Regional Archive September 2010

U.S. EPA Applauds American Samoa's Decision to Ban Plastic Shopping Bags

News Release - HONOLULU - The US Environmental Protection Agency today applauds the Governor, Legislature and residents of America Samoa for enacting restrictions banning plastic shopping bags - reducing their waste and protecting the environment in a single action.

ADB Sells First Clean Energy Bond

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has sold $232.2 million in Clean Energy Bonds to support its renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Asia and the Pacific.

Tonga and Tuvalu Collaborate to Protect Whales and Dolphins

Press Release - Tonga and Tuvalu are the newest signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to protect cetaceans in the Pacific islands region.

ADB, UNICEF Join Forces for Children with Major Agreement

NEW YORK, USA (23 September 2010) - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) today signed a major agreement, joining forces across Asia and the Pacific region to fight disparities, reduce poverty, and ensure that equitable and sustainable development benefits all children.

Asia Represents the World's Best Hope for Achieving MDGs, ADB President Tells UN

NEW YORK, USA - Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda said today that Asia and the Pacific, home to three-fifths of humanity and two-thirds of the world's poor, represented the world's best hope for achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

News Release on Three-day summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Asia-Pacific Countries Still Have Opportunity to Turn Robust Growth into Anti-Poverty Success

FSM Vulnerability Assessment

The government of Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has carried out climate vulnerability assessments on 14 atoll islands in the states of Pohnpei, Chuuk and Yap.

New Road Map for SPREP

Press Release - The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) has a new road map which comes into effect next year. During the 21st Meeting of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme the "SPREP Strategic Plan 2011 - 2015" was adopted by environment ministers and SPREP Members.

Pacific Biodiversity: An important topic for Environment Ministers

Press Release - Ministers and Heads of Delegation attending the 21SM renewed their commitment to biodiversity conservation and affirmed that biological diversity is the foundation of the well-being of our communities and cultures.

Fiji's Fiji Times Purchased

Fiji's biggest newspaper, The Fiji Times, has been bought from the Australian-owned News Limited in accordance with the country's newly implemented media decree.

ADB, Japan Fund Social Support Schemes in Cook Islands, Mashall Islands, Tonga

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Japan are extending grants totaling $3 million for a cash-for-work scheme and other pilot social support programs for vulnerable groups in the Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, and Tonga.

Fiji's Commerce Commission Blocks Rival Paper's Bid to Buy Fiji Times

Fiji's Commerce Commission has reportedly turned down an offer by Fiji Sun, one of Fiji's newspaper companies, to purchase the country's longest running newspaper, The Fiji Times.

Women Vulnerable to Climate Change

A regional consultation meet heard that women are likely to be more affected by climate change because of the gender division of responsibilities and roles in the Pacific and other societies in the world.

21st SPREP Meeting opens in Papua New Guinea

Monday 6 September 2010, Madang - Environment Ministers, Officials, donors and government and non-government partners from in and around the Pacific have gathered in Madang, Papua New Guinea, for the twenty-first annual meeting of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, being held from 6 to 10 September.

New Regional Plan to Conserve Pacific Wetlands

Press Release - A new draft three-year action plan has been developed outlining activities, responsibilities and targets that seek to promote and strengthen the wise use and conservation of wetlands in the region.

Pacific Women Call for Stronger Regional Processes to Accelerate Equality

Tuesday, 31 August 2010 - The 11th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women held at SPC headquarters in Noumea from 16-20 August 2010 called for stronger regional multi-sectoral processes and mechanisms to accelerate the achievement of equality between women and men in the Pacific Island region.

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