All Archive March 2018

“If we do not ensure sustainability, we will exhaust these resources – we need to be aware of that.”

Fiji’s Efforts to Keep Fish in the Sea

Over-fishing is a growing problem in the Pacific, as nations try to stop their stocks from being depleted beyond repair. Sam Sachdeva visited Suva to learn about Fiji’s efforts to stop illegal fishing in its tracks and how New Zealand is lending a helping hand.

Oceania Rugby Under 18s Sevens Championship Announced

The first Oceania Rugby Under 18s Sevens Championship has been announced and will take place in Sydney next month.
José Antonio Ocampo (centre), Chair of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP).

Solomon Islands Set to Graduate From World's Poorest List

Four countries could soon “graduate” from the ranks of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable nations, a United Nations expert committee announced.
Australian visitor arrivals continue to dominate, the 10,161 number recorded accounting for 39.52 per cent of all arrivals.

Solomon Islands Cracks the 25,000 International Visitor Mark

A watershed moment for the Solomon Islands tourism industry, the destination has surpassed the 25,000 international visitor mark for the first time since numbers were first recorded in 1990.
Sarah Gibbens at National Geographic reports that the Sullivan brothers, George, Frank, Joe, Matt, and Al, natives of Waterloo, Iowa, enlisted in the Navy together soon after Pearl Harbor.

U.S.S. Juneau Wreck Discovered in the Solomon Islands

The underwater research vessel R/V Petrel—the ship-hunting craft funded by co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen—added to its astonishing list of recently discovered shipwreck when it detected the final resting spot of the U.S.S. Juneau.
The 2018 Melanesian Arts & Cultural Festival (MACFest) will take place July 1-14, 2018 in the Solomon Islands and will coincide with country’s 40th Anniversary.

Call Open for Festival Theme Song

This week, the Solomon Islands Melanesian Arts & Cultural Festival (MACFest) Committee is calling on all musicians in the country to submit entries for the Festival Theme Song.
Automated customs operations now allow, for example, importers to pre-clear their goods online and avoid queuing for hours at the port or airport.

Solomon Islands Customs Collect Record SBD$1 Billion

The Solomon Islands Customs and Excise Division collected more than $1 billion in revenue in 2017 for the first time in history.
When they arrived in Vanuatu, they carried some Papuan ancestry but still spoke languages from a linguistic family common in the islands of southeast Asia, called Austronesian.

Clues To Remote Pacific islands’ Population Puzzle

Genomic studies provide details about the complex peopling of Vanuatu — one of the last places on Earth reached by humans.

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