Regional Archive April 2012

Western Pacific Closes in on its Measles Elimination Target

MANILA, 23 APRIL 2012 - The World Health Organization is closing in on its goal of eliminating measles in the Western Pacific Region by the end of this year.

Regional Consultation of REDD+ Policy Framework Begins

About 30 people, representing 10 Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and regional organisations, are currently attending a meeting to discuss a Pacific Regional Policy Framework that will facilitate PICs' access to support under REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) funding possibilities.

Strengthening the Capacities of Pacific Islands Countries in Mainstreaming Gender

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is pleased to share the findings of a gender stocktake conducted in six Pacific Islands countries in 2009-2010.

PFF Condemns Police Bashing of PNG Journalist

PFF Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS- The Pacific Freedom Forum condemns the brutal attack by uniformed Police officers on Papua New Guinea journalist Mark Kayok on the evening of Saturday 21 April, in Port Moresby.

Palau: Journo Jobs, Media Freedoms Face the Axe Under New Bill

PFF Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS--Independent journalism and jobs for journalists in Palau face the axe if a proposed telecommunications bill before the country's senate becomes law, says regional media monitoring network the Pacific Freedom Forum.

Pacific Open Learning Health Net Progresses in Vanuatu

VANUATU, 17 April 2012 - The World Health Organization and the Vanuatu Ministry of Health recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formalize the development of the Pacific Open Learning Health Net (POLHN) in the country.
Caribbean Pacific Collaboration on Crop Diversity

Caribbean Pacific Collaboration on Crop Diversity

Imagine a coconut tree surviving in a bottle small enough to hide in the palm of your hand. Amazing, isn't it? Yet this is not Aladdin's cave and no genie's magic but an advancement of science that has made possible the preservation and maintenance of clean, pure varieties of our traditional staple food crops.

SPC to Continue Support to Melanesian Countries in Biosecurity and Trade Facilitation

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Market Access Specialist Josua Wainiqolo made it clear that SPC will continue to provide assistance through its Land Resources Division to Melanesian countries in improving biosecurity issues and increasing trade in agricultural and forestry products.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control Launches in Hong Kong

HONG KONG, 9 APRIL 2012 - A new WHO collaborating centre was named here today to help smokers quit and to reduce the heavy toll of tobacco-related deaths in the Western Pacific Region.

Fijian Flood Emergency: WHO Advice Public to Prevent Diseases

SUVA, 04 APRIL 2012 - As a joint coordinator for the health and nutrition cluster, WHO and UNICEF convened the first cluster meeting to identify the key health and nutrition priorities post-flooding and ensure the coherent and effective response of all agencies, organization and NGOs.

Fiji Begins Recovery Operations

Fiji is starting recovery preparations after the heavy flooding that hit the country in the last few days.

New Report Reveals High Prevalence of Betel, Tobacco Chewing in Western Pacific

MANILA, 23 MARCH 2012 - A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals a shockingly high prevalence of areca nut (also called betel) and tobacco chewing in the Western Pacific Region and urges governments and other stakeholders to make people aware of the dangers to health.

Quarantine and Public Health Issues for the Festival of Pacific Arts

Delegates attending the 24th Meeting of the Council of Pacific Arts and Culture currently being held in Honiara were informed of some crucial issues regarding preparations for the eagerly awaited Festival of Pacific Arts in July.

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