All Archive October 2014

High Commissioner Byrne said the Australian Government is happy to support SIWIBA and its work to empower the women of Solomon Islands.

Australia Announces Additional Funding for SIWIBA

Australia has reaffirmed its support for the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association, announcing further funding of more than SBD$3 million dollars for the organisation.

Solomon’s CEDAW Record Under UN Spotlight

The Solomon Islands' record on women's rights will be under the United Nations spotlight this Friday in Geneva.
"By placing a ban on betel nut, tobacco, and alcohol, we are taking a step towards protecting our community, employees, visitors, and children from the dangers of these products", said Acting Permanent Secretary of MHMS Dr. Tenneth Dalipanda.

Health Ministry Campaigns Against Substance Abuse

The Solomon Islands National Referral Hospital and Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) compound have been declared tobacco, betel nut, and alcohol-free premises.

UN Human Rights Review Underway

A four days work shop on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Nations Human Rights Records is currently underway at the Heritage hotel.

ANZ Measures Impact of Financial Literacy Training

ANZ today launched its first MoneyMinded Impact Report in the Solomon Islands, following on from the financial literacy program’s launch in 2011.
It is understood the PEC will be meeting with the Attorney General and other key stakeholders this morning.

The $20 Million Dollar Question

What will become of the $400,000 MPs entitlement payout? All up the payout would cost tax payers close to $20M – certainly a large amount of money for a cash strapped care taker government.

NCW Supports 26 Women in Upcoming Elections

With nominations for candidates to close later this afternoon the National Council of Women in Solomon Islands says it has helped prepare at least 26 women nationwide to run for office in elections next month.

Low Risk of Ebola Spreading to Solomon Islands

The risk of Ebola virus disease spreading to Solomon Islands is low, informed the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is a vicious cycle, and the cycle will continue as it is engrained in our everyday life – unfortunately, and this is not to discourage the youths or those who want to draw us to the light, it has become a necessary evil.

The High Cost of Elections

As nominations for the upcoming general elections close many candidates will now turn their attention to their campaign.

Permanent Secreteries Urged To Lead Reforms

The Secretary to Cabinet, Mr James Remobatu has urged Permanent Secretaries that they must lead the financial reforms within their ministries.
Solomon Islands Elections Set for November 19th

Solomon Islands Elections Set for November 19th

The Governor General Sir Frank Kabui has signed the proclamation for the 2014 National Elections to be held on Wednesday 19th November.

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