, approximately 40 children from Mbokona Primary School were among the first to participate in the Triathlon Solomon Islands (Tri SI) Children's Swimming Program.

PM Sikua Reaffirms Relations with United States

Prime Minister Dr Derek Sikua yesterday held a brief meeting with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Mr Glyn Davis in Honiara.

By Elections in March: Director Kevu

The Director of the Electoral Commission, Musu Kevu, said the two by elections for Malaita has been rescheduled for March the 28th 2008.

RAMSI Begins New Chapter

The Solomon Islands Prime Minister called for RAMSI and Donor partners to realign their assistance with government's policy.

Kagovai, Be Honest With RIPEL Strike: Whiteside

The Solomon Times Online reported on 6th February 2008, the Seceretary General of the Solomon Islands National Union of Wokers (SINUW), Tony Kagovai, insisting that Whiteside should "Just Give Up".

KOSSA Bags Three Points

KOSSA displayed a sublime performance in the first 25 minutes of the game last night defeating a wounded traveling BA side by 2-0.

Facial Design Marks Identity, says Grace

The facial design, a distinctive mark common to the people of Malaita Province, is not just a design - it is in fact a permanent mark which identifies where that particular individual is from.

"Nambo," a Traditional Biscuit from Santa Cruz

The very popular biscuit, 'nambo' has been a traditional staple food long before missionaries came to the Solomon Islands. To this day, the making of nambo is still practiced by the people of Santa Cruz, Temotu Province in the eastern parts of Solomon Islands.

Taxi Owners Want Police Crack Down on Illegal Taxis

Taxi owners who went at length to ensure their cars are road worthy and properly licensed wants police to go after illegal taxi operators.

World Bank to Increase Presence in Solomon Islands

The World Bank's Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific region, Mr. James W Adams, is in the country along with two senior representatives.

Get Out of Aid-dependency Mindset: Sogavare

The Leader of Opposition, Manasseh Sogavare, has urged Solomon Islanders to get out of the aid dependency mentally.

Japan Funds Power Supply Project

The constant power cuts experienced in the capital Honiara may well be a thing of the past thanks to a power supply project funded by the Japanese government.

Failure to Complete Studies Not Our Fault: USP DFL Students

Few students, who started their first year through Distant Flexible Learning (DFL) at the University of South Pacific's Solomon Islands Campus, are still stranded and waiting for answers from the National Training Unit (NTU) in Honiara.

Australian Country Singer Tours Solomon Islands

On Tuesday 24 February, the people of the Solomon Islands will have the opportunity to attend an event not seen in the islands before.

The Protocols of a 'Custom House'

The Solomon Islands, with its diverse culture and people, have some very unique traditional protocols that must be observed if one were to visit these beautiful Islands.

Smith Optimistic of RAMSI - SIG Development Partnership

The Australian Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, last week attended the inaugural Pacific Islands Forum Ministerial Standing Committee (PIFMSC) meeting held in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Economic Report Indicates Some Optimism for Medium-Term Growth in Nauru

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - While Nauru will continue to rely on its relationship with donor nations, the medium-term outlook for the country's economic health is optimistic as Government reforms begin to take hold, according to the latest ADB Country Economic Report on the small Pacific island nation.

Taiwan Release Rural Development Fund

The Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), H.E. George Chan has formally released the first payment of the '2008 constituency and rural development fund'.

Leaders Urged to "Listen to the People"

The Sikua-led government should do more improvements in Solomon Islands to satisfy the people, especially the grassroots citizens.

Poor Support for Striving Local Artists

While Solomon Islands is rich with talented artists, the support to encourage the industry is very poor.

Popular Solomons Pastime - Betel Nut Chewing

Betel nut chewing is fast becoming a popular pastime for a lot of Solomon Islanders.

Pink Ribbon Funds to Provide Women with Cancer Prevention

Women in Solomon Islands are one step closer to having access to modern medical equipment to detect cervical and breast cancer.

Tsunami Victims Still Waiting for Taiwan Containers

Containers from the Taiwan government to assist the two tsunami-stricken provinces, Western and Choiseul, has not yet reach the provincial governments.

EU Inject Millions of Dollars for Rural Development

The European Union has injected funds into more than 171 micro-projects under the Rural Development Program.

Local Jeweler Uses Imagination to Create

The many talents in Solomon Islands continue to shine both in country and to overseas visiting friends.

Busted: Police catch Taiwanese Embassy burglar

A joint police operation between Naha CID, Central CID and National Investigations has led to the arrest of a man allegedly responsible for the burglary at the Taiwanese Embassy Office on 5 January 2008.

"Stop Barking up the Wrong Trees Fono": Sogavare

The Leader of Opposition, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare has repeated his call on the Deputy Prime Minister to demonstrate leadership maturity and stop engaging in cheap politics of lies, fabrication of truth and buck-passing in his handling of sensitive matters.

War Veterans to Visit Solomons

Solomon Islands is back on track in attracting tourists to the 'Happy Isles'.

Stone Carved Net Guides Fishermen

Solomon Islands with its cultural diversity have the pride to share what speaks of their identity.

Weaving Pride for Polynesian Culture

Weaving is a skill common to the people of Rennell-Bellona Province.

Shell to Cash, the Bokolo

The term 'money' is always associated with notes and coins, but such is not the case when it comes to the traditional side of Solomon Islands.

Former Musician Turns to Craft

Former lead vocalist of the once popular Solomon Islands band, Apprentice, shares his passion for realistic art and the journey that got him to where he is now.

Solomons to Commemorate Founder's Day 2008

The National Scout's Association together with the Girl Guides Association will jointly host the Founder's Day programme for 2008.

Traditional Valuable Asset for Peace

The traditional 'red money', or tafuli'ae in Malaita dialect, is fast becoming popular not just within the Solomons but also abroad.

Sikua Government's Castles Ban Lift "Irresponsible and Hypocritical"

The government's decision to lift an entry ban on the former police commissioner, Australian Shane Castles has been described "irresponsible and hypocritical".

Students Reminded to Check Immigration Requirement

Solomon Islands students returning to study in Fiji, or any other country for that matter, are reminded to check immigration and sort out permits.

Fulfilling RAMSI Experience for Female Samoan Personnel

Serving with the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands has been a fulfilling experience for an outgoing Samoan female officer.

Renbel Rugby Challenge in Honiara

The JV Avaiki Sports Council organised a challenge for Rennell-Bellona Province.

Police Executive visit Site for New Station

Members of the Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) Executive and RAMSI Participating Police Force Advisors travelled to Kulitanai Bay in the Shortland Islands to assess the progress of the construction of the new police station.

Rugby Prepares for 2008 Competitions

Line up for this year's rugby competition is yet to be finalized.

High Demand on Shell Money

The demand on shell money in Solomon Islands is currently very high not just in the country but also abroad.

State Government a Top Priority: PMO

The Prime Ministers Office (PMO) today released a press statement defending its stance on the State Government issue.

Boxing Tournament in Honiara

A two-day boxing tournament will be held in Honiara this month.

Community Leader Confronts Taiwan Technical Mission Office

Community leader of Burns Creek, John Seth Iromea reportedly confronted the Taiwan Technical Mission to the Solomon Islands in demand of live pigs.

Wan Smol Bag to Visit Solomons

The Wan Smol Bag Team from Vanuatu will be arriving next week for their provincial tours and training the communities.

Dolphins Part of Culture and Ecology

Dolphins are an essential part of culture and ecology, an Australian reminds Solomon Islanders.

Church Youth to Join World Youth Day in Australia

Youths of the Holy Cross Catholic Church are raising funds to participate in an upcoming World Youth Day in Australia.

Minister Lilo to Attend Environment Forum in Monaco

Minister for Environment, Conservation and Meteorology, Gordon Darcy Lilo will represent the government of Solomon Islands at the Tenth Special Session of the Governing Council and Global Ministerial Forum of the United Nations Environment Program in Monaco next week.

Waiting Time Over, Strike Time: GPPOL Workers

Workers of the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) are likely to go on strike pending decision from the government on increase of salary and danger allowances.

The Cost of the "Wantok System"

The wantok system has often been described as a 'safety net' and for a country like the Solomon Islands where there are no social service schemes, this may be true.

Cook Islands' Infrastructure Development Plan to Include Climate Proofing Projects

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the governments of Japan and New Zealand are helping Cook Islands prepare an infrastructure development plan that will include climate proofing projects to mitigate the impact of severe weather events.

Police Sets Up Warrant Squad

The Solomon Islands Police Force has established a new squad of officers to locate and arrest members of the public that fail to attend court.

Solomons in Need for Media Cooperation

There is need for media cooperation in Solomon Islands, the Media Association of Solomon Islands re-elected President, John Lamani said.

Students Face Accommodation Dilemma

The dilemma for students awaiting National Training Unit to sort their travel to Fiji-based University of the South Pacific Laucala campus is far from over.

Peace Education Identify Need of Pacific Women

"Peace education and the utilization of women and indigenous Pacific people's strategies for conflict resolution identify needs of women in the Pacific," a professional curriculum developer from Fiji said.

Case of the "02" on High

An extra-marital affair, or "02" as commonly known in the Solomons, continues to be a social problem.

Rejuvenating the Attorney General's Chambers

The acting Attorney General, Gabriel Suri has confirmed his commitment in rejuvenating the Attorney General's chambers.

Solomons Police Commissioner Khan Explains Contract

Police Commissioner Jahir Khan has issued a statement to explain the status of his two year contract to serve as head of the Solomon Islands Police Force.

Bad Ground Condition Disrupts Soccer Match

Soccer games to have taken place between Uncles Football Club and Hana Football Club was cancelled.

Successful Inter-denomination Sports League

An inter-denomination sports league has been dubbed a success.

A Change of Value

Christianity has not only brought gospel to the shores of Bellona Island in Rennell-Bellona Province but the Polynesians have had to do away with their traditional value, dress code one of them.

New International Airline to Operate in Solomons

A new international carrier SkyAirWorld will start operating a weekly service into Honiara from Brisbane Australia in March.

Infrastructure Development a Challenge: Prime Minister Sikua

There is a need for better and improved "vertical and horizontal coordination within the Government Machinery".

C-NURA Government Launches Policy and Translation Framework

The Coalition for National Unity and Rural Advancement government, C-NURA government is launching its Policy and Translation Framework today.

Honiara City Council Promotes Sports Activities for Youths

The Honiara City Council is organising sporting activities for youths in the capital.

Long Wait Over for Students

The National Training Unit has put up the long awaited list of students who have been awarded with scholarships for this academic year.

Malaita Main Suppliers of Laborers: Maetia

Malaita has long been regarded as main suppliers of laborers since the colonial days, the City Council Mayor, Alfred Maetia states.

Malaita Meeting a Success: HCC Clerk Huta

The Honiara City Council Clerk describes the Council's visit to Malaita Province as "a very successful one".

Frustrated Students Still Waiting for Promised Scholarship Awards

Students are still waiting in line for results on scholarship awards with commencement of the academic year just around the corner.

Japan May Consider Botany Awards for Local Students

Solomon Islands students may have the chance to study botany in Japan.

Sikua Fights to Reduce Corruption in Solomons: Pollard

Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua "definitely has a strong mind to reduce corruption in the Solomons".

Use New Knowledge: Minister Lilo

The Minister for Mines, Energy and Meteorology, Gordon Darcy Lilo urges participants of the four-day Tsunami and Mitigation Systems workshop to use knowledge gained in their own fields.

Sikua Government Accuses Khan of Abusing Powers

Solomon Islands Commissioner of Police, Jahir Khan is alleged to be under the sack for having "abused powers".

Electronic Banking to Bring Financial Services to Vanuatu's Rural Areas

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Rural areas in Vanuatu, out of normal reach of bank branches, will soon enjoy access to modern banking services thanks to funding support from Japan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that will bring electronic banking and card-swipe technology as close as the local shop.

East Guadalcanal Parliamentarian on Marau Dispute

Parliamentarian for east Guadalcanal, Johnson Koli is calling for more dialogue between people who claim ownership over the Marau airstrip land.

Opposition Leader Boycott "Nonsense"

Declaration by the Opposition Leader to boycott government functions has been described as "nonsense".

Government to Provide an Increase Subvention to SIBC

Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua has said his government would support the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, SIBC, fulfil its duties to the nation.

Solomons Police Head Resigns

Solomon Islands Commissioner of Police, Jahir Khan has resigned from his position in the force.

ZFM100 Relocates Venue

A shift closer to public access is bonus for one of Honiara's happening and leading FM station, the ZFM 100.

Honiara City Council Executive Visits Malaita Province

More than half the executive of the Honiara City Council have left for Malaita Province to hold urgent talks with the Malaita Provincial Government.

Ngela Community Embarks on Protecting Marine Resources

People of Ngela community in Central Islands Province are making moves to protect marine resources.

Women Group Assist Tsunami Victims

The National Women's League (NWL) released extra funding worth SBD$36,500 to assist tsunami victims in the Western and Choiseul provinces.

Return of Human Remains Wrong: Museum Director

The Director of the National Museum of Solomon Islands, Lawrence Foana'ota, says procedures taken to return human remains into the country, said to be of Solomon Islanders, from New Zealand was wrong.

Police Charge Murderer On The Run

Detectives from the Serious Crime Squad in Honiara charged a man with three counts of murder for crimes committed in May 2003.

Kagovai Calls on Whiteside to "Just Give Up"

The General Secretary of the Solomon Islands National Union of Workers, Tony Kagovai says the Union did not breach any court orders on the ongoing Russell Islands Plantations Estates Limited (RIPEL) saga.

Cook Islands Prime Minister Visit a Significant One: PM Sikua

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua says visit of the Cook Islands Prime Minister is a "significant one".

New Zealand Privileged to Play Its Part in Developing Capacity of Solomons

Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands Acting Special Coordinator, Dr Jonathan Austin, said New Zealand is privileged to play its part in working together with the region to help a neighbour.

Cook Islands Prime Minister Visits Honiara

The Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, Jim Marurai, is in Honiara to visit the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency, FFA headquarters.

Solomons ANZ Bank Commits to Continue Investment

The ANZ Bank has confirmed its commitment with the Solomon Islands by continuing its investment in making banking easier for the people of Solomon Islands.

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