Features Archive October 2023

The vote yesterday in the Senate marked a very big step forward towards the introduction of a historic and potentially transformational Pacific window into Australia’s permanent migration regime.

Pacific Engagement Visa Legislation Finally Through

After months of uncertainty, yesterday the legislation required to implement the Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) passed through the Australian Senate, with the Greens and other crossbenchers providing the numbers the government needed in the face of opposition from the Coalition.
The Catholic Archbishop of Fiji, Archbishop Peter Loy Chong.

Why the Catholic Archbishop of Fiji is Wrong to Condemn Seasonal Work

In a recent Fiji Times opinion piece ‘The dark side of seasonal work’ (16 September 2023), the Catholic Archbishop of Fiji, Peter Loy Chong, made a number of general, emotive and false claims about seasonal workers.
Existing forms of community-based order maintenance struggle to manage newer kinds of disputation and discord, with traditional authority and leadership seriously weakened in many places.

Order-making in the shadow of the law: community by-laws in Solomon Islands

It’s been ten years since the publication of the Justice Delivered Locally (JDL) in Solomon Islands research, documenting justice experiences in rural communities across five of the country’s nine provinces.