Opposition Leader, Hon. Matthew Wale joins all concerned citizens and parents in welcoming home our Philippine based students.
“It has not been easy on their families and friends knowing their children and loved ones had to deal with Covid-19 in a country with a high rate of infection and so it must be truly comforting and heartening to know that they are now back, safe and sound. My heart goes out to all of you.”
Amidst the bleak global Covid-19 outlook, Hon. Wale further points out, “There is no doubt that it is only by God’s grace that Solomon Islands is still Covid-19 free.
“As Christians we must continue to celebrate this divine intervention and not let our guards down in standing united in prayer against this deadly disease.
“I also thank the responsible authorities and our front liners for their ongoing efforts in making sure that all our nationals residing overseas are given the opportunity to return home despite the challenges and obvious risks involved.”
He says that Solomon Island’s fight against Covid-19 has always been about the people and their collective resolve in prayer in keeping Covid-19 away from our shores.
“This should always be at the back of government planning and activities,” says Hon. Wale.
“It is however regrettable that out of the total of 123 students at lease 18 had to be left behind because of visa problems. I therefore urge the ministry responsible for foreign affairs to quickly sort out this issue to allow for these students to be safely returned home also,” the Opposition Leader adds.
Source: Opposition Press