Latest News Archive July 2009

PM Sikua Leaves for Pacific Forum Leaders Meet

Prime Minister Derek Sikua has left the country for Australia.
Solomon Islands needs committed, principled and corrupt-free politicians.

Opposition Says Country Needs Quality Leaders

Opposition Leader Manasseh Sogavare says Solomon Islands does not need more leaders but quality politicians and a proper organisation of the governing system in order to achieve its development objectives.

Opposition Leader Says Parliament is Confused

Opposition leader Manasseh Sogavare says Parliament is lost in confusion because it is not in tune with the direction which the country is going.
Parliament passes bill to increase seats from present 50 to 70.

Parliament Passes Constitutional Amendment Bill

Parliament has passed the Constitution Amendment Number Two Bill 2009.

ADB to Help Coral Triangle Policy Makers Through Better Information Exchange

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is assisting the six member-countries of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) strengthen coastal and marine ecosystems management through a $2.3-million technical assistance.

Solomon's and Vanuatu book Beach Soccer Championship Final Rematch

The Solomon Islands and Vanuatu will contest the 2009 final of the Tahiti Nui Beach Soccer World Cup Qualification Championship, for the third final in a row, after both winning crucial matches on day three at Temae beach on Moorea Island.
Distinguished guests and students at the launch.

Solomons Launch Students' Exchange Program

St. Josephs Tenaru Secondary School is the first in Solomon Islands to benefit from Taiwan's Youth Ambassador Exchange program.

Call for Transparency in Government

Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, calls for transparency in the submissions made to the Parliamentary Entitlement Commission, PEC.

Overseas Company Threatens to Close Operations

One of the country's major industries, the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited had threatened to close its operations following the burning of its administration office at the weekend.
Incidents such as burning of GPPOL head office will cause loss of investor confidence: Hemmer.

Chamber of Commerce Worry About Future of Investment

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry has expressed concern for one of its members, the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited, GPPOL which suffered a major set back to its operations in the country following the fire which gutted its head office last weekend.
Fiji's outgoing President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo.

Fiji President to Retire

Fiji's president and the world's oldest Head of State will be retiring after 9 years as the nation's leader.

Makuru Keeps DJ League Trophy

Makuru Football Club will keep the DJ League's Premier Division trophy after winning the award for the third time on Saturday.

MP Wants Constituency Structures Legalised

Deputy Prime Minister Fred Fono says he believes that Constituency structures must be formally established as legal entities so that they can be accountable like provincial governments.

RAMSI Sponsors Solomon Islands Guide to Goalkeeping

RAMSI is publishing Soccer in Solomon Islands a Goalkeeper's Guide, written by Solomon Islands' former national soccer team goalkeeper, Francis Aruwafu, as part of its 6th anniversary celebrations.
Rugby 7s coach Jim Seuika (r) handing over the sporting equipment to the 7s captain Edmond Tay.

Local Businessman Assists National Rugby 7s Team

A prominent local businessman, Namson Tran has donated sporting equipment worth a total of $31,000-00 to the national rugby 7s team.

Opposition Cautions Parliament on Bills

Opposition Leader Manasseh Sogavare has called on the government to be cautious against getting parliament to endorse laws that are more convenient to foreign states than to addressing Solomon Islands problems.

Call for Review of Parliamentary Entitlement

Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, calls for a complete review of the Parliamentary entitlements along with the composition of the Parliamentary Entitlement Commission, PEC, to reflect true independence.
Government is aware of the possible pitfalls and gaps in the bill.

Government Caucus Denies Split

The office of government caucus has denied any political manoeuvring within the government to sabotage the Political Party Integrity Bill which government intends to bring before the current meeting of Parliament.

Vanuatu Beats Solomon Islands in Beach Soccer Opening Match

Vanuatu and Tahiti are off to winning starts at the 2009 Tahiti Nui Beach Soccer Championship on Tahiti's picturesque Island of Moorea.

Calls to Review Western Province Administration

A Western Provincial leader, Ronald Ziru, has called on the new Premier of the Province to review the provincial administration in view of moving the province forward.

Healing Process for Guadalcanal Province

Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga says the province continues to pursue and implement important programs in respect of reconciliation and furthering the healing process within the province.
Gold Ridge Mine struggles to re-open following its closure during the ethnic unrest.

Investors Eye Solomons Mine

The International Finance Corporation is considering a major investment in the Gold Ridge mine in Solomon Islands.
RAMSI help also goes to the community and contribution to the nation.

PM Sikua Urges People to Work in Partnership With Mission

Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua has urged the government and people of Solomon Islands to work in partnership with the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands to ensure that the country moves ahead in peace, unity and prosperity.

Climate Change Warning for the Asia-Pacific

A new report has warned that climate change could produce 75 million refugees in the Asia Pacific region in the next 40 years.
Contribution that RAMSI can make goes beyond helping to restore law and order and to revitalise government institutions.

RAMSI Celebrates Six Year Partnership with Solomons

Nation building though sport and involvement in the community is the theme of this week's celebrations to mark six years of partnership between Solomon Islands and the Regional Assistance Mission.

Transparency Solomon Islands Criticises Proposed Bill

Transparency Solomon Islands says the proposed Forgiveness Bill may in fact set the country's healing process back.

USP Calls for Increase on Student Allowance

Vice Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific, Professor Rajesh Chandra has alerted USP member governments and sponsors that the 20 percent devaluation of the Fiji dollar could have adverse impacts on students.
A second time for a meeting of Parliament to take extended break.

Parliament Meeting to Go into 4 Weeks Recess

The current meeting of Parliament will go into recess on the second week of August and is expected to resume in late September.

Local Referees to Officiate Oceania Qualifiers

Two local beach soccer referees left the country yesterday on their way to officiate in the Oceania Beach Soccer World Cup qualifiers in Tahiti.
CNURA government is committed to improve standard of living in Solomon Islands: Rini.

Currency Declaration Bill to Reform Economy

The Currency Declaration Bill is an ambitious goal of the CNURA government of reforming the economy in the country.

Public Consultation on Political Integrity Bill

Government will engage in further consultation with the public on the proposed Political Party Integrity Bill and a supporting constitutional amendment bill which it intends to table in the current sitting of Parliament.

High Court Orders Two Asians to Pay Fine

The High Court has ordered two Asians to pay a fine of more than 120-thousand dollars or spend the next 12 months in prison.

New Transnational Crime Unit Helping to Make Pacific Safer

A new Transnational Crime Unit (TCU) for the Solomon Islands will help make the Pacific region safer by joining the work of other teams in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia.
The Political Integrity Bill will create an environment that is not conducive to political corruption: Keniapasia.

Political Integrity Bill Not Conducive to Corruption

The Special Secretary to Prime Minister says although the Political Integrity Bill will not totally eradicate corruption in the political system, it will create an environment that is not conducive to political corruption.

Sexual Assault Law to be Further Developed

A workshop looking at law reform to addressing violence against women has highlighted various problems in sexual assault laws that calls for further development and strengthening.
The Political Integrity Bill is expected to be tabled in September when Parliament resumes.

Moves to Sabotage Political Integrity Bill

One of the CNURA Government's key policy initiatives, the Political Integrity Bill, will be sabotaged from within the Government itself, reveals a government insider.
Heroes welcome for the Kurukuru team.

Team Understanding Leads to Success: Ragomo

The national Kurukuru FUTSAL team captain said his players' deep understanding of each other and how each individual played was a central factor to the team's successes.
Miss Lawn Tennis, Emma White, (centre) at the fundraising drive.

Lawn Tennis Stage Major Fundraising Drive

Solomon Islands' Lawn Tennis Federation staged their first major fundraising drive over the weekend at the National Museum.

New Provincial Executive for Western Province

The newly elected Premier of Western Province, George Solingi Lilo, has announced his Provincial Assembly executive.
Government will soon table a new telecommunications act in Parliament.

No Competition in Telecommunications Industry Until April 2010

Government has revealed that it will not fully introduce competition in the telecommunications industry until first April 2010.

First H1N1 Flu Death in Region

The first death from the H1N1 flu in the region has been reported from Guam.

Transparency Solomon Islands Condemns Parliamentary Entitlements

The increase in parliamentary entitlements is "inappropriate, unjustified and unaffordable".

Rugby 7's Final Squad

The final national rugby sevens team for the South Pacific Mini Games in Cook Islands had been finalized.

Western Province Plans Leaders Summit

The new Western Provincial government will in the first 100 days hold a summit for its leaders to look at various issues concerning the development of the province.

Government Denies Cutting Its Budget

The government has clarified that it has not cut its budget.
Support for people with disabilities totals to more than seven hundred thousand dollars: Hon. Forau.

Parliament to Table Disabilities Bill

A bill on assistance to People with Disabilities is expected to be tabled in the next sitting of parliament.
Steve Abana (third left) with officials and fellow Solomon Islanders at Aongatete.

Work in New Zealand Enhances Lifestyle Back in Islands

The New Zealand kiwifruit industry is helping provide an economic way forward for Solomon Islanders which the country's Minister for Development Planning and Aid Co-ordination, Steve Abana, hopes will continue to grow.
Solomon Airlines is proud to be the national flag carrier.

Airlines Seeks Support

The national flag carrier, Solomon Airlines seeks government and public support as it signs a new five year contract agreement with Strategic Airlines, ending it's current lease agreement with Our Airlines.

New Executive for Choiseul Province

Re-elected Premier of Choiseul Province, Jackson Kiloe, has named a new executive.

ADB Board Approves New Policy to Strengthen Safeguard Protections

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Board of Directors today approved a Safeguard Policy Statement that will strengthen protections already in place to avoid or minimize the adverse impacts of ADB-supported projects on the environment and affected people.

New Premier for Western Province

The Western Province has a new Premier.

Public Encouraged to Comment on Government Bills

Government says members of the public are encouraged to comment on Government Bills before they are finally put through the parliamentary process.

National U15 Futsal Releases Team Names

The National U15 futsal team released its final team last Friday after the team's final selection matches.
World Heritage Site - Lake Tegano, East Rennell.

East Rennell Forms Relationship with Wet Tropics

The four major communities of Lake Tegano, East Rennell in Renbel Province have formed a relationship between themselves and Wet Tropics.
Solomon Kurukuru defended their Oceania title in convincing fashion scoring 32 goals and conceding only seven in their four matches.

Kurukuru Gives Thanks to God

The Kurukuru national futsal team held a solemn thanks giving service on Saturday at the Chung Wah School Hall for their recent successful campaign at the OFC Championship in Fiji.

Two Teams Qualify for DJ League Play Off

Two teams are closer to realizing their dreams of playing in the Honiara DJ League after grabbing first and second spots in a preseason qualifying league last Friday.
The Bills will breed corruption, dictatorship and undue control: Opposition.

Opposition Calls on Government to Withdraw Bills

Opposition Leader Manasseh Sogavare calls on the Government to withdraw the proposed Political Party Integrity Bill and its supporting Constitutional Amendment Bill.

Penalties for Crime Increase

Parliament has passed the Penalties Miscellaneous Bill in its second reading and Committee stage after a day's debate.
Prime Minister Announces Anti-Corruption Taskforce Workshops

Prime Minister Announces Anti-Corruption Taskforce Workshops

The Government's Anti-Corruption Taskforce is to hold a series of workshops across the nation to consult the public on how best to fight corruption, the Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua, announced last Friday.

Efforts to Reduce Costs of Sending Remittances

Efforts are underway to try and reduce the cost of sending remittances to countries in the region.
Solomon Islands is ranked third in prevalence of close partners violence.

Gender Violence and Child Abuse on Rise

Gender based violence and child abuse is on the increase in Solomon Islands at a level that people are living with fear especially women and children.

First Solomon Islander Takes Up Country Head with ANZ

The ANZ Bank has appointed its Solomon Islands local senior officer, David Teikangongo Dennis, to Country Head ANZ Cook Islands.

Public Employees Union to Submit Claims to Government

The Solomon Islands Public Employees Union, says the Union will soon submit to the government outstanding and current issues in a new log of claims.
Police officers during one of many raids in attempts to stop illegal brewing of kwaso.

Heavy Fine on Making of Illegal Alcohol

People who make the illegal alcoholic drink, commonly known as "kwaso" are expected to pay heavy fines after the Penalties Miscellaneous Amendment Bill is gazetted.

Province Uncertain About Hosting Premiers' Conference

Central Province has yet to submit a budget to Government on the likely cost of hosting an annual Premiers Conference at the provincial capital, Tulagi.
Two improvised explosives made from bottles, explosive powder and  wick fuses seized by police.

Police Arrest Men, Seize Fish Bombs

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force arrested two men at Alligator Creek and confiscated two bottles of explosives powder intended for use as fish bombs.
The behaviour of a minority of employees can be of concern ... and the RSIPF is taking a firm approach to disciplinary offences: Commissioner Marshall.

Police Address Disciplinary Issues: Commissioner

Disciplinary issues and other offences committed by serving police officers continue to be actively investigated and addressed by the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.
A room in a traditional leaf house at the TDA-run Tetepare Island Ecolodge.

Tetepare Descendants Learn New Hospitality Skills

The Tetepare Descendants' Association held a three-day hospitality training workshop on Tetepare Island this month, in an effort to promote sustainable livelihoods in the Western Province.

Committee Unhappy About Former Governor General's Comments

Temporary Special Measures Working Committee has expressed disappointment in former Governor General, Sir Nathaniel Waena, for his negative remarks towards the concept of special measures for women.

Dubious Land Dealings Worry Government

The Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua has told Parliament the ruling Government is concerned about alleged dubious land dealings by officers in the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey.
Education assistance for fee free basic education will to go a long way: PM Sikua.

"Education Assistance Will Go a Long Way" - PM Tells ROC Ambassador

The Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua says education assistance towards the ruling Government's fee free basic education policy will go a long way in the development of human resources in Solomon Islands.
There is large support from the provinces for the increase of parliamentary seats.

Possible Increase of Parliament Seats in 2010

Solomon Islands could see a rise in the number of seats in the National Parliament from the current fifty to seventy next year.

Pacific Plan Achieves Significant Progress in Implementation During 2009

Press Statement - 14 July 2009 - The Pacific Plan Action Committee (PPAC) which oversees the implementation of the Pacific Plan endorsed by Forum Leaders in 2005 has been told that significant progress has been achieved in the implementation of the Plan during 2009.

Democratic Party Prepares for 2010 Elections

The Solomon Islands Democratic Party is beginning its preparations for the upcoming 2010 general elections.
The beautiful Auki seafront in Malaita Province.

Court Makes Landmark Ruling on Customary Land

A court in Solomon Islands has for the first time ruled on the customary ownership of the land below the high water mark or foreshore.
Experts have said time and again that research is key to a successful pearl farming operation.

Government Defers One Million Dollar Pearl Farm Project

The Government has deferred the one million dollar Pearl Farming Investment Project funded by the government of the Republic Of China for next year.

ADB Improving Its Development Effectiveness, Says Report

The Asian Development Bank's operations have delivered tangible benefits to the lives of millions of people in Asia and the Pacific over the past four years, while there are several areas needing further improvement at both the project level and within the organization itself, says a new report.
The government is fighting to put to an end corrupt practices in Solomon Islands.

Prime Minister Sikua: Shadow Government Must End

The government will put an end to "shadow government" that is eating away resources from the rural population.
Customs and Immigration participants at the launch of the 2009 Basic Intelligence Course at the Police Academy, Rove.

Joint Intelligence Training Targets Crime

The vital role that RSIPF National Intelligence Unit officers perform will be enhanced by a two-week training course led by two specialist trainers from the Australian Federal Police.

Calls for Gizo Hospital Staff to Return to Work

The Western Province Acting Director for Health Service, Gunter Kittel, has appealed to striking staff of the Gizo Hospital to return to work.
The Chamber of Commerce highlighted at the forum that over 80 per cent of land is under a customary land system making it difficult to start a new enterprise, especially outside the urban setting.

SI Chamber of Commerce Highlights Impediments to Growth in Private Sector

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries (SICCI) have highlighted obstacles currently faced by the country and investors as it tries to increase productivity and output.

SIS Officials Meeting Kicks Off a Week of Forum Senior Officials Meetings

A series of meetings of senior officials from Pacific Islands Forum countries preparing for the Forum Leaders' meeting early next month, started today with a meeting of officials from the Smaller Island States (SIS) of the Forum.

Police Investigate Death Near Naro Village

Police are making enquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death of a 38- year-old man found on Saturday morning over the weekend.
Government sets priority in educating future doctors for Solomons.

Increasing Manpower in Health Sector Priority: Prime Minister Sikua

Increasing manpower in the health sector is one of the main goals of the ruling government.
Intelligence training conducted the RSIP Headquarter will build officers' confidence: Marshall.

Intelligence Training for Police Officers

Twenty five police officers are attending an intelligence course conducted at the police academy at the Police Headquarter starting today.

Project to Increase Reliability of Energy Supplies

The Solomon Islands Sustainable Energy Project, SISEP is now in place, following the appointment of Solomon Islands Electricity Authority, SIEA's Commercialization Management.

Fiji Wins Support of Melanesian Spearhead Group

Fiji's interim regime has won the support of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) for the lifting of its suspension from the Pacific Islands Forum.

MPs Spouses to Get Terminal Grants

Recent amendments to Parliamentary Entitlements Regulations has awarded terminal grants to spouses of Members of Parliaments amounting to 50-thousand dollars.
The Political Integrity Bill aims to achieve political stability, integrity and Development of Parties, and stop Parliamentarians crossing the floor at their own will.

Plans to Defeat Political Integrity Bill

A group of Government Ministers are reportedly planning to defeat the Government's Political Integrity Bill.
Jack Wetney weaving his magic around the Fijian defense.

Unbeatable Kurukuru Oceania Champs

The Solomon Islands have defended their Oceania Futsal title with an 8-1 win over host nation Fiji in the final at the OFC Championship in Suva [last night].
Hard times call for hard decisions: Prime Minister Sikua

National Economy to Experience Minimal Growth

The national economy is expected to experience minimal growth this year, Prime Minister Dr. Derek Sikua reveals.
Government is "desirous" to promote tourism in Solomon Islands: Prime Minister Sikua.

Government Turns to Tourism for Revenue Pull

Government is turning to tourism as its next revenue pull with the pullback of logging operations in the country.
Fragile beauty of the Pacific islands

Visualising the Vulnerability of the Pacific Islands

Press Release - It's been said that a picture can tell a thousand words. With this in mind, the opportunity for Pacific islands communities to share their climate change impacts with the rest of the World is presented.

Senior Police Officer Pleads Guilty

Provincial Police Commander of Honiara City Chief Superintendent Nathan Ratu has pleaded guilty to four of the six charges he is facing before a police tribunal.
New 7 Digit Numbers soon to be introduced in the Solomons.

Our Telekom to Introduce 7 Digit Numbers

Our Telekom will be introducing 7 digits to its mobile subscribers effective 1st August 2009.

Parliament Pass Bill for Changes to Foreign Investment

Parliament has passed the Foreign Investment Amendment and validation bill in its second reading.

Government Makes Way for Women, Youth and Churches

Prime Minister Derek Sikua has said the government is working closely with women, youth and church groups.
Kurukuru outplayed opponents, Vanuatu, in last night's victory.

Kurukuru Shows No Mercy

The Solomon Islands have shown Vanuatu no mercy in their final group game on Match Day 3 at Vodafone Arena in Fiji.

High Need to Equip Dental Department

Lack of equipment at the dental department within the National Referral Hospital is becoming a worry.

Inland Revenue Without Key Players

The Inland Revenue is still without a Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner as government continues to look for an experienced and qualified person to fill the posts.

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