Regional Archive October 2021

Mr. Levan Bouadze, Resident Representative of UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji emphasized that the long-term goal of the programme is to contribute to building peaceful, just, and inclusive Pacific societies by addressing a range of good governance and corruption issues.

Knowledge Series kicks off for Anti-corruption and Integrity Institutions

The first seminar of the knowledge series kicked off today with the national anti-corruption and integrity institutions of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) for validation of the master-level anti-corruption knowledge sharing programme being rolled out by UN Development Programme (UNDP).
Kelinda staying positive while receiving treatment.

Severe Health Condition Encourages Kelinda to Persevere

Despite being diagnosed with renal failure in December 2019, 41-year-old Kelinda Dame Tsiode from Buada District Nauru Island achieved her dream of graduating with a Diploma in Accounting (Level 5) from The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Laucala Campus.
“Building vaccine confidence is vital in the Pacific to make sure we reach a critical mass of people vaccinated in all countries."

Palau and Cook Islands Lead the World on COVID-19 Vaccinations

The small Pacific country of Palau has more than 99 per cent of its eligible population fully vaccinated, contesting top spot in the world for COVID-19 vaccination rates, according to government data.
The PFM project aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, though improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, SAIs and civil society.

Pacific Civil Society and Illustrators Becoming Public Finance Management Experts

More than 50 civil society organization (CSO) representatives and illustrators from Fiji, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea are on their way to being experts as they proceed into the second phase of the ‘Almost Experts’ mentorship program that will be virtually launched on 13 October 2021 at 11 a.m. (Fiji Time).
Ms. Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa, who also served in the Solomon Islands under RAMSI, was the first woman to be appointed as Police Commissioner of the world's largest peacekeeping mission, UNMISS.

UNMISS Farewells Police Commissioner

With emotion shining in her eyes, Fijian National and the first woman to be appointed as Police Commissioner of the world's largest peacekeeping mission, UNMISS, Ms. Unaisi Bolatolu-Vuniwaqa watched with pride as her police officers marched in tight formation before her in a special parade of honour to bid farewell to their leader.

Regional Archive