Regional Archive April 2011

A New Five Year Invasive Species Plan for Micronesia

Micronesian leaders met earlier this month (4-8 April) in Guam to develop its 5-year strategic plan on how to deal with invasive species.

Tuvalu Government Welcomes Peer Review

PRESS RELEASE - 27th April 2011 - The Government of Tuvalu welcomes the peer review of development coordination under the Cairns Compact on Strengthening Development Coordination in the Pacific underway in the capital Funafuti this week.

WHO to Enhance Immunization Drive

MANILA, 25 April 2011-The World Health Organization (WHO) is stepping up efforts to ensure that more people in the Western Pacific Region, especially children and women, are protected from disease by immunization.

Time to Act Now on Forest Conservation and Management

The call for a concerted effort to conserve and sustainably manage our forest and tree resources is nothing new. It has, however, become more urgent, given the inability of many of the countries in the Pacific to move closer to this goal.

Supporting Pacific Island Nations in IPv6 Transition

Due to the phenomenal growth of the Internet over the years, Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address space is running out. As a result, countries are moving towards adopting IPv6, the newer version of IP addressing that offers a solution to this problem.

SPC and UN-APCICT/ESCAP Strengthen Partnership in ICT Development

Friday, 15 April 2011 - Secretariat of the Pacific Community

The International Year of Forests (IYF) 2011

The International Year of Forests (IYF) 2011 has the theme Forests for People, celebrating the central role of people in the sustainable management, conservation and development of our world's forests. The elements in the logo show just a few of the many reasons forests and trees are so important.

Round-table Meeting to Discuss an Integrated Approach to Coastal Management in Fiji

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) - In an effort to bring about closer collaboration and integration of work and activities relating to coral ecosystems and marine biodiversity in Fiji, scientists, researchers, development partners and stakeholders will hold a roundtable meeting this month.

Strengthening Internet Governance and Policy in the Pacific

Sunday 10 April 2011, Noumea, New Caledonia - Over 70 delegates gathered in Noumea, New Caledonia to participate in the inaugural meeting of Pacific Internet Governance Forum (Pacific IGF) held in, Noumea, New Caledonia from 9 - 10 April 2011.

SPC Signs MOU with Netsafe to Enhance Cooperation in Cybersafety Programmes

Saturday 9 April 2011, Noumea, New Caledonia

ADB, Partners to Help 5 Pacific Nations Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Five Pacific nations, which rely heavily on imported diesel for power generation, are expected to reduce their fossil fuel consumption with the help of a technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and its partners.

Resource-Rich Economies Drive Growth in Pacific, but Inflation a Challenge - ADB Report

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The economic outlook for the Pacific region is more positive for 2011 on the back of continued global recovery, buoyed by the strength of Australia's economy and higher commodity prices.

PEC Fund Reports Steady Progress

PRESS STATEMENT - Monday 4th, April 2011 - Work is progressing steadily towards disbursing 6.8 billion yen (approx. US$66 million) to the region under the Pacific Environment Community (PEC) Fund.

Ashika Jury Decides Guilty Verdict for All

The jury for the case of the MV Princess Ashika, which tragically sunk in 2009 claiming 74 lives, decided on guilty verdicts for the four men charged over the incident.

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