All Archive July 2023

Papua New Guinea’s Defence Minister Win Bakri Daki (R) and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (C) walk to their meeting in Port Moresby on July 27, 2023.

US Not Seeking Permanent Military Base in PNG, Says US Defense Secretary

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Thursday during a visit to Papua New Guinea that Washington was not seeking a permanent military base in the Pacific island nation under a new defense deal.
In a speech in Vanuatu, Macron, the first French president to have set foot on the Pacific islands nation since war leader Charles de Gaulle, said France would work "shoulder to shoulder" with states in the region to preserve their independence.

French President Macron Warns Against New 'Imperialism' in the Pacific

French President Emmanuel Macron warned against "new imperialism" in the Pacific during a landmark visit to Vanuatu, denouncing predatory behaviour by big powers in a region where China is extending trade and security ties.
Solomon Islands leader of the Independent Group, John Kuku filed the legal suit last month.

Legal Challenge Against Extension of Parliament Goes to Court

The legal challenge surrounding the extension of Parliament went before the high court today.
A joint statement issued after the talks called for transparency over the Solomon Islands-China policing deal.

Australia, NZ Concerned With China-Solomon Islands Policing Deal

Australia and New Zealand have expressed concern about a new policing agreement between China and the Solomon Islands that they say would undermine the Pacific’s agreed regional security norms.
Minister Conroy meets with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.

Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific Holds Meaningful Discussions with Leaders

The Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Pat Conroy, had constructive discussions with Solomon Islands’ Ministers during his first day in Honiara.
Participants at Wango Community-West Makira constituency.

West Makira Women Learn New Crop Management Techniques

More than two hundred women, girls and men in wards 5,6,7 and 8 of West Makira are now able to produce enough food to feed their families in the face of ever increasing impacts of climate change.
Mrs. Patricia Soqoilo, Chief Officer, Food Safety Unit, Environmental Health inspecting a lavatory facility at one of the household in Namoraoni Community.

Namoraoni Community Congratulated for No Open Defecation Achievement

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) congratulates the Namoraoni Community, Malango Ward, Central Constituency in Guadalcanal Province for the achievement of implementing the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach and achieving No Open Defecation (NOD).
Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade Hon. Jeremiah Manele, and the Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific, and the Minister for Defence Industry, Hon. Pat Conroy.

Solomon Islands Reaffirms Bilateral Relations with Australia

Solomon Islands Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade Hon. Jeremiah Manele has held a bilateral meeting with the Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific, and the Minister for Defence Industry, Hon. Pat Conroy, in Honiara this week.
The discussions covered the overview of CDF, its objectives, medium-term development key focus areas, legislative framework & guidelines, governance structure, program requirements and modalities, implementation pathway – funding process, pros and cons of CDF and its challenges.

Rural Development and Police Discuss Areas of Collaboration

The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) and the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) through its National Crime & Investigation Department (NCID) have discussed potential areas of collaboration to stamp out fraud and corruption in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) programme.
Solomon Airlines is adding a second A320 this week to boost capacity as it surpasses demands.

Solomon Airlines Prepares to Receive New Aircraft This Week

Solomon Airlines Chairman Mr Frank Wickham has confirmed that the national carrier, Solomon Airlines prepares to receive its second International aircraft this week.
The Republic of Kiribati delegation after a courtesy visit to Senior Trade Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade and Bio-security Solomons.

Kiribati Delegation Meets Counterparts

A delegation from the Republic of Kiribati are currently in country to meet with key stakeholders on trade between the two countries.
Mr. Stanley D Pirione, Permanent Secretary of MPGIS and Mr. Berdi Berdiyev, UNDP Country Manager in Solomon Islands.

Forging a Path of Progress: Amplifying Collaboration for Enhanced Provincial Governance and Service Delivery

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Provincial Governments and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) have recently formalized their commitment to further cooperation in the area of “Strengthening Provincial Governance and Service Delivery in Solomon Islands.”
Participants were made aware of the potential benefits of gender mainstreaming, such as improved project outcomes, enhanced social inclusivity, and increased community participation.

Tina Hydropower Project Conducts Gender Workshop

The Tina River Hydropower Project (TRHDP) Office hosted a one-day Gender Action Plan (GAP) workshop in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to continue to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Australia's Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Richard Marles during his recent visit to Solomon Islands.

Australia Happy to Support a Solomon Islands Defence Force

Defence Minister Richard Marles has declared Australia would be "very keen" to help Solomon Islands set up its own defence force and says the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu was also thinking about establishing a military.
A Memorandum of Arrangement was signed by the Chief-Negotiators, to submit to their respective Governments for approval and authorization to sign the new Air Service Agreement.

Solomon Islands and New Zealand Conclude Talks on Air Service Agreement

Senior officials from Solomon Islands and New Zealand successfully concluded their two-day negotiations to renew the Air Service Agreement (ASA) between the two countries.
Prime Minister Sogavare meets with PRC President, Xi Jinping.

Sogavare’s Pivot to China Complete

The writing is on the wall, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s pivot to China is now complete. Nine memorandums of understanding have been signed during his recent visit to China, ushering in a new era of partnership between the two countries.
Ahead of the 4th Annual Meeting of the RWG set to take place, the various subcommittees of the RWG - the Counselling Subcommittee, Advisory Subcommittee, and Data Collection, Monitoring and Evaluation Subcommittee are also meeting.

Regional Meeting on Family Protection and Domestic Violence Legislation Convenes

Heads of Pacific Government Ministries and Departments with a mandate to co-ordinate the implementation of family protection/domestic violence legislation are in Honiara, Solomon Islands this week.
More than 100 officers gathered for the briefing and Commissioning.

Seconded Officials Prepare to Join Games Workforce

More than 100 public servants, teachers and employees of State-Owned enterprises have been seconded to support the workforce within the Sol2023 Games Organizing Committee for the period of six months starting 17 July 2023.
According to the Opposition Leader, the Prime Minister’s deflective response was quite surprising considering the current economic crisis faced in the country.

Wale: PM’s ‘Drop in the Ocean’ Statement Outrageously Insensitive

Leader of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale has described the Prime Minister’s ‘drop in the ocean’ cost-benefit statement as outrageously insensitive.
Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong.

China's Police Chief Meets With Solomon Islands Counterpart

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong met with Anthony Veke, minister of police, national security and correctional services of Solomon Islands, in Beijing on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, who is on a week-long visit to China, joined Senior diplomat Wang Yi in inaugurating the embassy.

Sogavare Opens Embassy in China

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has opened the Solomon Islands Embassy in China.
The Opposition Leader has called on the Prime Minister to clarify his ‘I am back home’ statement.

"I Am Back Home" Comments by PM Shameful: Wale

Opposition Leader Matthew Wale has described the Prime Minister’s statement when arriving in China that ‘he is back home’ as outrageous.
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare is currently in Beijing, China, where a new policing plan between the two countries was signed.

Australia Calls For China-Solomon Islands Police Deal Be Made Public

The Australian government has called on Solomon Islands and China to "immediately" publish a new policing plan between the two countries, saying it is concerned the deal will invite "regional contest" in the Pacific.
Visiting Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his Chinese counterpart Li Qiang review an honor guard.

Solomon Islands Signs Policing Agreement With China

Solomons’ prime minister, Manasseh Sogavare, meets with leaders as part of week-long visit to China.
The six who are from the East Are Are constituency arrived at the Toronto International Airport and were given their work permit by the Canadian Immigration officials.

Six East Are Are Constituents Issued Canadian Work Permits

On the Eve of Solomon Islands 45th Independence Day, six more Solomon Islands nationals arrived in Canada under Solomon Islands growing partnership with Canada on labour mobility.
Ministry of Education and key partners cutting the celebratory cake.

Government Launches Educator Professional Development Framework

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) recently launched the Whole of Educator Professional Development Framework (WEPD) and new primary schools English and Mathematics curriculum materials.
Trade Commissioner in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Mr. Barrett Salato and the LSA Accounts Manager, Ms. Leanne Furniss.

Recruitment Continues for Labor Solutions Australia

Australia’s leading labour hire and recruitment provider, Labor Solutions Australia (LSA), is currently in the Solomon Islands for a recruitment drive.
Mrs. Pricilla Lole receiving her product from a SPBD representative.

SPBD Launches "White Goods Financing"

South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) Microfinance Solomon Islands Ltd is proud to announce the official launch of its newest loan product, “White Goods Financing,” in collaboration with Discount Electricals and Home Leisure (DEHL), one of the largest white goods distributors in the Solomon Islands.
“You stand with the government in our good and bad days. Your resilience and steadfastness is admired. What is most critical is continuous dialogue,” acknowledged the Prime Minister.

Government Acknowledges SICCI

The National Government has acknowledged the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce, SICCI’s resilience and steadfastness despite the country’s critical business environment.
Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Minister for Defence, Hon. Richard Marles during his visit to the High Dependency Unit at the National Hospital.

Health Minister Thanks Australian Government

Solomon Islands Health Minister, Hon. Dr Culwick Togamana during the handover ceremony of the High Dependency Unit at National Referral Hospital (NRH) thanked the Australian Government for its ongoing support towards the Health System of the country.
“Rising Above and Overcoming our Challenges as One People” is the 2023 Indepence Day Theme.

Independence Theme Endorsed

The Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has endorsed this year’s 45th Independence Anniversary Theme following submissions from officials early this month.

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